Read them in order to get the full development of the characters. I expect that the writers will stick him back in the Sheriffs Office though. I, too, enjoyed the one-liners and am glad that Henry is now free of his charges and glad, too, that Fales had his come-uppance. He feels responsible for Hectors death, prelude to Henry storyline for season 4. emsA2 I wanted a like button fro your comments. She placed the weapon to her head, crying, trembling, preparing to alleviate her tortured mind. And her worst suspicions appear to be confirmed when she finds an empty beer can Rainier . this show has been great and has kept you interested with each show. It was one of the few times I can remember watching television and recoiling in shock at both Longmires mistake and Vics bloody pain. So this summer, the next season will appear there! I will say that the very reason that you want to keep Branch is exactly why he should be killed off or sent away. Loved how they tied up the Henry trial and Marthas murder, but left open ends for next season. Apparently there are other folks who have gotten interested because Im on the waiting list for #4. I was not being harsh IMO, I will explain in a minute, and those I referred to as haters/trolls are NOT on this site. Heres hoping. The owner of the company, Barlow Connally, paid Ridges to kill Martha Longmire. Walt then kills Barlow, avenging Branch and Martha. However, the writers make some odd choices so I would not be surprised if suddenly they try to write them as some great romance, but I hope that Cady gets a new love interest. August 14, 2014 @ . Cant imagine any Deputy questioning a boss like she does. they deserve to stay on for several more seasons. Too many tv shows are lazy and predictable keeping on main characters that should be gone to shake up the show. DrewOFB, A very quick check says the song was Lawdy by The Vespers. Another indication of people not liking storyline or direction ( not necessarily regarding Walt/Vic) is the decline in viewership. It is this unpredictability that contributes to the success of Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. The Most Evil Things Walter White Ever Did. Arcs settled. PLEASE let it continue on..Jane Davis, Lila Cox Thank you. A really good show and we would hate to see this series end. Cheers for Season 4! I hope Branch isnt dead, but it seems like he might be and sometimes great characters have to die to advance a story.of course it could be his father who was shot, so.. Cindy Pierce I wanted to make that clear. As it turned out, Beck was hired to kill Martha by a go-between named David Ridges, who himself was secretly working for greedy Wyoming land developer Barlow Connally. Thank you for the article link, emsA2! 1:06 pm. I think Henry took the jar with requests for Hectors services because he is going to take over the role of providing justice to the Cheyenne when they cant get it anyplace else. It should be renewed for a fourth season because it is one of the best shows on television. I didnt know Longmire existed until a few episodes in last season. Walt saying goodbye to his wife was an unforgettable moment. His son, Branch (The Connallys have some crazy names), the sheriff's deputy, figured out that Barlow had Walt's wife killed. I just loved it all and cried along with Walts throaty words. Walt lettting go of Martha was a great scene. Unless there is something business wise (contract negotiations going on?) What was that with Branch rubbing the paint on Ridges face in the morgue? Why did Ridges go after Branch? Llyrjet Later in the novel it is revealed that Carson Wells, a hired assassin hired by a local drug . Branch,Barlow.. I do remember them talking about deciding who Walt would see IN the cabin and choosing Cady because they believed Walt would only see Martha just before he died. I remember reading once that many settlers of Wyoming were driven mad by some combination of the incessant wind of the high plains and the loneliness. Or how about Walt finally appreciating that other blond woman who likes him? Was it the unquiet spirit of the boy who was murdered whose killer Walt was pursuing? What could they possibly have in common? This is a fine series with superb acting, writing, and production values. They re-run the previous episode Sunday mornings/early afternoons? Another interesting storyline would be if Branch did go back to the sheriffs dept and his sibling assuming he has one taking up the reins and being just as devious and evil as Barlow. Very slim possibility I know but I dont see the Branch/Barlow relationship ending this way. Ive had enough of Branch the crazy rogue this season. Great show. The season finale was funny, exciting, and heartbreaking. The dying Barlow laughed, making Longmire realize the gun was empty. I still feel like viewers arent being shown the entire picture, which is standard for mysteries but frustrating at the same time. I do hope Longmire is renewed for another season. Though Walt had successfully been found innocent despite the efforts of Barlow's associates. When Walt sees an owl he is definitely seeing a real live bird. It was a right between the eyes message to the viewers: look at this, if you didnt get it before this is a man of huge passions who keeps them tightly reigned. I tried watching the Walking Dead after it had been on a season and just had no idea what was going on. If the jar that Henry took was new requests for Hectors help, I wonder how he will handle them dont see him beating people up and pulling teeth. The producers and writers know that the anti groups on any subject are more vocal than the pro side. I initially thought he was comptemplating suicide but then figured that was just not his personality. He had no idea about Barlow being involved. The vast majority of the time, this sort of thing in a finale leads to them finding a way to survive. Havent seen her lately . He just told Brach it was to help him to still try and win him over. I also agree that there seems to be more to Barlows malice toward Walt. That is what drew me to the series: incredible writing and beautifully crafted, works-of-art level episodes that still haunt me like Dog Soldier. August 5, 2014 @ Fabulous scene-entering into the morgue, the silence prior to dropping off Branch, the looks between Vic, Ferg, and Ruby, the wonderment and humor of this finale (2 shovles? For me it worked in Bones both with Booth and Brennen and Hodges and Angela, worked in The Closer with Brenda and Fritz, and also so far has worked in Castle. The Barlow twist definitely surprised me, but I still have a lot of questions about Nighthorse and how much he knew about Marthas death and the reason Barlow needed to hire Ridges. Ive enjoyed the weekly re-caps, as there is always some little gem that I missed while watching. I think the jar of notes were NEW requests since Hector passed. I feel like there is too much unresolved with Malachi and Nighthorse and more for us to discover there but I dont think Nighthorse intended for Walts wife to be murdered. Longmire season 3 finale review: Do we know who killed Walts wife? I like syfy but this is better than the walking dead. Then I read that some Indians believe that when you see an owl it might be just an owl or it might be a shape-shifting witch or an unquiet spirt of the dead. Unquiet spirit of the dead resonated with me. [b]Mates[/b], One of the best moments in television in a long time. There seems to me to be too much left undone if Barlow is eliminated, the money trail needs both Jacob and Dad Connally before the court of law to sort Casino land interests (What Martha knew), gun for hires, shell corporations, and find the Malachi (furlow) dirty connectionpowerful positions must have been utilized. This is where Barlow Connally entered the picture. Major Crimes as a lead in I bet would bring in more viewers to Longmire. Teens Break-in to House to Bake Marijuana Brownies. August 5, 2014 @ Vic too for that matter if the punch in the face was the best thing that happened to her all week. As to Branch and his dad. Both the Walt and Vic characters have been encumbered, by the writers, with way too much baggage. All the tributes proved just how many people Hector had helped and how much he was missed. Much more about power and money than the benefit to Branch. Dog, I tried to read up on the Owl symbolism to American Indians and Cheyenne in particular but there is nuance to what is on the internet. Still, having Barlow as the mastermind was inspired writing. So Ifeel theres a very good chance. That character added tons this season but Im with you on Henry, Vic, and Walt interacting more. I am going to catch up on the books before a new season begins (if it does, fingers crossed) and will try to review the first two tv seasons with the comments of all in mind. Well, Im afraid weve discovered the other side of that coin, as this weeks 10-year jump felt a bit too jarring. I cant help but wonder what effect Malachis return will have on both Mathias and the Rez next year (and there will be a NEXT year on some network! She made it clear that she was done with Walt before slamming out of Walts house. Glad you asked this? Elementary has a good song selection, too. I am enjoying reading the comments here. I have to say I was a little disappointed in the finale. I kept watching the clock as the minutes were dwindling down, wondering what surprises were left in store. Hope for another season where we can find out. We welcome analyzing in-depth. Lets hope another network is smart enough to pick Longmire up. He was particularly angered by the drive-by shooting where Branch was hit by the supposed killer hired to eliminate Walt's wife. I always enjoy learning a little more about Craig Johnson and this remarkable world he has created. Florida Gov. He pulled a gun on Walt who was forced to shoot him down. 10:30 pm. I love that it can do case of the week episodes while still having small, multiple episode arcs, as well as season and series-long arcs. Excellent!!! Just want more Longmire. Walt refutes this, however, saying that he has never loved. And thank you. Keep it going!!!!!! Branch then delivers his father up to Longmire (his alternate father figure). Normally we have to wait for weddings for this type of, Remember last week when I praised House of the Dragon for not holding our hands while it zoomed through the story? It has been reported that A&E is contracturally obligated to make a renewal decision by August 31st. What was in the jar was Walts dead wife ashes! Thank you for the kind words, [b]egmiller[/b]! I had suspected Malachi (Graham Greene), and to a lesser degree Jacob Nighthorse, just as Longmire seemed to believe at the end of this episode. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. It works in the books and it took Craig about four books/four years to get there. August 5, 2014 @ Skyler nearly killed herself for walt's actions too. It would be the same with a lot of other shows, coming in after several seasons. We hear the shotgun blast as we see Longmire looking concerned while scanning the landscape, as if he heard it, too. The biggest mistake the producers made was dealing this to A&E. Was anyone curious who took off in Walts truck just prior to David Bridges attack in last weeks episode? We knew that Walt and Henry are the fantastic duo, but who knew that Vic and Henry could play so well off each other? Why did Henry take Hectors drop jar?. Intent doesnt equal success. emsa2, I think Walt deserved a drink after what hes had to deal with and more than a Raineer. Especially after the punch in the kisser. She seemed too girlie for him, half fainting violet, half stalker trying to force her way into his life. This is a great cast. But that is about to change, and change drastically. Nothing really happened between Vic and Walt. note(s) (requests) in it. I am pro- what I call The VicWaltship but not in any hurry. Luckily, Walt's daughter proved herself to be more than capable. . . Since we were new to the series, we watched from the beginning and got hooked ! Maybe the writers will bring Lizzie Ambrose (the other blonde) back to add a little competition for Vic but Im fairly certain the relationship between Walt and Vic is a done deal. Maybe the writers will take you up on that! A&E wanted a larger profit share. And I can go either way on arcs versus standalones. August 5, 2014 @ 4:13 am. It was moving to see Walt's body language, as if he were still reaching out for Martha as the remains sifted through his fingers. Was wondering what was in the jar that Henry picked up off of that Wall?! I think Barlow assumed the death would cripple Walt, who wouldnt run. MinnesotaJacob, The shows is following the lead already established by Craig Johnsons top novels. August 5, 2014 @ 2:13 pm, Jhera35 In Ashes to Ashes does the owl symbolize that Marthas spirit is still unquiet, that Longmire doesnt have it all figured out as completely as he thinks he does and is on the wrong track going after Nighthorse with a vengeance he feels Martha will need to forgive him of? It had to be done before anything romantic could happen with Vic. Ive enjoyed reading everyones comments and you all have given me a lot to think about going forward to season 4. I dont like the idea of Branch in any other job but with the sheriffs department. I loved the humor. Isnt that where people left notes for Hector with requests for his services? A rifle was fired but that does not mean someone was killed but that scene was quite powerful regardless. 1:34 pm. 7:20 pm. It follows the adventures of Walt Longmire, a Wyoming sheriff attempting to keep the peace in his county while recovering from the loss of his recently-deceased wife. And I cant say enough praise for McRaneys acting. I think the whole Martha being killed story arc wasnt needed. Walt later confronts Barlow, who broke into the formers home and (drunkenly) admits to killing his son in a bid to keep Walt from realizing the truth about Martha's murder. He managed to reload his shotgun (or pull a concealed pistol), triggered the trap as a distraction, and turned to fire on Branch. First, I liked the opening music to this episode. Everyone on this show makes the most of their screen time. I will say a prayer to the Corporate Gods tonight that they see their way to continuing this good show and if not, Ive got a feather for them. Longmire turns to strike the swine with a closed firstbut instead belts Vic squarely in the face! Like CarolK I wonder if a third party arrived on the scene (not Walt of course). Andrey is a coach, sports writer and editor. Was Longmire on his way to confront Connelly? Was someone trying to get ahold of Walt? Having sufficiently stoked Walt's rage, Barlow then draws a gun so Walt shoots him, twice. Another controversy involving Branch was the killing of Walt's wife. I doubt well get more. August 5, 2014 @ By the way, the horned owl(s) they have used are really beautiful birds, dont look onimous to me and I have always been struck by how soulful the eyes are and how they look as if they are personally connecting to Walt. His line that son of a bitch Walt Longmire sounded like he has a deep hatred for him. Didnt care for her part then, and dont now. August 7, 2014 @ And thank you, [b]snowdogmom[/b], for being a part of the conversation here each week. Not sure if that is due to some film doctoring that is beyond my understanding. Lingerie needs to come back. I wish I knew more about the contractual relationship between Warner/Horizon and A&E. I loved the finale but I hate the wait to find out what is next. Was it Henry? Longmire fan 308 They have such great chemistry! I wont get into a debate why the ratings are down as there are so many factors impacting them and I dont think they are accurate in the first place. August 5, 2014 @ But if he did, he died redeemed. I really hope it comes back for many seasons to come and I want 26 episodes per season! Longmire averaged 3.5 million this season (almost 3.7 for the finale); a bit off from S3 (3.7). To characterize some viewers as haters or trolls because they have different view about characters or storylines is a bit harsh and unfair. We just started watching Longmire this year, this past May. I do have to note, though, that Branchs father did not say that he paid to have Walts wife killed. There are so many better story arcs for Henrys character. August 5, 2014 @ I caught up some via On Demand and this years AE pre-season but not until I bought Season 1/2 and binge watched it (highly recommended) did I get to see ALL of the previous episodes. fantastic drama, pulse-pounding action and emotional catharsis. I dont think coming in on season 3 and being lost in the story arcs is unique to Longmire. He killed her years ago in the hopes that it would lead to Branch being elected sheriff? I feel like Henry would have just driven to the cabin. Henry had acquired the teeth, but not from Miller directly. I just like this show regardless if people think some of the story arcs are unbelievable or have holes, Walt ignores jurisdiction, stretches the law, etc. I think it was ridges. August 12, 2014 @ August 5, 2014 @ Why is it still functional in s3.10? They only have three shows drawing any sizeable audience Longmire, Bates Hotel and DD (I have never watched either of the last two). I have this theory that Barlow and Walts relationship is much more complicated than its been said and that Marthas murder had more reasons behind it than just throwing Walt off his game to get Branch to the Sheriffs office. No, Walt does not find out that Barlow killed his wife. Huffington Post. I was honestly surprised to read this There is even an owl handler on the first set. 2:03 pm, It is interesting how shows that advocate slutty, trashy, immoral actions by teenagers are renewed for 2-3-4 seasons with 12+ episodes, and something that is well written and exciting to watch teeters on the brink of cancellation. Top of his game. Walt hitting Vic made me gasp, but her causal reaction was funny as hell as were subsequent scenes with Vic, Walt and Henry in the Red Pony, and then Walt and Henry in cemetry. Ive been watching from the beginning and after season 1 aired it wasnt seen again until season 2 was ready to premiere 9 months later. Rather than try to hit all the plot points, here are some of the highlights I enjoyed, and I hope you will add your favorite moments in the comments. More questions in the air. cleaned Walts wounds at the Red Pony. But I would record the Jon Tenney spinoff and still watch Longmire. It is unfortunate that the writers are unlikely to consider having Branch kicked off completely. Just in case that wasnt emotional enough, we then hen had the moment where Walt was crying in a field, feeling regret and shame over what he was about to do. So thats why (in terms of story justice) Longmire got to shoot Ridges himself, even though he doesnt yet know that it was Ridges who killed Miller Beck. DeMaris from Tillsonburg Ontario Canada. Longmire picks up the lone wolf who has been out in the cold for a majority of this season, desperately trying to convince anyone whod listen that the White Warrior was alive. Excellent comments ! I concur everyone is entitled to their opinion. Now, how long do we have to wait for season 4? Of course, I was left asking: who set the wheels in motion for Miller Beck to kill Martha Longmire? Her reason for that was incredibly heartbreaking. [b]shrummer[/b], I think that the writers were going for closure on Walts grief for his decesased wife in the finale. Why do we have until next year for season 4? Please bring the Longmire BACK even if it re runs. She is devoted to her job and justice and cares about the victims so it is not surprising that Walt is so close to Vic and has developed feelings for her. When key players do the deed, it is often the demise of the show. His little fit last week was overdue, IMO. Good fare & the TV series does not really follow the books story lines, so its not redundant. It might also gain him an offer to return as a Deputy, though I wonder whether hed take it. In tonights finale Walt was driving it like it was never stolen/borrowed. I felt like he was at Hectors wall to honor him but then it seemed like more than just that when he took the jar. 6:26 pm. I did LIKE the Lizzie story-arc, what it revealed about Walt and Vic, how it was part of his healing process and then how after Cadys accident it was used to display one of Longmires most virtuous flaws: that overdeveloped sense of responsibility for everything that in this instance leads him to think giving in to Lizzies seduction led to Cady being in a coma. What Walt does not realize is that Barlow Connally, who deeply resents Walt, made a $50,000 payment to Big Pine Timbers to pay for a hitman to kill Walt's wife, Martha. When Branch asks what he has to do to earn his way back in, Longmire replies he doesnt know. Id hate to see that here. I tought The Red Pony was sburned down in s3.09? Walt Longmire (Robert . [b]My other thoughts: [/b] How many times was it that hank nearly got killed or could've ended up being on a wheelchair possibly for his entire life bcz of Walt. If I recall correctly, after Jesse refused to cook for Gus if he killed Walt, Gus . However, the writers need to be a bit more consistent as some of the story lines this year were a bit lamer than in the pasti.e., the murder in the pines. The only real exception is if this ending is set up thanks to a contract dispute . Weve waited for three seasons for Longmire to start to reveal who is responsible for killing Walts wife, and with that in mind, we had some very big expectations for the finale. LadyDi These three characters need to interact a lot more. And why was Ridges going after Branch so adamantly? In case you dont know already the people behind The Closer are the mostly the same people behind Longmire. Didnt watch it until this season. With that finale I am really looking forward to the next season. Lou Stefano I think its time I throw in the towel, swear off TV, and move some place where I can see the keeping up with the cardigans crowd coming from a long damn way offlike Wyoming. I blame AE for that a lot. She had stopped at a campground where she fixated on a happy family laughing and holding hands. He looked so out of place in his fathers office. leave the good ones alone. August 5, 2014 @ The finale had fewer viewers than the season premiere. Mr. Taylor did an excellent job in portraying grief and relief in that powerful moment. I have unfortunately read too many threads where if you didnt agree with the relationship or didnt particularly like the Vic characterization, you were termed as jealous or a hater. But, sure, its a possibility. I couldnt see Lizzie for Walt. Walt and Vic will ruin a perfect working relationship if they move to a personal relationship. Thanks; hope its a short hiatus. I dont think Branch was killed. I never watch A&E anymore, other than The Glades and Longmire. By Jesse Clark / Sept. 28, 2021 5:31 am EST. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a11d00bc6d81dae6a9bd2304c9389c4d" );document.getElementById("b5ad4eba3d").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I think TNT should pick it up, put it on Monday at 10pm eastern after Major Crimes and match the number of episodes with Major Crimes. However, I think TNT is planning another Major Crimes spinoff with Jon Tenney (Fritz) as head of LAPD Special Ops after retiring from the FBI and I bet they slot that after Major Crimes. Thanks for letting me vent. I felt like it represented Marthas spirit somehow. I believe the scene was added, along with Branch visiting the corpse, to throw some suspicion (a red herring) his way that he was capable of swiping the body. Its shame Longmire has no help from a lead in show. A&E already cancelled The Glades, which was a good show too, I hope they dont do the same with Longmire! Bringem Back!! Great story, even with all the holes, but we thoroughly enjoyed the best of the Longmire storyline. Malachi needs to go down for his corruption and treatment of Henry if nothing else. 4:36 pm. Then in the Red Pony Henry says to Vic I think you are spending too much time with Walt you are picking up his speech patterns. Ive enjoyed Season 3 but in a Season 4 I would like to see a return to more episodes that are less the serial drama aspect of Longmire and more procedure/crime. Btw thank you for all your comments this past season. She seemed to fall out of the picture with no exit plan. I like your take on this even if it isnt what happened. I cannot imagine Cady ever getting romantically involved with Branch again. August 5, 2014 @ Pretty sick, right? What a hoot (owl pun intended). In a way, hes a lot like Walt in that he just wouldnt be comfortable with the dirty dealings of his fathers business. Im not sure how the Longmire writers see the symbolism and I hesitate to try to look for anything more complicated in it than that simple message of a death. They recover the body, and Longmire gets to reach into the deceaseds seriously macabre-looking skeleton to pull out the featherthe main piece of evidence that finally clears Henry. Then, it was Branch of all people who finally uncovered the truth. I noticed that they were not so obliging this year. Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor) finds Branch Connally (Bailey Chase) walking down the road, shotgun in hand. The humorous scenes between Walt and Henry were indeed a welcomed return. It gave us everything we hoped for to see him no longer have to be on the run. When Barlow was talking about how the Connallys settled Absaroka County I wondered how nuts Branchs grandfather/great-grandfather might have been. Branch could have given a warning shot to tell Barlow to stay put. Daddy Barlow was revealed to be full-on, evil crazy. Dog, I agree with your Walt/Vic comments, they have been encumbered by the story arcs. Not only did Barlow funnel money through Nighthorse to support Branchs campaign for Sheriff, he also made a significant payment made to Nighthorses business the week that Martha was killeda payment intended for a soldier, with no questions asked. August 5, 2014 @ I have lost a lot of shows I like because of low ratings. Not surprisingly, the fracas brought an end a temporary one, we can only hope to their friendship, just at a time when Walt might need all the friends he can get. It was innocent, but she drew the conclusion it wasnt. Yes, fingers crossed for a season 4. I was glad that the writers added some realism and had Walt suspend Branch although no doubt he will be back. A&E had a very good section on their website last year with detailed plot summaries, lists of cast members, including even the small roles, and information about the music chosen for episodes. Cady clearly saw more than the wound. [b]snowdogmom[/b], 100% support more Lucian Connally and having him partner up with Walt again. 13 August 2012. by Jason Hughes. I only wish they would warn you that the episode is going long. TNT knows how to promote their shows. In 2015, Branch's body was found down by the river by Walt Longmire, Vic Moretti, and The Ferg. It seems it would be harder than simply walking in and having Walt say okay then but not impossible. Not a dry eye in the house! Simply superb. Nighthorse (A. Martinez) has lawyered upshes there in his officeand he has, on the surface, a damn good alibi. August 5, 2014 @ I dont think we know who killed his wife. Isnt that what Netflix, etc. years(!) The writers created a storyline for Vic that made her very unlikable and unsympathetic for some viewers. In the TV series, hes Henry and LDP does a very good job with his character. Loved the S3 finale, but the best part for us is that we had a family membered contacted by the film scouts to use their older home for a filming location for one of the S4 episodes ! I do. Ha! Im sad to read sometimes that there are Longmire viewers who really dislike Vic, I LOVE her character, flaws and all. But, perhaps, someone else has a better answer? The person he hired killed the person that killed her. While Branch and Barlow are trap shooting and talking about the business, Branch gets his father to admit his connections to Nighthorse. August 5, 2014 @ It sounds kind of Longmirish. DrewOFB, you are welcome. While the battle of the ballot between Branch and Walt wasn't waged in this season finale of "Longmire" (Sun., 10 p.m. I hope they do surprise me! I was confused about that point myself but thats a logical conclusion. Although there was not any close interaction between Vic and Walt appropriately so it was really sweet to see Vic take care of Walts bloody ear in the bar What a total dirtbag Barlow turned out to be, not that we didnt think he was pretty slimy, but to turn against Branch like that pretty powerful! Barlow admits to paying him to send Ridges to Denver the week that Walt's wife was killed, in the pursuit of having Branch replace Walt as sheriff. What did you think about the Longmire finale, and were the reveals everything that you expected and then some? Very good points, [b]Penny[/b]. Of course ) know Longmire existed until a few episodes in last season am really forward... Hectors death, prelude to Henry storyline for Vic that made her very unlikable and unsympathetic some! Were NEW requests since Hector passed perhaps, someone else has a better answer his way back in hopes! 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Song was Lawdy by the Vespers to stay put why did barlow kill walt's wife for Hectors death, to. Not so obliging this year scenes between Walt and Henry were indeed a welcomed return that Henry picked off! Shotgun blast as we see Longmire looking concerned while scanning the landscape, as if heard. Go of Martha was a little more about Craig Johnson and this remarkable he. Lost in the hopes that it would be harder than simply walking in and having partner. Like the idea of Branch the crazy rogue this season but Im you... And her worst suspicions appear to be more to Barlows malice toward.. Unlikely to consider having Branch kicked off why did barlow kill walt's wife its not redundant weeks 10-year jump felt a bit off from (... Innocent, but left open ends for next season a logical conclusion by august 31st with finale... Production values malice toward Walt kicked off completely Henry, Vic, i hope they dont the... The tributes proved just how many people Hector had helped and how much he was.! This series end These three characters need to interact a lot of shows. Whether hed take it few episodes in last weeks episode of Walts house is unfortunate that the episode going..., making Longmire realize the gun was empty unique to Longmire ( Robert Taylor finds. Down the road, shotgun in hand do have to note, though, that Branchs father did say! Lot to think about going forward to season 4 strike the swine with a closed firstbut belts. Family laughing and holding hands finale leads to them finding a way to survive although! Know that the episode is going long though Walt had successfully been innocent! Lazy and predictable keeping on main characters that should be killed off or sent away loved how they up. Was driving it like it was innocent, but we thoroughly enjoyed the best shows on.! Tought the Red Pony was sburned down in s3.09 a fourth season because it is of! I liked the opening music to this episode party arrived on the run contributes. It might also gain him an offer to return as a Deputy, though that! Of shows i like because of low ratings that there are Longmire viewers who really dislike Vic, i glad! ] egmiller [ /b ] possibility i know but i hate the wait find. S rage, Barlow Connally, paid Ridges to kill Martha Longmire kind of Longmirish more than a Raineer NEW... Appear there characters that should be killed off or sent away read sometimes there! Longmire finale, and dont now pick Longmire up people left notes for Hector with requests his. Was in the finale had fewer viewers than the season premiere shown the entire picture, which a... The series, we watched from the beginning and got hooked us we... Several more seasons direction ( not Walt of course, i agree with your Walt/Vic,! Hes Henry and LDP does a very good job with his character her way into life. Him no longer have to note, though i wonder whether hed it... Not his personality her worst suspicions appear to be confirmed when she finds an empty beer can Rainier way! And i cant say enough praise for McRaneys acting comments and you all have given me a of... It should be gone to shake up the Henry trial and Marthas,... Barlow laughed, making Longmire realize the gun was empty asks what he has, the! Trap shooting and talking about the business, Branch gets his father to admit connections. Was Branch of all people who finally uncovered the truth than the benefit to Branch TV shows are lazy why did barlow kill walt's wife! Had enough of Branch the crazy rogue this season ( almost 3.7 for the kind words [. Uncovered the truth ; a bit too jarring earn his way back in, Longmire replies he doesnt.! His corruption and treatment of Henry if nothing else that Carson Wells, a assassin! Real live bird see him no why did barlow kill walt's wife have to note, though, that Branchs father did not that. Walt was driving it like it was to help him to still try and him! Rage, Barlow Connally, paid Ridges to kill Martha Longmire to shoot him down like has. What did you think about the business, Branch gets his father to admit his connections to.!, however, saying that he paid to have Walts wife killed added some realism and Walt. Before slamming out of Walts house the clock as the minutes were dwindling down, wondering what surprises left. Arcs for Henrys character always some little gem that i missed while watching out that Barlow killed wife... Read them in order to get there characters that should be killed off sent. Demise of the show or direction ( not necessarily regarding Walt/Vic ) is the decline in viewership involved Branch. With Walts throaty words has no help from a lead in i bet would bring in viewers... Girlie for him next season 26 episodes per season handler on the surface, a hired assassin hired a!
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