These lines appear on the Mount of Venus either vertical or horizontally. However, a break in the influence line and defective heart line at the same time . If deep and red, they are serious impediments; if thin and puny lines, they are only annoyances. 300. some fault not his own (303). A positive mount is soft to touch, and slightly pink. If only short lines, they are temporary annoyances. If the Life line be very defective, being thin, chained, broad, and shallow, islanded or broken, and a line of Influence be strong (288), it indicates that while the subjects health has been delicate, some relative has been his mainstay in life. 4-When an influence line begins deep and then grows thin and has gradually grown thinner until it fades away Influence strong in the beginning but gradually grows weaker until it has no effect. If lines rise from the lines of Influence and run to, but do not cut, the Life line, it shows that relatives will uplift the subject, but if lines droop from the Influence lines to the Life line, the subject will be continually pulled down by his kin (309). This is generally the husband or wife, as it is at about this age that most marriages occur. Many times, this line benefits when estimating the time of marriage. Generally, people with this line have a close relationship with their blood relations like parents, mates, brothers or sisters. The absence of lines on the Mount of Venus shows an absence of electrifying Currents, and this calm Mount expends its energy in a love of beauty, gayety, color, art, and dress, instead of in sexual desires. best, means resignation, persistency; and at its worst, stubborn obstinacy. etc. The influence lines on the fate line can depict a variety of things such as: An idea might be what caused the influence, usually regarding career or other important life decisions. 2-A star at the end of a line of influenceInfluence of others negative. II, Lines of Influence from the Mounts of Venus or Lower Mars, or the Line of Life. If this line only cut the lines of Influence inside the Life line, it will be expended on the relatives, but if it cut the Life line it will affect the life of the subject. Remembering that these lines represent other people, and by discovering who these persons are in relation to the subject, you can estimate very closely what effect they have on his life. The influence of Mount Ketu and Ketu line palmistry on life affects a person's life in many ways. If any of these lines are islanded - The love affair in question will have been of a guilty nature. If an Influence line draw away from the Life line and grow thinner at the same time, the influence gradually grows away from its nearness to the subject, and finally disappears (285). c. Merging into or just cutting one or more of the other Main Lines. The line of Life is, according to our hypothesis, the third line which receives the Electric Current upon its entrance through the finger of Jupiter. You can learn about your hand lines and mounts and also know about your future, marriage, career, health, etc. I must state here, emphatically, that I never saw this sign in the hands of people about to be imprisoned or about entering convent life. If there is no Mount of Venus in one's hand, then such a person lives the life of a self-realized person, a sage, and an ascetic. In estimating the Influence line which represents the husband or wife, it should be borne in mind that in womens hands it will begin at from 18-25, and in men from 25-30, these years representing the average years when marriages occur. For instance, if it represents a union/partnership/marriage, we can use the timeline from the life line to guess the timing. Influence Lines to the Fate Line on the Mount Of Venus, Dating a Cancer Man - When you Fall in Love with a Cancerian Guy, The Best Places to Meet Single Women in Charlotte, North Carolina, Divorcing Before Children are Grown - Aspects to Consider, If you're Obsessed with your Ex-Boyfriend Learning to Let Go, How to Cheer up Someone Who's Just Lost a Pet. A black spat - A venereal disease. If the Life line end on this dot, the subject will not recover ; if it go on, he will regain his strength. Like the rest of lines and mountains, this one is presented in different ways in each hand, which indicates the personality . Call / WhatsApp on +919825470377. This the point of origination of the fate line so the line moves forwards and it crosses the lifeline while going towards the mount of Saturn. Whether that gain will come through a wife or not - the nature of Venus mount & lines will decide that. . If the cutting line be a deep one, and the cut line begin so early that you judge it to be a parent, the cause of the cut has often been verified as the father. The line is often associated with luck, destiny, fortune and yields excellent results if associated with the Sun Line. People with medium-size lunar mounts have a good . Influence Lines On The Mount Of Venus These are fine lines that run parallel with the Line of Life, but they must not be confounded with the Line of Mars, or "Sister Life Line," which commences higher up nearer the Mount of Mars. When lines of Influence are deep, strong, and well colored, the influence is powerful; when they are thin, shallow, chained, uneven, or broken in any way (282), the influence is not strong. By itself the marking indicates a check to the upward career. The vertical lines on the Mount of Venus show mainly family influences, whether it be the mother, father or siblings. Semi-circular crossing the Life Line - Sudden illness or even death of the subject. fortune telling with cards; table of card significations; general significances; the seven triplets; the lucky thirteen; triple nines; the mystic cross; colorology. f. Starting from a sign and ending in a sign. The fate line passes through this mountain and goes up to Shani mountain. I, Lines of Influence Inside of the Mounts of Venus end Lower Mars. If this line is present in a man's hand then he gets the ladder to go up in life from women and vice-versa. Only the lines which run inside the Life line are properly lines of Influence. Sun line's presense gives a boost to the existing fate line. Once more I call your attention to the principle laid down at the end of my readings of the Mount of Jupiter. This generally indicates an increase of Venusian qualities, particularly the sexual appetites. Influence lines are fine secondary lines on the palm. They can also represent any person or persons who have had an impact or made a strong impression in their life. The person will get an understandable, loving and caring life partner. #venusmount #palmistryreading#palmistryinhindi #fatelineinhand #palmistery_in_hindi Hi!I'm vidya welcome to my channel In this video we discuss about the Mount of Venus influenced by other lines.Related Searches:palmistry, palm reading, significance of mount of venus, strong mount of venus, prominent mount of venus, good mount of venus, the mount of venus, how to read palms, mount of moon, hand analysis, healing lines palmistry, all about palmistry, lower mount of mars, plain of mars, palmistry lesson, astrology, venus, sensuality, hast rekha, hand reading, occult, palm reading video, palmistry in hindi, learn palmistry, prashasth- the astrology mirror, luxury in palmistry, relationship in palmistry, learn palmistry free, free lessons palm reading, best palmistry videos, eternal nothingness ep, a primitive trait, fish on mount of moon, travel lines on mount of moon, mount of communication and business, star on the mercury mount, mount of mercury palmistry, upper mount of mars, mount of neptune, mount of luna, asmr new upload, asmr upload today, asmr soft voice, palm reading lessons, sign of sensuality, sign of romance and sexuality in palmistry, hath ki lakerain, venus mount in palmistry, learn palmistry with zahra, power of venus, moles in palmistry, palmist, shukra parwat, hasta rekha, prashasth bhushan, venus palmistry, moon pamistry, moon healing, venus energy, energy healing, life force, black dot, life direction, life energy, past lives, palmistry basics, sexual relationship, love matters, mercury mount, occupation palmistry, love affairs, apollo mount, ketu mount, saturn mount, rahu mount, sun mount, jupiter mount, asmr female, asmr lesson, tarot lessons, palmistry course, palmistry hand, palmistry reading, palmistry knowledge, mohabbat|love palmistry, Mount of Venus As result, the person gets help of the opposite sex to achieving name, fame, social prestige, success, and wealth in life. Trident present at the end of the heart line is considered to be a very fortunate sign, especially if it ends under the mount of Jupiter as shown in the picture. A star very near the scrond phalanx of the thumb - A marriage or liaison that will be the subject's whole life. The Lines of Influence are those that are on the Mount of Venus and inside the Life line. An only love. Mount of mars negative indicates anger aggression fire. faint lines barely visible have almost no negative impact. If this line should be revived and gradually grow stronger, the influence will return into the life of the subject and grow in power (284). The sun line, or Apollo's line, is the vertical crease furthest toward the pinky side of the palm, and it reveals public image, legacy, and fame. The Sign of the Moon - An erotic imagination. Acquire the general principles, and apply them with good methods of reasoning to the Influence lines, and they will prove to be an increasing source of benefit. To find the fish sign on this part of the palm can suggest that there is a conception that you take your health very seriously. This planet shows its influence from the 5th year to the 20th year of age. A Brief Resume Of The History Of The Study Of Hands Through The Centuries To The Present Day, The Line Of Head Or The Indications Of The Mentality, The Line Of Head Joined To The Line Of Life, The Line Of Head Separated From The Line Of Life, Crosses And Squares In Connection With The Line Of Head, The Line Of Head On The Seven Types Of Hands, The Line Of Heart As Indicating The Affectionate And Emotional Nature, Influence Lines To The Fate Line On The Mount Of Venus Connection With Marriage, Lines Denoting Children Their Sex And Other Matters Concerning Them, The Girdle Of Venus The Ring Of Saturn And The Bracelets, The Line Of Intuition And The Via Lasciva, The Island The Circle The Spot And The Grille. A much rayed Mount of the Moon would certainly have this meaning. If the mount of Jupiter is well developed, the person will have abundance of will-power and self-confidence. Extreme difficulty within a relationship is revealed when there is an island on the worry line. The meaning can vary depending on where it is. It is found at the base of your thumb. He has little interest in household life. The larger the grille the worse the lascivious tendency. A line starting with several branches from the Line and terminating on the Lower Mount of Mars - Repeated persecutions worrying the subject (a woman) through the passionate nature of the man in the case. The Mount of Venus is associated with a physical body and how healthy we really are. The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes, The Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes, B. 3-When the Lines are deep, strong and well-coloured Influence of others powerful. As stated above the Grille on the Mount of Venus generally covers the whole Mount. The death of relatives also seriously impairs the health of some subjects, and thus in all directions Influence lines are valuable indications. The long-distance travel line is longer than the short distance. But. A spot - Some serious disease connected with a love affair. In all such cases the character of the Life line will tell what this bad effect has been. Usually, there will be a connecting line to the fate line or a new section of life line if the change is lasting. The Line Of Influence The lines are found on the Mount of Venus either vertically or horizontally. A number of those lines - Nervous nature - worried about trifles. The outcome of being warm is the ability to attract people, relations and love towards themselves. "Line of influence." . It can originate from the Mount of Moon between the life and health line, or the Mount of Venus. This section is from the book "The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes", by C. de Saint-Germain. Star is present and distant from Life Line- Possibility of death of a parent at the age shown by the star and a distant relative coming into the life. These Venus Influence Lines are more often found with those persons who The Sign of Venus - Increased qualities otherwise shown by the Mount. It is unbelievable but true, head line does not represent intelligence, knowledge, or skills. These lines are most common rising from the heart line to the success line, showing a heartfelt decision regarding the career, hobby or business enterprise. one extending to the Mount of Sun and the other to the Mount of Venus indicates an excessive desire and fluctuated fortune in life. on the contrary, I have noticed it very frequent!y in the hands of people who had led a recluse's life, either by inclination or by order of court. If an Influence line deep at the beginning gradually grow thinner and end in a star, and Worry lines cross from it to the Life line, which grows thin and has a dot on it, the increasing delicacy of a relative ends in death, and the worry over this case brings on delicacy of the subject ending in a severe illness (306). A circle (very rare) - Chronic ill health. People who are warm and friendly tend to attract everyone towards them. The influence line along the life line can occur at any point. A thoroughly bad sign. It indicates certain help from relatives. Mount of Venus is the goddess of love and romance.That's why the person is able to acquire excellent success with the help of opposite sex. The intensity of the influence depends on the how deep the lines are, if the line is deep then the influence is more. For this and the next observations see also the Chapter on Lints of Influence on, or from the Mount of Venuss. venus; saturn; ruling planets of the years. Venus Mount Crease. The influence line that comes from Venus mount, then goes as an island between the life line, then the head line, and ends to the fate line without going beyond. Got questions? The Sign of the Sun - Idealistic, platonic love. If the Worry line start from an Influence line, the influence has made the trouble. I depend mostly on the elaborate system of the Hindus for using these lines of Influence. The first instance is that the beginning of the fate line is on the mount of venus. They can also represent a supportive partner if along the life line or if it rises to the fate line. The act of breeding, propagating, reproducing, fathering our species is also the act of Venus mount. Rising from Life line - Influence of mother is more in that persons life. This is an indication of the estrangement of some near one. Its area is situated below the headline, surrounded by the Mounts of Moon , Mars and Venus. These lines indicates the extent to which the subject may be influence by others. Lines And Signs On The Lower Mount Of Mars. If so, the line will rise to the fate line somewhere around the head line or directly from the head line. Cross on the Jupiter indicates happy and successful love marriage. You can determine how strong the influence is by checking the vertical line's depth and its proximity to the lifeline. Email : . rules of dice divination; list of . A deep line from the second phalanx of the thumb across the Mount of Venus and just cutting the Line - Great sorrow from the death or faithlessness of some one much loved. Worry Line From A Star On A Mount Of Venus. Anywhere you see a multiples cross symbol, it's a bad omen. Also available from Amazon: The Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes. For me it (this square) is determined by the fact of the subject being confined within very narrow quarters for a long time. In many cases there is a fine line connecting this Influence line with the Life line, showing that the influence has merged into the life of the subject. They can also represent any person or persons who have had an impact or made a strong impression in their life. The Sign of Saturn - A melancholy, morbid - often unnatural kind of love. The fate line passes over this Mount while going towards the Mount of Saturn. The family influence line symbolizes the family affection. See about influence lines here. To a large extent its okay but if in excess then its a waste of energy. The sun or apollo line is the sister line to fate line. This is really an Influence line, but it is an influence upon the health of the subject, sustaining and strengthening it, and does not relate to the influence of other persons. May You Interest 1 girdle of venus in palmistry 2 palm reading - heart line (love line) 3 Strong deep, horizontal lines from the root of the second phalanx of the thumb to the Line of Life - Qvet-powering influence of the opposite sex upon a portion of the subject's life. A semi-circular Line just crossing the Line of Life - Sudden grave illness or even death. A strong sun line will always compensate for a weak or non existent fate line. etc. The name of any line doesnt actually matter, the point is that there is energy coming from somewhere else and helping in some way. Venus indicates "Luxury in life". THE LINE OF FATE INFLUENCE LINE- 1- A line from the mount from the mount of venus cutting the line of fate indicates the death of cross relative or a close friend . 6)Line from mount of Venus to Jupiter mount . The lines are found on the Mount of Venus either vertically or horizontally. Too many crosses or crossing of lines malfunction the planet concerned leading to a negative impact on our life. However, they are not necessarily a symbol of permanent relocation. Lines on mount of Venus. Meaning of crisscrossing lines on Mount of Venus ? If the Saturn line be more than usually good after this period, it indicates that this ambitious partner has spurred the subject on and increased his success. I have never verified this very ancient reading. The reasonthese lines are seen is because the influences have made strong impressions on themind of the subject, and these mental impressions have shown themselves in thehand. 12-A line from a star on the Mount of Venus merging into a good Line of Sun Increase of fortune through the death of a relative or close friend. The reason these lines are seen is because the influences have made strong impressions on the mind of the subject, and these mental impressions have shown themselves in the hand. 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