Some guys just talk about it but they can't find Viet Nam on a fucking map. According to the local media reports, the body was accompanied with a note alluding to the Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas. CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tamaulipas The latest heinous attack by gunmen from the Los Zetas drug cartel resulted in the execution of an entire family including their dog. Then they cut off his head. This kind of crap included. !.looks as though he had copped a beating previously before this vid,probably why he didnt move much when that asshole was cutting his fingers off,he was waling through the ordeal but didnt look like he had much fight in him leftpoor sod.To the people who like thisfuck off back to BestGore where you belong,this sight was intended for a window into the Narco-war and the suffering day in day out of innocents in mexico.That other new vid gettin around where the Zetas are cutting up 3 CDG members is horrific too the screaming i will never forget,ever. (if there is a message in it somewhere can someone say at what point in the video it is shown?) The gunmen murdered a young girl by the name of Estefania Martinez Diaz, a woman by the name of Mara Campillo Mata and a man by the name of Miguel Angel Mendoza. CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tamaulipas Gunmen with the Los Zetas cartel butchered close to 20 victims over the weekend, three of those victims were Texas residents who had been visiting relatives. !-AL QUDS. "No those vids are not humanity and it dont sound like u r a very humane person.what if it was to happen to your kids or you? dismembered Authorities expect more violence to ensue in the coming days. No; To be elegible to attend School of the Americas you have to be a ranking NCO or Officer with an impeccable servce record. chopped governments talk about mexico as if everyone in mexico is a cartel member they should help people by letting them carry guns.. to most of you who dnt know if ur caught in mexico with a weapon ur treated almost da same as a person who killed someone. the first video isnt that bad chivis but the second one damn ive never heard a grown man scream for his life like that. BTWI am not so sure this is the work of CDG..could be but others are saying the message warns this is an example of the fate of those against zetas. There is an article that talks about him picking up the family of a Zeta in Acapulco and he gets icecream for the girl and gives bus fare money to the wife. shut up idiota. I pray to God every night and Keep Mexico in MY prayers, There are alot of innocent People and Children caught up in this miss and MY heart truly goes out to them. Drugs can be sold without bloodshed. "themostinterestingmaninamerica"Dude,i know right from wrong i don't mean to piss you off,im just telling you my truth from inside?Ok,i believe you.I have worked and dealt with violence,it is what it is?I don't mean to piss you off but,you yourself are hurting from all the violence,yet,you carry a Taurus?I use to go to festivals all the time.and your right,it was good man,everyone on the same vibe,but,at the same time,throw alcohol in the mix and see humanity change,good people get all crunk and want to start fighting,people who couldn't hurt a fly if they tried ordinarily.My comment stands,be cool brother,for real. Hopefully we have a complete picture and entire message viewable. to all the people that say that no 1 deserves to die like thiswake up .yes they do deserve to die like this and even doesn't matter they were born into the life,they know what's right and wrong think this is horrible? I watch this video and get bloody sick.I start to squirm if I accidently nick my finger with paper. The group was known for its violent tactics and tight organizational structure. AMEN BROTHER! And Houston has developed into a medical educational and information mecca. i wonder why they never film when they cook their enemies alive only decap videos. Point is he did something to deserve this. February 27, 2013 at 1:28 AM "@3:32pm didnt he mean the second vid wit the Zetas in a canefield killing Golfo's"Ok dude,my mistake,thanks for pointing that out,it looks like your right,i was wondering,thanks man. WOW YO POR ESO CUANDO SEA GRANDE QUIERO SER SICARIO PARA ANDAR EN UNA CAMIONETOTA LOBO ROBADA CON EL ESTREO A TODO VOLUMEN ESCUCHANDO NARCOCORRIDOS Y YO VESTIDO BIEN PIPIRISNICE CON MI CHAMARRA "ESOTICA" DE PIEL DE PITO DE INDIO Y MIS VOTAS VAQUERAS DE LENGUA DE COLIBRY A MI JEFESITA SANTA LE VOY A COMPRAR UN MOLCAJETE "ELEITRICO" Y UNA LAVADORA CON INCRUSTACIONES DE PIEDRAS PRECIOSAS. U sick little bitch who enjoys watching these type of videos! If you were handed the knife? I live in san Antonio and this hits home w me. lmao. Lol everybody color doesn't matter bad people can b anybody !!! Hearing all the scream and gurgling sound.. so why dont you put a camera in your toilet bowl and make a video of your butthole making a shit, yes it happens but is it worth seeing , i dont know maybe youd like watching that sort of thing. This is such fucking bullshit. And it was bad. All these guys end up the same way, on the other end of the sword. you and buggs explained many times why you post everything and allow the world to see unedited the atrocities of this drug war.and no where are you going to be warned so strongly and given a choice to read what occurs or watch. (the zetas did recently post a video where they behead three supposed cdg members in a sugar cane field or cornfield.) Its too late to write them off as bad people who deal drugs. There is no " valor " or " pride " in killing a tied up individual " contra " or not.The Gulfos vs Zetas thing is so played out. Who knows what these men were killed for REALLY? LOS ZETAS are so far from being done like i said before lazca is not dead it not possible that after his death there target of rivals plaza bosses are being executed with such and ease why cant cds or cdg kill zeta bosses or caf bosses or beltran bosses well i guess don arturo que en paz descanse does anyone see what im seeing zetas are just getting stronger keep in mind im not a zeta cheerleader i live in tijuana baja norte but zetas are a very smart and dangerous organization. I just hope that something can be done about these cartels someday if you enjoyed watching this, you need to re evaluate yourself. After a few minutes, four of the men suddenly attack the women, slashing their throats. As if spix don't off each other? Videos are usually executions recorded on videos that have gone viral on the world wide web or on social media. Several other executions and attacks during the weekend brought the total number of casualties to 19 and close to 24 wounded by gunfire. But I admit Mexico is going threw a difficult time but doesn't give u the right to judge fucker go bac to faget university learn some more shit n maybe get fuck in the ass while ur at it befo talking about other people home. These fucking people are disgrace the killers in the video should deserve to die a painfull death. Sick, demented people kill people like this. I am glad that these things are public to allow Americans to see what is going on with our neighbors to the South. Los Zetas (pronounced [los setas], Spanish for "The Zs") is a Mexican criminal syndicate, formerly as one of the most dangerous of Mexico's drug cartels. ?careful BU they see everything! Authorities believe Morales is responsible for at least 72 slayings in the 2010 San Fernando massacre. The most recent murders took place on Friday early morning when a team of gunmen . According to information provided to Breitbart Texas by the Tamaulipas government, the children have been identified as Galilea Garcia Amaya, Mariana Garcia Amaya (both from Texas), Maria Pizana Carrizales and Estephania Guadalupe Pizana Carrizales. 4 Nuevo Laredo Massacres. Information obtained from authorities points to the victims being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Exactly! The vigilantes and military will kill those animal cartel people!!! So we can have peace of mind knowing at least 1 more low life is dead and might actually not hurt some innocent people along the rode if his dumb decision making mind just cause he takes orders and can't make none by himself. I did two tours of Viet Nam in the 70's and HAVE ACTUALLY BEHEADED a HUMAN! Been following this "new war" (see article Beyond Madness: Violence in Mexico) since 2009, and I believe it is important to follow it. and GATEs unit covoy as well.good night world, Thanks Chivis guess im not going to Reynosa Twister, Reynosa its bad my uncle and gis wife live there when it starts to get dark they stay inside and dont open thd door for anything. @2:18pm dude.too much pain and screaming i guess. but get behind a cpu screen and we are so rude and vulgar to each other and yes, I`ve done it in the past. its gotten to be sickening when people actually watch videos of people being killed. Is this CDG executing a Zeta? deadfemale Including some states like durango, or cohuila. Cartel videos related to the cartel. Several other executions and attacks during the weekend brought the total number of casualties to 19 and close to 24 wounded by gunfire. Maybe this guy being decapitated was molested, had a really fucked up upbringing like a father who beat the shit out of him so at a young age he became involved w drugs and shit like that, you JUST DON'T KNOW! These videos are also used as a motivator for their own troops. Whether it be the execution videos made by jacked up for Sadists or sort of PSA's for Americans to see that all is not well as portrayed in the media in the U.S. This people will be punished by God with eternal deathThey are unforgiven for so much cruelty, all the people that enjoy watching this shit will burn in hell,someday y'all be dying too motherfuckers, why do we allow this to happen look over seas this happend and we shut the place down mexico is only a line away and we sit back and watch this idc what they did tooth for tooth i dont agree with it but are you sure that the ppl they killed didnt kill in the same manner in all we just need to shut down mexico send in the marines and let god and them fix it we need this to stop i mean women and kids really i know first had of all the bs in mexico and do no think any one person should live like that all i can say is i pray that god has mercy on u bc i dont and i hope as one said he knows he is going to hell well better you then me but if i ran into you knowing what u did to ppl me and you would have a meeting and i would show u what life is bc i work for god and i wont pray with u when i done ,,, may god bless everyone even you pos that are killing bc god will take care of u. I believe that no one has the right to take anyone's lie away but God. The Zetas in 1999 began to work for Osiel Crdenas Guilln, recruiting former soldiers to create the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel; eventually begins to recruit members in active service of the 15th Infantry . One of the women answers that her brother-in-law is with the Gulf Cartel. The message is fight to the death for nif you may be captured by police or army or an enemy cartel you will be the star in a snuff video.The cartel members all discuss how they would be brave and silent if being executed in a live decapitation. These videos are ridiculous. On April 17, 2012, 14 men, likely Los Zetas members, were found in a minivan, chopped to pieces, allegedly by the Jalisco New Generation cartel, part of the Sinaloa group.In an apparent retaliation, 23 bodies were discovered a few weeks later. We are all the same. They are known for engaging in brutally violent "shock and awe" tactics such as beheadings, torture, and indiscriminate murder.While primarily concerned with drug trafficking, the organization also runs profitable sex and gun rackets. do you know what it feels like to have a family member kidnapped and tortured? What is it going to take for our government to get their heads out of their asses and bring some "shock & awe" to these very disturbed individuals committing acts of savagery on a escalating, daily basis? This was back when Lazcano and Z-40 were still running the Los Zetas cartel. its not the part where you wonder if it hurts only the first few slices hurts , but then from their on it just that when they see them self being cut they scream more but not much pain as one think just panic, but that's what happen when you inform . delta and los pepes did kill a lot of his people and made him scramble but be real what can americans really accomplish in this type of situation? Probably someone does something to you by accdient or intentionally like rob you or break into your car and then that could unleash ur inner sick fuken soul u fuken maniac! I know I will. BTW love the work daily visitor first thing is wake up and see the site very informative. We are winners. As part of the threats, the Vieja Escuela faction has ordered that the relatives of the CDN leadership leave Ciudad Victoria or face a sure death. I was a19 year old kid and since my buddies were doing it I decided I was man enough But After I had allready shot and killed the man. One statement holds true, Karma is a MF. Juana went on to become one of the gang's most feared killers and, after. It's a road to nowhere and they're just gonna meet the same fate that they brought onto these guys. God will take care of all you who are doing this. In the video, thugs ask the women about their ties to the Gulf Cartel (CDG). Video Will not subject myself to that again. I know, I know Imagine how the victims of these presumed golfos felt and If they are legit golfos then they got what they deserve but if not Geez louise this video was a hard pill to swallow. I believe the are a couple kinds of people who turn to BB for these stories. Mexico is a beautiful place with wonderful people and I honestly believe the cartels have the power to turn Mexico into a great prosperous country again if they work together. 12:26, look up La Barbie. Anyone knows what happens to the guy that still lives at the end of the video? wow it must be all that spanish blood.after all it was the spaniards who dismembered and burned people alive. You're no different, you're just another whining lowbrow. also PN had convoy with one armor. I saw this video on facebook. So much pain, hurt, helplessness, death on the other hand, so much inhumanity and aggression. That was just as gross. Their enemies, the Gulf Cartel, began moving their own enforcers known as Los Zetas into the city. Picture shows part of the message but not actually viewable. Fucking narcos. But enrique pena nieto is kind of making it good. The guy talking shit on Mexicans at 12:21 anonymously at the beginning of the thread, his name is Julian hristov. These men in the cartels were born into this life so even if they are cartel members, they still don't deserve to die like this. It is a matter of time before these individuals are begging for their lives too and dispatched like the dogs they are. I did not believe his family is in fear of him though which was proven when they hired one of the best atty in tx when he was arrested.I should repost that old post. You know I understand the saying "Live by the sword die by the sword." It`s bullshit. The evil ones will pay dearly while the innocence ones dead or alive who believe in Christ will rise again. (See Vigilantes Mante. so much for guns kill people. People act like USA is the shit when I cant fuckin leave the house with fuckin shoot out s n shit especial when I live near a white community do I blame the fuckin white people no I blame people with wrong sick minds not the color of there skin ! I live in this area im surrounded by demons like dis.. and believe it or not but I thank prison and street gangs cus their actually are the ones keeping motherfuckers like this away from you and I not cops! Thats fucking scary that you would even want to watch someone get cooked alive.youre probably a future serial killer but do yourself a favor and do it in tx we all know what tx will do to your ass when you do, El chapped dose the same but he don't videoTape it, Its embarrasing to see this mex an south americans kill people an the thought that more than half r tortured to say wat they say an r innocent is messed up an for u haters I am a proud aztec warrior but its just wrong wats going on. The US can find and dump top ranking al-queda members, yet we can't eliminate Mexican terrorists right next door? How can we let this happen to people? The cartel has unlimited resources to have all weapons, ammunition, armored vehicles, military gear, helicopters, grenades, air support (bombs from planes). It operates in more than half of the country's 32 states. 270p Video: Notorious Mexican Los Zetas cartel boss, Moises Escamilla May, 45, who was jailed for a string of ruthless beheadings, dies in jail from coronavirus Jalisco Cartel Nueva. Alive alive So they can see. Editors Note: Breitbart Texas traveled to the Mexican States of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Coahuila to recruit citizen journalists willing to risk their lives and expose the cartels silencing their communities. This is somehow felipe calderon's fault. Anyone want chicken fingers. There's something seriously wrong with our world. The video opens to a scene with eight sicarios dressed in maybe next time god will throw rocks at mexico because i dont see the value of it. CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tamaulipas Gunmen with the Los Zetas cartel butchered close to 20 victims over the weekend, three of those victims were Texas residents who had been visiting relatives. thanks for your time if you do happen to go back and answer it. Those screams will haunt me for a long time. KILL ALL THE ZETAS. Murder and beheading of 4 women by the Mexican cartel Los Zetas. P.S. THAT NEED HELP!! Some of you are talking really tough about watching this video and liking it. Im also glad to see empathy on this site, people start to lose their humanity and feelings after seeing this stuff. "Zetas were School of the Americas trainees,no.In another case, U.S. forces are accused of detaining nine villagers, who are still missing. Ethnicity doesn't matter. gorevideo Zetas behead and dismember four women from the Gulf Cartel. Or u want me to kill pop him first?? and one last note how is caldrion going to teach if he barly specks english have u head him when he talks in the usa he sounds like a retard just my thougts thanks and bye. 1 / 9. execution Probably got killed too? Think about it February 28, 2013 at 4:11 PM "You're no different, you're just another whining lowbrow"as opposed to highbrow?No i was actually talking about wine? I hope the cartels can learn to work together and form a truce because they will be left alone under the current Mexican administration if the murder and kidnapping stops. This video is suppose to show how powerful these men are. You are a sick fuck just watching it,in you mommies basement. Thanks Laredo! Stupid fuck and guess what white people are fat too ignorant bastard!!! But nothing compares to this. in the end he meet good but is was too late to turn back . the person doing the cutting off of the head appears to know what he is doing or did it before, if you notice he does it without getting much blood on his hands or arms & no blood squirts up hahaha.funny people always blaming zee,its like they wanna make sure spotlights always on Zee,if it was a Zetas clip you'd know straight awaycause the Zee's tell it to you on the clipWhether its CDG dying or zetas or even CDS,know one deserves to die like thisunless your a pedo. Any thoughts Mexico might be the only place where a nation is at war against itself when is this gonna stop never at this rate the war is not stopping golfos zetas sinaloenss jaliscenses michoacanos all hate each others fucking guts its like ethnic cleansing only difference is what state u were born in ir ur a tamaulipeco in sinaloa u have zero chance of being alive if cartel members find u and same story in nuevo laredo if ur from sinaloa fuggedabout it and so on its disgusting, hey, you guys should put the videos on a secondary forum section for videos. I can't sleep after watching this. The first gruesome narco vid i watched was the manuel melendez vid, that vid left me shaking ,this was horrible but it didnt get to me as much as others are saying, but still this is awful how a paisano can do this to another paisano over some meaningls "drug war", I believe the zetas in this vid are comandante viernes and his man he controls this area they mentioned he was captured 2 days agobut for some reason realesed,What i dont get is why the blogs never follow up on the victims , interview there familys , see what they were like an if they were realy part of this, that be intrseting to see, Soon God will judge for those who done evilsouls will consume to eternal suffering..tell youu. It's just some baptist university texas football school, those type of schools are all over the southern regions. They are surrounded by 13 masked men, apparently Los Zetas hitmen, who point their rifles at them. the border is like the butthole of america and the farther south you go is the sphincter, the reason american schools are lacking is because of all the mexican kids that couldnt care less to learn what is taught in our schools so we have had to dumb down our system to cater to them, basicall gumming up the system, and dont act like texas isnt filled with way fatass mexicans driving around in checy or dodge trucks. Many of the soldiers were from good and decent families "yet" despite this they became depraved killers. Basically they have more than any police force does in Mexico. then at 00:59 seconds it says "esto es del cdg culeros eh, y a todos les va pasar" which means " this is from cdg homos, this is gonna happen to everyone" (everyone that is a zeta). Los Zetas' and Gulf Cartel's areas of influence, Oct 2013 . i hope every bastards of those video makers related share the same fate in the end but the knives are to be dull so they are to be death slowly i don't advocate the victims but they are also the same humanity with us Even any animal doesn't kill other such like that in vain meaningless Humanity is the only animal whose cruelty is especially grotesque!! I feel sorry for all these narcs that are murdering people, torturing them, yeah they probably snitched or did something else but no one deserves to die like this no matter what they did. We have a name for people like u in america that enjoy watching this stuff.they are called serial killers.what have people become when they enjoy watching someone get decapitated? You are really willing to go to hell for money? Suicide by jumping. Living on my own work 2 jobs actually working hard for a good future, unlike you lazy probably work minimum wage help out your parents on bills now feeling like a big shot and I know for a fact lazy due to the fact that you are even to lazy to type correctly on a screen where actually the only muscles you use are your FINGERS! How humans can do this to one another?When you come to this site daily or weekly you start to become a little more numb every visit. you are you talking in circles ,not only are you using up the battery on my phone reading this novel of nothingness that you put into words please " stop" and think before you write. Of schools are all over the southern regions these guys people being killed watching it, in you basement... Matter bad people can b anybody!!!!!!!!!!!. People being killed spanish blood.after all it was the spaniards who dismembered and burned people.... Mexicans at 12:21 anonymously at the wrong place at the wrong time was spaniards... 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