Smoking is the burning of processed tobacco, which releases over 7,000 different chemicals with every inhale. I havent met anyone with my symptoms, I did actually. It takes time to get use to something you have never done, JUST LIKE THE FIRST CIGGERET YOU SMOKED. The authors suggest that vaping may cause mucosal injury, oxidative stress, and DNA damage. Stephen, thank you for your insight. Id like to point out, that this is a valid as any for people doing their research. Nuts Are High In Fiber. Patrick, France. DYOR!! Now I started to vaping and no problem. Im not doing anything else any differently. Duh. But you'll also notice fatigue, bloating, dry eyes, and extreme thirst. You got dizzy,light headed,sick, and many other side effects over time you get use to it. I did manage to get back to sleep, and I havent vaped today but I still feel anxious and scattered. Thats not cool, I used to smoke cigarettes like a chimney Id get severe headaches from smoking so many then a few years ago I switched to vaping at first all seemed well, now its taking its toll every morning Im getting post nasal drip, coughing, severe dry skin accompanied by severe itching to the point I thought I had bed bugs but thank God I dont Im so done with with this crap! With some trial and error I figured it all out. -Joseph. I hated the taste. Watermelon is mostly water, so it can help you rehydrate and reduce bloating. One common cause of bloating is constipation. Because of that, many people want to eat right after smoking. Vaping tends to strip moisture out of your lungs and if you don't drink lots of water, it may lead to you being slightly dehydrated, which could enhance bloating. I need to just quit all together but Im afraid if I dont vape, Ill smoke cigarettes again. Its not. I didnt realize vaping had a drying effect. I will not buy dark ones because they fey your coil right away and taste like trash. I quit vaping and smoking and started on oxygen from outside and eating better. Simply change your behavior patterns and go back to basics of human living. I switched to vaping two years ago. Otherwise, I have a very healthy lifestyle and vegan diet. I now run a .5 ohm coil at only 18watts. The vg/pg = vegetable glyceryn/ propelyne glycol. Popcorn lung is caused by diacetyl, commonly found in many flavored nicotine liquids. so I am also worried because I like my e cigarette and dont want to give it up. Sogo stop Hillary first.then ill listen to your stupid gaping problem and ill show you how easy it is to quit vaping. I believe the HUGE problem is in the e-liquid and people are just unaware. Along with other side effects, It caused me to cough up blood after two weeks of light vaping. I was wondering if this is normal or if I am creating it all in my mind that inhaling this crap is making me sick? It's all in the name. Especially when you done some of the most harmful things to your own body. Vaping worked but there are some bad side effects for me. Have you found anything that helped? Of course, the more you vape, the more water you have to reintroduce. He is trying to quit and is using the Juul. I was smoking a pack and a half a day, and started noticing I would get out of breath walking across a parking lot. Stay at a low volume and o out the nicotine. If there is nicotine in the e-juice, then that also adds another dimension to some of the side effects. or vomiting after using a new juice within a couple of days after starting the new juice>?? Are you insane? You are using an out of date browser. Stomach: Vomiting and nausea. Try something like 3-6 mg. BUT, if you smoke and want to quit instead use the patch. I feel awful after vaping. I'd hate to send you back through that but Dr's can be wrong. Better than smoking. Go to an e-liquid with a lower nicotine level until you no longer experience the uncomfortable side effects. SteveS45 Diamond Contributor ECF Refugee I am a newbie to vaping after 40 years of smoking. If you have to question anything about your ridiculous vaping habit then you just need to quit. I have tried different percentages of VG and PG but it didnt help much. Please do yourself a favor, stop wasting your money and abusing your body. And I just started getting diarrhea and bad headaches. Hope this helps anyone seeking out more information. The doctor also told me that people have been going in with fungal infections in their lungs from vaping. Where is all the people that are getting chemical burns? I no longer wake up in the morning feeling like total crap. Chronic gallbladder disease involves gallstones and mild inflammation. Drink Water. Sad fact. Started at 45mg nic level and am down to a 25mg level now. I know many people with IBS who say nicotine helps them. But it is known that nicotine is a highly addictive substance. I have smoked a pack of smokes every two days for years. Heart and circulation: Chest pain, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. docause gasbloatingEnsureHere are 11 proven ways to reduce or eliminate bloating. These things may have helped delay the effect but several years ago, I noticed my breathing not being as effective at resupplying oxygen to the blood. I went into a panic but when I stopped vaping all these pains disappeared within an hour. Get the real facts folks, and focus on healthy addictions, like this one. I still have the occasional craving for one, but I just take a couple good hits on my vape pen and the craving goes away. Just a WAG here, but perhaps quitting smoking made you anxious and created a cause and affect situation. Over 2 & I never cough when I wake up like I did with cigs. Collagen can cause bloating and gas. This is also. I never comment on these things but I had to in your case. But Im trying to piece together why he is so sick all the sudden that would be a massive coincidence to happen right when he started using his Vapour. I am using 9mg of Criss-Cross liquid and will eventually lower that as well. Some people are indeed having various kinds of reactions to vaping, and your husbands would not be unique. Or, if this incident has scared him enough, maybe he could get the strength to quit altogether. 3. 1 This article will explain how to treat these symptoms and what you can do to reduce the amount of air you swallow in the first place. They makes excuses and refuse to accept facts. A lot cheaper that smoking and better for me. Most significantly, diacetyl exposure from cigarette smoking is significantly higher than exposure from vaping, perhaps as much as 750 times higher. the nasal cavity pressure and tingling in finger/toe tips ive never heard of anyone experiencing, id consult your doctor about that. Wet lung (or acute respiratory distress syndrome) symptoms include difficulty breathing, coughing, blue, palish skin, fatigue, and dizziness. 4 Reasons Why Nuts Make You Gassy And Bloated. I also have a child and we do not vape around him do to the fact he is young and in all honesty Im quit smoking not him so why let him breathe something he doesnt have to. This is far worse than when exposed to cigarette smoke. Cigs are disgusting now! I am currently vaping right now and I am having the side effects of nausea dizziness feeling light headed heartburn pressure on the nose cavity tingling in toes and fingertips should I be worried? I probably have some type of chronic respiratory problem now. I am worried because this lady of 82 now has her own coughing and lung issues going on waiting for xray reports an infection but I did not tell them about this going on in our home. If the bad side effects of vaping are too much to deal with, the best thing to do is quit. Any thought? If you are experiencing chest pain and it seems to be the result of vaping, change the device power, nicotine content, reduce the level of nicotine, change the vaporizer (coil) or stop vaping for a while. I know for a fact that this was caused by the Juul Vape Pen. And when you exhale which means second hand to someone else!!! I had a horrible outbreak of dermatitus. No additives. I am worried about both of these individuals now. Either way, they can both be used with premade coils now. also I rarely vape as its not habit forming or addictive for me like the chemicals in cigarettes, I have none of the side effects as below because I donr blow a cloud of vapor that I can walk through like most young people that vape, I vape a few times a day and some days not at all. The people who only vaped drew longer deeper hits as most seem to be seeking a large cloud each puff. You can simply up your fiber intake through food, but it's important to note that the natural fiber in foods like prunes and beans can cause gas and bloating for some people. I could not relate the symptoms and experiences presented with my situation as I have had none of the side-effects they table. Chest pain was the most dominant side affect. The high mg would make me cough and feel sick. If you do then you must be extremely naive. Went from 2-3 packs a day plus a can of dip at my peak. I was a chronic user of vape pens. This has happened to me before. I cant tell if anyone answered you, but the dark oils tend to have more sugar. Vape banana flavours it helps with cramps. I am hoping to reduce my vaping so I feel I am doing something good for my body. Its a shame that our gov. Yeah Ive been getting these weird chest pains on my left side when I vape. Ive been vaping for 2 years now, 6mg nicotine, no hoarseness or cough . So I tried vaping and I never looked back. Especially if you are adding nicotine on top of this?! I have smoked for 40 years and just started vaping a month ago. I have been doing some research on ejuice, vaping and am quiet shocked. If the discoloration persists, you should probably get checked out by a medical professional. Since switching to vaping that has entirely gone away and my breathing had largely bounced back. Im 54 and feel better and in better shape than I have been in years. I am having nose bleeds, I changed liquid and thats when it started. MELO* I meant. If youre doing it to be cool, all youre gonna end up with is a nicotine addiction at a very young age. Now cold turkey, that is what u get >:( dont smoke or vape. If you have problems drinking regular water - you can drink Sparkling Water - but steer clear of additives. But, unfortunately, even the safest foods we eat can sometimes have side effects! the reason why im disappointed is because after reading about 25 comments and this article. Once I thought about it I realized it started right after I got back from vacation . I cannot say everyone will have this type of result I can only speak from personal experience. If you do begin to feel a tightness or soreness in your chest, its best to stop vaping and see a doctor immediately. But I think I have abused these harmful chemicals long enough! Dont believe everything on the web. I can't specifically address your issue - I mean I don't know what ingredients are causing your symptoms - but I will tell you that vaping Splenda heavy juices gives me a headache (while ingesting splenda in larger amounts will give me a weird rash) and I have an Earl Grey Tea flavoring that I have used in making DIY ejuice and the bergamot dry tartness makes my stomach burn (tastes really good, though). You are seemingly judging everyone else and claim to have quit dip cold turkey (which has no relevance on the real data on addiction and the dangers of cold turkey), but you also incorrectly say you dipped snuff* for years if you dipped or used snuff for a month you would know they are two different things. I have been smoking for more than 30 years. I enjoy vaping. Started out at 21 mg. this helped me get over smoking 6 to 8 months best part I lost 30 pounds doing it, Later I began stepping it down to my current 3mg. Why not conclude that youll look more into the good and bad effects of vaping and how to make it better or something like that.Other than this I have no more to say to the whole thing. Honestly I love vaping in what you said is all true like it gets you in a good feeling dizziness lol but walking up stairs while dizzy is a job. Im sure vaping will have negative health affects but at least its looking to not be as bad as smoking. Positive effects of cannabis use on the GI tract. Insane. I find if someone is smoking a cigarette near me it does not bother me to much . After chest X-rays, I was diagnosed with Pneumonia in the upper left quadrant. Gosh I cannot believe that vaping is worse than starting tobacco on fire with over 5000 chemicals in each drag,.. is worse for you has anyone experienced the runs with vaping? It is not cool, it doesnt look sexy; it just makes you appear ignorant. Point in fact they cling to everything, your lungs, clothing, walls, inside of cars. Excessive belching or flatus, accompanied by bloating, pain or swelling of the abdomen (distention), can occasionally interfere with daily activities or cause embarrassment. Keep a record. All the negative stuff is bull or an idiot not using their vape the correct way. Multiple studies have demonstrated that cannabis can be helpful in the management of, IBD, IBS, fibromyalgia, Crohn's, and cancer-related anorexia and cachexia (appetite loss and muscle wasting). Example Im gaping at 6, I would drop to 3 and see how it goes. (It's your salt-to-water ratio that matters.) I beg the differ, any kind of help would be great. Tobacco is a known irritant to the digestive tract that can cause bloating, cramping, gas, and stomach rumbling. Vaping is only a crutch and introduces new younger generation. Plus I have had a T. I A before. Some affect it differently. I guess i will see how it goes in the next month? This. . But it was costing too much so I went with a different device that I could refill & I was only spending $20 a wk & now I hate the smell of cigs. I feel bad for that baby, that is not right at all. The throat hit comes more from the pg content while the flavor and cloud comes more from the vg. Besides saying it reduces harm is far more truthful, preserving integrity. I was a smoker for over 25 years. Hope everything goes well. First, try changing all the settings. Everyone I tell says Im having too much nicotine but thats not possible, it is something else. Vaping is proven to be 95% safer than smoking but nothing you put in your body can technically be called 100% safe. The toddler keeps getting a bad cough and now he sleeps real hard and did not before and I think he smokes it in their bedroom where he sleeps and also not sure and I dont know the name of it but it is suppose to be legal comes in a tiny ball shape that this is what he is smoking in that vape. However, it also stated that there is not enough short and long-term data on the side effects of vaping too much to come to any definite conclusions. Headaches, high blood pressure, diarrhea. You could also have celiac disease or are gluten-intolerant and the oatmeal is contaminated with gluten. should schools be able to fine me for having it on me there was no nicotine in the juce and i didnt use it. Young people don't learn real maths. Vaping is a way people are quitting smoking woman! He made the switch to vaping about 3 years ago. The side effects of vapingcan be many things from a cough, dry mouth, and even shortness of breath. ( , ). I smoked for 30 year 2 packs a day began have some issues so I needed to turn to something better. I miss smoking every day (the act not the stinky smell) but if I want to have a shot at living beyond my current age of 48I can never smoke again. Id get nauseous and light-headed. Im sixty three now and started vaping three years ago but just quit smoking fourteen months ago. Inflammation in the chest is a typical symptom of vaping-related illnesses or regular vaping, but it is not always an indicator of serious disease. Like with any other habit, vaping can lead to addiction. I feel like lighting a cig and blowing the smoke in their face and ask if they like that better. I don't know why PG, VG or flavoring would matter but I can be wronger than Dr's. just wait though, eventually, some REAL research will pop up, go viral, and put these pigs into bankruptcy. I initially stared vaping with JUUL,but since you buy pods that contain a fixed amount of nicotine, you cannot taper down. I would consider myself a heavy vaper due to driving hours and all issues are now gone. I am cigarette free now for over 3 months. I knew when I replaced smocking with vaping I had to go without nicotine forever . However, vapor or e-liquids dont have anything to do with canker sores, but failure to keep the mouthpiece clean is the issue. Granted vaping does require a slight learning curve. Most people don't associate smoking with gastritis, but it's been shown that nicotine and other toxins in cigarettes increase production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which can cause a bout of gastritis. There can be various causes of chest pain from vaping. And so here comes vape, claiming to be a healthier alternative and a new trend of vaping takes over. But there is not enough long-term data on nicotine vaping to say what happens to a persons lungs who vapes everyday. Just got back from the doctors because of lumps on the back of my tongue and very dry mouth. Like most of you who are trying to quit, I started at a high level of nicotine and have dropped down to 6 mg now from 12mg. I know that finding the bad effects of vaping is good and all to prevent more damage but still why would you conclude that youll look for the bad effect. Sounds like you needed a lower nicotine level. Thats why always keep your vaporizers away from kids and pets. It can also lead to tightness around your abdominal area, which can last for hours or days and can result in episodes of flatulence. Thats the reason i started vaping. I dont get that gotta have a cigarette feeling at all. She coughs so bad she cant breathe whenever she tries. switched the vap in May and havent had a smoke since. I tend to like the fruity flavors over the sweet stuff. Its normal for people with copd to have a reaction do to the lungs taking in a chemical and a vapor substance this doesnt mean its bad it just means it irritates you not everyone. Not enough water. I never heard of that in my 6 years of vaping. I knew smoking was damaging my respiratory system but seeing my dad die from Lung cancer frightened the shit out of me. . I've been away from forums for a few years (since diagnosis really, been focused on learning from IBD specialists so I could make sure my GI was up to date on quickly evolving treatments). The Harvard press release drawing attention to diacetyl in e-juice caused alarm among vapers and quickly became ammunition for vaping opponents who now had a life-threatening, rare lung disease on their side. Hi Olive! Recently I have had a headache, neck ache, sore throat, bad back, pains in the rib cage, pain in the left arm, pain in the armpit, stomach upset and flatulence. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I logged in here to check if anyone had these problems and I do. Your lungs sound very clear and I responded with a joyous YES! With COPD you may not feel the same results. I discovered the coils would last for months at this setting so long in fact I was fearful of bacteria growing in the chamber I began cleaning it every few weeks soaking the chamber its parts, and wick in good quality vodka for an hour. 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