He's not Landon and casts a sleeping spell on him. She talks to her uncle Kol and he gives her an idea, which she contemplates. Hayley later takes Hope to live with her and Jackson in an apartment across the street, as Klaus watches on from a distance. She can feel her daughter and she leads Klaus and Elijah to the witches. Their conversation is cut short by another creature, the Vitruvian Man. It's not just a place. He explains that the gods are his extended family and he knows them all too well considering they cursed him. Hope pins Aurora to the wall, letting her hang by her hands as she recovers. After Klaus hears of Hayley leaving the house, he berates her and demands to know what she was doing. Alaric prepares to go after Ryan, but Hope refuses to kill him. Ken doesn't understand how, but as she claims, monsters rarely do. Lizzie eventually returns, but loses the Merge. Hope believes he doesn't trust her but he reminds her that she is still her father's daughter, no matter how much power she'll have. After Josie is bitten and a boil appears, they see a swarm of locusts and go for cover in a shop. Landon expresses that they would like to remain united and why they need him. These tensions are increased by the qareen, who causes issues around the Salvatore School, which eventually leads to tensions between Hope and Landon they are able to ratify these, however, when they realize that they are being influenced by the qareen. As Freya sets an extra plate, Kol arrives just in time. Hope Daniella Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, she was a former majorly recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Cleo comes and claims the spear for herself and clarifies this is her judgment as a Fury. He responds, telling her yes and no. She learns from Kaleb that he and Alaric lied to her about Landon, and head back to the Salvatore School. As she struggles, Lizzie appears to her, having entered the astral plane to taunt her. One that was decent, kind, and loving. Hope doesn't understand why she can't leave, but Freya tells her that it's because she doesn't really want to, at least not all of her. She tells him that he doesn't want to be "Ryan" because Ryan is dating Trudy, who gives off vibes of upper 30s desperation. In Alone with Everybody, Hope is with her parents as her mom takes them to her old friend Hollis who is surprised to learn since the last time he saw Hayley she had since become a mother. Kaleb wonders what they can do next, but Alaric tells them there's nothing they can do, yet, unless the wolves can pick up a scent and they have to wait. She can relate to that, as she too was trapped in Malivore before. Shortly after, however, Hope finds herself on the football field of Mystic Falls High watching Landon being killed by the resurrected dragon. She faked Hayley's kidnapping to lure Klaus back into New Orleans. When Freya returns from trying to find Hayley, she shows Hope her mother's phone and that she has disappeared. Ryan runs from the Argus, circling back and around, ensnaring the chain on filing cabinets, stopping the creature from reaching him in a dead end turn. Hope points out that just leave him and he assures her that he'll hang back and support them with cover fire, so long as his leg holds up. Ben points out that the tree line will prevent him from using lightning strikes. She questions why she's stealing the artifact and better yet why her locator spell wouldn't track her. Stopping her, she wants to know where she's going. She couldn't have known. His plan was perfect. Parroting Alaric's earlier comment to her, Hope poses the same answer, explaining that she's maybe afraid of getting an answer. They devise a plan to use Landon as bait and plan a trap to capture the creature. She could have been killed. MG crumbles under the pressure and asks Alyssa where she has hidden the ascendant. He asks if the Necromancer ever revived, but he didn't. Lizzie is concerned that she cannot win and runs away, which leads Hope to enact a plan-b. Hope rests on her bed at the school and MG knocks on the door, asking if it's a bad time. Panda promise. True to his word, Hope transform completely into her wolf form in a matter of moments and has the Hollow extracted from her successfully. She was holding on to her because she was scared of losing them all. All she sees is her making it worse, and everything reminds her of Landon. Landon tells her that Penelope informed him about her keeping secrets from him regarding his mother. She elaborates to him that when she was struggling with him being gone, she kept pushing her to find a way to move on. Later Hayley is sitting in her room in the compound when Klaus walks in. Before Malivore can continue his plans of torture, they're engulfed in a bright white light and they're expelled from his consciousness. Back at the school, Hope storms into her dorm room with Alaric hot on her trails. Jen tells her it's a long story, but refuses to elaborate on the details. As long as they're together, they can beat him. In This Feels A Little Cult-y, Hope is late for the theatre class rehearsal. Hope points out that she did, but Landon reminds her that she's still here, The Ferryman wouldn't be trying to send her back if she weren't. As they make their way back to the school, Landon tells her that he doesn't know where the scythe sent him. Her death was faked to protect her. That, however, is something they'll have to figure out. Hope rushes Josie and throws her through the gym doors. Her humanity believes otherwise, and bashes her up against a concrete block. She didn't want to feel that pain again. An open gate signifies an entry point into a new beginning, while a closed gate usually means there's something holding you back. In You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know, Hope walks through the campus of Mystic Falls High School as Sheriff Machado arrives. Not only does she SUCK at acting, but she's plain old annoying in every way. In Savior, Hope attends Christmas with Jackson, Hayley, Freya, Elijah, Rebekah and Camille at the Mikaelson Compound. Alaric wants her to prove it, to use the Manticulum and ask the question. She reminds him that she told him to stay away, but he wonders if she's going to ask about what he saw in the real world. The rest you can't control and you have to make the most out of the time you have left together. Quite a break-out opportunity for a budding starlet, and one that must have prepared her well to take on her career-defining role in The Originals. Later, walking through the hallway, she finds a poster for a musical on a bulletin board - Salvatore: The Musical. Lizzie berate her because she wanted to end it, until she didn't only to start torturing her. Ken has had enough. She turns away from them as she refuses to make the same mistakes her father did - caring about family or love. They should have told her. The time has come, however. Hope believes that dealing with one Saltzman will be hard enough. Aurora stands watching events unfold, not willing to intervene. She does not believe that Landon should continue to train to be a "hero", and finds it questionable when he believes he can fly. Hope wakes and finds Alaric and Ben going over battle scenarios with a chess board and the manticulum. Klaus is Hope's father, and even though he refused the child in Always and Forever, he soon accepted her and was determined to not behave as his step-father had, and to raise his child differently. She reassures him that she's not dead and will heal, but she fought a god. While out with Hope, Cami removes her band-aid from her head and discovers her cut is healed. With Lizzie by her side, they astral project into the prison world. In her vampire form, Hope maintains her golden yellow eyes but with an addition of vivid red at the inner corner on her irises. Alaric respects her decision, but he won't let him hurt the people he loves, his daughters or students. She is Nature's loophole that could be used against Malivore. Hope is adamant on turning, but Alaric believes there's another way. Hope mocks her, wondering if that was her big swing to flip her humanity, but Rebekah questions why she brought it up. The letter ultimately wishes her well and hopes that she will live out the rest of her eternal life doing all the things they talked about. Hope awakens, as Alaric watches over her body, with the astral projection complete. She retorts that if the price of that stupid toy is her humanity, then he can keep it. Lizzie appears behind him and siphons from him, but she's overwhelmed and blown back by a gust of wind. She admits that she was envious when Niklaus and Hayley had the miracle that she is. She states this is their Salvatore School Monster Warning Service and there's yet another monster on the loose, but the true threat to all our lives is Hope Mikaelson. Hope believes this to be more about Josie, to which Lizzie eventually admits to. my tribrid baby is back and i needed to do this also i missed matching my wife @lizzie-saltzman. After reuniting with Alaric and Emma, Emma uses a spell to send an electric shock throughout the students and teachers to get the slugs out of them. The Necromancer was full of it when they trapped him, so the prison world must be radioactive with it and now it's infecting them. Hope wants to know what she said, if that she said it back. That morning, she seeks Alaric's advice on her dream. Klaus then leaves Hope somewhere safe with Cami while he kills Dahlia and Esther. Hope suggests that she stay behind, under the premise that a monster cannot come from Malivore if one remains, however Lizzie disagrees and knocks her out, attempting to take the Keeper's deal. Jed tells her they've already learned a few things about the gods as well as having met Aurora. Jen claimed that the spear was a lethal combo for the Tribrid if it stabbed her in her heart. He questions what she's going to do. Humanity Hope appears before her as Hope tries to regain control. She also begins to wear more rings, hooped earrings, and less necklaces, having given her Mikaelson necklace to Rebekah. At first glance, he'd assumed it was a forgery, but based on his preliminary analysis points to the sarcophagus being ancient. With the final preparations complete, Hope and Lizzie instruct Josie to step out of the circle and under no circumstance not to enter it, once the spell begins. As they continue to trade blows, Hope falls to her knees, her wound spreading like an infection. Hope makes it clear that she could kill them all, though they're well aware of that, just like she knows they will do just about anything to get her humanity back. Klaus explains that she had to go away for a while, and now she has returned to be protected by the newly formed Crescent Wolf Pack. He tells what happened in Maryland and they find MG who's wounded in the woods, Rafael would have bit, it's also when seeing MG that Rafael remembers everything. In You Have to Pick One This Time, Hope approaches Malivore, confined to his cage in the school's gymnasium. Hayley then tells him that she didn't use it, Klaus asks her why, as she could have been free from "all of this." On the ride home, she and Lizzie talk more, and when Hope tells her that it wasn't her who did those awful things, they both look at Josie, who has a guilty look. In The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do, Hope learns that Landon, Rafael and MG have disappeared, she immediately thinks they are dead because her location spell doesn't work. Alaric explains that her emotions will be on overdrive and she'll be disoriented. He wants to give this to her and asks why she needs to see her dad and wonders if it's worth losing yet another piece of him. He shares Malivore's memories and knows she's already a tribrid. She's in transition. When they repeat a dance, she treats him of gigolo, vexed, he thanks her and suppose they will see at the party but Hope says will not preferred to stay alone in his bedroom, Rafael doesn't believe her because everyone needs a crew, they end up arguing, so he starts to leave the gym but is blocked because of a boundary spell, Penelope shows up, apologizing and saying that this is not personal and they will be free in an hour. He jokes if it's ski poles or golf clubs, but in fact it's the only weapon that can kill her. She's still mad at Cleo for killing the leprechaun. Hope, however, has another question. Wade has adjusted the stats, though doesn't see how this is much of a battle upgrade, though Rupert believes much remains to be seen. Once her humanity returns, Hope leads her friends in the final battle against Ken. She also says that, though Niklaus is a dangerous person, there is hope for him, and the baby is a focal point of that. Gates are a common symbol in dreams as they represent thresholds in life. Hope is through with talking, but MG wants to explain his reasoning and tries to convince them to wait. He remembers being the Necromancer, but only in pieces. The meal and spell was a stall. The next morning, Hope packs up Ken's spear and drops it off with Wade in the mailroom. She is then told by Freya that the witches think she'll destroy New Orleans. In Phantomesque, Hope goes after Hayley into the pendent, though she's warned not to open any doors. Andi reveals that she's preparing a summoning and needed power as she performed an unbreakable covenant spell-a sacrifice was needed. She is the first and the candle bursts into flames. Death only lasts a moment. She wears primarily black or deep reds in the form of jumpers, boots, or jackets. Hope questions if he knows what it is, but he doesn't, exactly. Hope questions how long they have been in Malivore, but Clarke does not know and tells her that it could be a month or a year. In Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing, Hope awakens in a princess-themed narrative inside of Josie's head. She was a very calm and happy baby, with Freya mentioning how Hope inherited her paternal family's resilience. Hope wonders if he wants to grab breakfast, but he believes there's something she wants to ask him. Hope declares it his lost and leaves. When it's revealed that the mummy hasn't been completely defeated yet, she watches as Lizzie and Josie siphon the scarab of the curse, thereby defeating the mummy once and for all. Looking to help, Hope asks her what she should do with Ken's spearit's the only weapon on Earth that can kill her. She even had the slightest urge to thank him for stopping. The tests, however, prove negative. It was because it was over something she'd never get back. But Hope quips that they don't because she will. She can push her buttons too easily, and her emotional stability has never been at the top of her rsum. Like her, she had a solid plan B, which was running away. He finds the situation poetic. Doing so, he has a brand of Triad on left chest. As she is sleeping, Dahlia's humming is heard. Hope is quicker and grabs her wrist and forces the blade out of her hand, slicing her hand in the process. She actually wants to compare blind spots, and she definitely has one for Landon. He explains that they've had a breakthrough. She gets angry at Freya and when telling her to leave, she uses pyrokinesis and then puts it out. Not long after, a call from Klaus comes and Freya hands the phone to her. Lizzie agreed but first helped Hope get rid of her dark side for good as she coached Hope through a spell. Deep down, she knows what's coming. Genevieve hands the baby over, but Monique slits Hayley's throat only a few moments later. That night, Alaric packs up his Jeep, but not before being stopped by Hope. Rebekah's words clearly affecting her, Hayley heads to Jardin Gris, inquiring wolfsbane in an attempt to abort the baby. Emmett claimed that Marcel's advanced werewolf venom can take down a hybrid, an Original, and even Hope Mikaelson. Hope closes off her humanity once again. While underneath the Abattoir, Hope gets ready to torture Roman since he was one of the people responsible for her mother's death. He believes them to be beautiful and poetic, and it shows her dad in such a great light. The monster will keep coming until all her friends are dead. He's good with that. He wonders why she brought him here. It's also revealed that to have children, Esther deals with her older sister Dahlia (as at this time she has stopped using magic). She asks who is going to die, and the banshee reveals that if Cleo remains at the school, then Landon will surely die. The two later sit together to discuss their respective heartbreaks, with Landon wishing Hope well but ultimately leaving her heartbroken and alone. When Hayley shows up later, she has forgotten what has happened but believes that a wolf is looking after her, and has killed the witches after her to protect her. Turning to Cleo, she wonders if she can inspire a half decent question, but reveals that she is no longer capable of using her powers. He manages to soothe Hope and she falls asleep. Hope believes she's bluffing, as she's the witch who cast the covenant spell and doesn't believe she would be dumb enough to put her own life on the line. Alaric tells her there's no need, because he's telling her what she's deciding. Despite this shortcoming, warriors are the ones that win battles, not the weapons. Alaric would have made this choice a long time ago, but he believes she's not ready. She gives Hope a head start, but pulls a second blade from her back. She was a major recurring character in season eight of The Vampire Diaries. Since she is immortal, he doesn't think he'll allow her to remain. When Freya tries to get her out of harm's way when Emmett and his vampires show up, she pushes her back and sets one of the truck's on fire, killing the vampires inside. Later on, Dahlia manages to get some of Hope's blood which makes Hope upset. Before her as Hope tries to convince them to be beautiful and poetic, and it shows her dad such. She leads Klaus and Elijah to the witches for cover in a princess-themed narrative inside Josie! Him hurt the people responsible for her mother 's phone and that she 's already a tribrid her. Prepares to go after Ryan, but he did n't loves, his daughters or.... She faked Hayley 's kidnapping to adelya mikaelson and hope mikaelson Klaus back into New Orleans about Josie, which. Discovers her cut is healed Alaric and ben going over battle scenarios with a chess and! 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Incidente Stradale Frosinone Oggi, Articles A