Corequisite: BIOL489 or BIOL490. Classification, behavior, physiology and ecology of fishes. Enrollment is restricted to students with graduate standing. Topics include speciation concepts, evolution of vegetative and sexual characteristics and an overview of angiosperm diversity to the level of family. 4 credits. 3 Hours. The course complements other offerings in the graduate program by considering ecological processes at higher orders of organization and in the context of abiotic factors. . Wednesday, May 10, 20235 p.m.University Student Commons, Richmond Salons907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. 3 credits. Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online). 3 Hours. This capstone event is a time to recognize outstanding student achievements and look toward the next stage of every student's journey. Biology Integration: From Molecules to Organisms. Crosslisted as: BNFO601. 3 credits. 3 credits. and drugs of abuse (alcohol, marijuana, etc.). Research projects must include experimental design and analysis of data. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Principles and applications of mathematical ecology at the community level, including experimental design; sampling techniques, assumptions and limitations; and the use of cluster analysis, gradient analysis and ordination to evaluate, summarize and compare large data sets. Friday, May 12, 20237 p.m.Stuart C. Siegel Center1200 W. Broad St., Richmond, Va. 232284. Semester course; 1 lecture hour (delivered online) and 4 laboratory hours. Semester course; 3 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and BIOZ151; BIOL152 and BIOZ152, all with minimum grades of C. An integrative survey of the invertebrate animals with emphasis on systematics and natural history. Developmental Biology. Graded as pass/fail. Designed for biology majors. The 25th Annual Graduate Research Symposium was held on April 19, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Commonwealth Ballrooms of the University Student Commons. For more information email Biological Complexity. For more information, please reach out to Greg Patterson via email: BIOL200. who wins student body president riverdale. BIOL560. The Spring ceremony will include congratulatory remarks from Dean Susan Gooden, a keynote address, and encouraging words from a student speaker. 2 credits. A study of a selected topic in biology. BIOL693. Rachel Barbieri - College of Humanities and Sciences. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. in Biology. Become proficient in modern laboratory procedures Gain a broad knowledge in the four major areas of chemistry Understand the practical and ethical applications of chemical principles in society A degree in chemistry plays a key role in a variety of careers such as: Pharmaceutical Development Chemical Research & Manufacturing Science Education By Mike Porter. 3 credits. 3 Hours. Spring 2023 Universitywide Commencement Saturday, May 13, 2023, 10 a.m. Family and friends unable to join us in person may view the universitywide celebration via livestream at 10 a.m. EST on Saturday, May 13 at BIOL101. Topics in Biology. Semester course; 1 lecture hour. 3 credits. 3 Hours. Focuses on how to make conservation work where biodiverstiy and human livelihoods must be reconciled. 3 Hours. BIOL640. Experimentation is discussed in context with methods of data collection and analysis. BIOL492. 1 Hour. This scholarship will provide support to a transfer student pursuing an undergraduate degree in biology in the Department of Biology. BIOL550. 3 credits. Semester course; 2 lecture hours. Examples and problems pertaining to Virginia and the southeastern United States are emphasized. Prerequisite: BIOL300 or equivalent. Prerequisite: Completion of the Biocore with minimum grades of C. Corequisite: BIOL495, senior standing. Open to qualified seniors and graduate students only. Students will focus on understanding experimental approaches and practical applications critical to evaluate research in evolutionary biology and the ecology subdisciplines. This is a ticketed event. Prerequisites: BIOL151, BIOZ151, BIOL152 and BIOZ152 each with minimum grade of C; and permission of the chair of the Department of Biology and the institution where the internship will be performed. LSEE - For more information please reach out to Margaret Ozierski via email: 4 credits. A celebration of achievement for disabled undergraduate and graduate (masters and doctorate) candidates. BIOL312. Students will make several oral presentations directly related to their specific BIOL492 or 495 projects. Prerequisites: BIOL450 and instructor's permission. To participate in the ceremony, graduates will need to complete this RSVP form by Thursday, May 11 -, For more information contact Katie Huynh at. It's the day when thousands of them will be graduating. Graded as satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Join us in celebrating the end of the school year with food, music, a photo booth and the incredible social work community! Biological Concepts. Prerequisites: BIOZ151 and BIOZ152, each with a minimum grade of C; and permission of the chair of the Department of Biology. Phone: (804) 828-0100 Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Prerequisites: BIOL152, BIOZ152 and BIOL300, each with a minimum grade of C. BIOL310 and BIOL340 recommended. 2 Hours. 3 Hours. BIOL660. BIOL445. Opportunity for students to develop skills necessary for effective oral presentation of their research work. Principles of Nutrition. 3 Hours. 4 credits. Prerequisite: BIOL310 or consent of instructor. This is a ticketed event. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. Students will contribute to local, national and/or global community science projects while gaining experience in data collection, data analysis and topic-specific protocols. Open to qualified seniors and graduate students only. 3 credits. A topical approach to basic biological principles. Exploration of concepts related to the basic molecular and cellular biology of viruses with emphasis on the structure, genetic material and replication strategies of viruses, and the different mechanisms of infection and prevention measures. Enrollment is restricted to students with permission of the departmental chair and limited to students for whom a laboratory supervisor has agreed to mentor their laboratory assistantship. Friday, May 12, 2023NoonUniversity Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballrooms907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. Information about 2021 Commencement. Friday, May 12, 20235 p.m.Greater Richmond Convention Center, B15 abc403 N. Third St., Richmond, Va. 23219. BIOL580. Cum laude is awarded for a 3.30 to 3.59 GPA, magna cum laude is awarded for a 3.60 to 3.89 GPA and summa cum laude is awarded for a 3.90 GPA or better, at the time of graduation. Prerequisite: BIOL317 with a minimum grade of C. The evolution, ecology, structure, taxonomy and behavior of reptiles and amphibians. BIOL632. Not applicable for credit toward the B.S. Dec. 6, 2021. BIOL475. Graded as pass/fail. Students typically earn about 30 semester hour credits before taking the written examination. Semester course; 2 lecture hours. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Crosslisted as: ANTH301. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Richmond, Virginia 23284 Introduces students to key elements of wildlife diseases, zoonoses, emerging infectious diseases associated with wildlife and humans, and both the conservation and health impacts of these topics. Examples of biogeochemical processes will be drawn from multiple ecosystems, ranging from terrestrial soils to the deep ocean. Semester course; 2 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. Included are discussions of the interactions among environmental quality and wildlife and human diseases and health. 4 Hours. 3 credits. Students will gain hands-on experience including data collection and analysis, learning field and/or laboratory techniques, and/or mastering experimental procedures, all under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Semester course; 1 lecture and 1 demonstration hour. 4 Hours. Emphasis will be placed on a broad introduction to and integration of important topics in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students and senior undergraduates. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and 152; BIOZ151 or LFSC/BNFO251; BIOZ152 or LFSC/BNFO252; BIOL300; CHEM101; and CHEZ101, each with a minimum grade of C; and BIOL200, MATH200, MATH201, STAT210, STAT212 or STAT314. See the Schedule of Classes for specific topics to be offered each semester and prerequisites. 3 credits. 3 Hours. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Internship is designed to provide laboratory, field or work experience in an off-campus professional biology setting. BIOL606. Prerequisites: physics and calculus, or permission of instructor. Ecological and evolutionary consequences of interactions among animals and plants. In addition to honoring the classes of August and December 2021, the ceremony will celebrate the . Introduction to Bioinformatics. Students also may develop an interdisciplinary focus to their degree program, for example within areas such as bioinformatics, cancer biology, forensic science and environmental science. 1 credit. 3 credits. Semester course; 0-4 field experience hours. Open only to qualified seniors and graduate students. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and 152; BIOZ151 or LFSC/BNFO251; BIOZ152 or LFSC/BNFO252; CHEM101 and CHEZ101, all with a minimum grade of C; BIOL200, MATH200, MATH201, STAT210, STAT212 or STAT314. BIOL449. Independent Study. and courses approved by the publication deadline; however we may receive notification of additional program Semester course; 3 lecture hours. BIOL217. This course addresses issues across a broad biosciences background including laboratory and field studies. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 Hours. You have displayed an amazing commitment to innovation and excellence during these unprecedented times. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. BIOL454. A minimum of three hours of supervised activity per week per credit hour is required. Examines the history of infectious disease ecology in human and nonhuman populations. 3 credits. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Explores the accelerated loss of species due to increasing human population pressure and the biological, social and legal processes involved in conserving biodiversity. They will have digested an array of topical issues relating to responsible conduct of research and be able to clearly articulate ethical and legal solutions to problems posed. Governing the program by leading its members with . Prerequisite: biochemistry or cell biology or permission of instructor. Additional credits from these courses may be applied to upper-level and open elective credits toward the degree. Quantitative Biology. Explores topics including Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance, pedigree analysis, cytogenetics, aneuploid syndromes, cancer, gene structure and function, epigenetics, gene expression, biochemical genetics, and inborn errors of metabolism. A maximum of two credits may be earned between BIOL395 and BIOZ395; maximum total of six credits for all research and internship courses (BIOL395, BIOL451, BIOL453, BIOL492, BIOL493, BIOL495 and/or BIOZ395) may be applied to the the 40 credits of biology required for the major. Prerequisites: BIOL303 and 307 or equivalents. Conservation Genetics. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Prerequisite: BIOL317 or equivalent or permission by instructor. Students will assist with components of the laboratorys operation and gain experience working in a laboratory setting. Explores the effects of environmental conditions on plant morphology and adaptations, with emphasis on plant anatomy, plant physiology and plant diversity. Biology of Cancer II. Undergraduate Bulletin Print/Download Options This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2023-2024 VCU Bulletin. Conservation Medicine. The ceremony will be live streamed at the following link. Graded as pass/fail. Semester course; 1 lecture and 4 laboratory hours. Advanced methods are taught enabling students to interpret and present findings from the primary literature. Not applicable for credit toward the major in biology. 3 Hours. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits. Friday, May 12, 20236 p.m.Altria Theater6 N. Laurel St., Richmond, Va. 23220. Find your application path by reviewing the options below, which will lead you to requirements and a checklist designed to walk you through the process. in Biology. Emphasis will be placed on experimental design, integrating results throughout the semester, making use of relevant published literature, scientific writing and providing hands-on experience with advanced equipment and methodologies. Prerequisite: BIOL545/LFSC510 or permission of instructor. 1st Place: Sam Gottlieb - School of Medicine. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Development and Stem Cells. BIOL601. Topics include molecular aspects of cells, bioenergetics, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, cellular and organismal reproduction, genetics and evolution, and ecology. Students will seek out ecologically relevant opportunities with local, state and federal community partners who will provide experiences to enhance academic enrichment and personal growth and will help foster a sense of civic responsibility. The four-year curriculum in biology prepares students for employment in laboratory or field programs in private industry or government agencies and for teaching in secondary schools. A lecture, field and laboratory course concerned with the development, succession and dynamics of plant communities and their interrelations with climate, soil, biotic and historic factors. Neurobiology and Behavior. Tickets for guests are not required. An introduction to basic pharmacology that largely focuses on human pathways and diseases. BIOL335. Prerequisites: BIOL152, BIOZ152 and BIOL300, each with a minimum grade of C. Introduction to the diversity of microorganisms in natural environments and the ways they can be manipulated and controlled for human advantage. Plant and Animal Cell Biology. Prerequisite: BIOL317. Friday, May 5, 20236 p.m.Academic Learning Commons, Room 1201. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Semester course; 2 practicum hours. 3 Hours. Commonwealth University. 3 Hours. BIOL152. Topics will include yeast properties such as growth, structure, genetics, biodiversity and natural habitats. Dec. 7, 2021. Monday, May 8, 20235 p.m.University Student Commons, Richmond Salons907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. Lecture emphasis on evolutionary relationships; laboratory emphasis on plant recognition and identification, especially of the Virginia flora, including some field trips to areas of local botanical interest. Biology Integration: From Organisms to Landscapes. Modeling and simulation methods for investigating biological complexity are illustrated. See the Schedule of Classes for specific topics to be offered each semester and prerequisites. Activities include field and/or laboratory research under the direct supervision of a faculty mentor. BIOL498. This course provides basic understanding of plant morphology, anatomy and growth by examining the biology, ecology, history and current events of economically useful plants. 4 credits. This ceremony provides students with a positive and rewarding experience that recognizes hard work, dedication, and perseverance. SSOR/PHYS - Calla Talman:, PHIL - Melissa Siebert :, Friday, May 12, 202310 a.m.W.E. 2 credits. Understanding of morphogen gradients, transcription, cell movements and signaling in development. An introduction to the basic principles of ecology, including interactions among organisms and influences of the physical environment. Problems addressed will include but not be limited to issues in genomic analysis, statistical analysis and modeling of complex biological phenomena. Saturday, May 13, 20231 p.m.Academic Learning Commons (MCALC), Room 12011000 Floyd Ave, Richmond, Va. 23220. The following graduate courses are required, and constitute the core courses of the curriculum: BIOC 503 Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology BIOC 504 Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology BIOC 651 Biochemistry Journal Club (each semester) BIOC 661 Critical Thinking (two semesters) BIOC 690 Biochemistry Seminar (each semester) 3 credits. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Semester course; 2 field experience hours. Tickets can be picked up in the VCUarts Deans Office, Pollak Building 2nd floor, on or after April 17th. Position Responsibilities. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Teaching assistants will enhance their knowledge of course content and develop skills that are natural to an instructional role, an understanding of the learning process within a discipline and the ability to explain the importance and value of course content to a novice audience. For more information, please reach out to Alexandra Reckendorf via email: Current topics in forensic DNA analysis will include quality assurance, DNA databanking, contemporary research and population genetics. The purpose of this course is to prepare students to successfully work as members and leaders of diverse scientific teams during their graduate studies and in multiple scientific career paths. Tickets are not required for guests. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available Semester course; 3 lecture hours. BIOL415. Prerequisite: BIOL318 or BIOL341 with a minimum grade of C. The origin and genetic history of modern humans, our historic colonization and migration, the utility of the Human Genome Project, our differences from other primates, adaptation to our environment and disease, and the ethical implications of genetic research in our society. Semester course; 3 lecture and 2 laboratory hours. Students read primary literature, communicate scientific findings and synthesize information from multiple sources verbally and in written format. 3 credits. I have 2+ years of experience in a research laboratory. This course will examine the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and iron on Earth from both a historical perspective and in the context of global environmental change, considering the cycles individually while also acknowledging that there are significant interactions between these cycles. GSWS - Emily Humberson:, Saturday, May 13, 20234:30 p.m.W.E. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and 152; BIOZ151 or LFSC/BNFO251; BIOZ152 or LFSC/BNFO252; CHEM101 and CHEZ101, all with a minimum grade of C; BIOL200, MATH200, MATH201, STAT210, STAT212 or STAT314. A maximum total of six credits for all research and internship courses (BIOL395, BIOL451, BIOL453, BIOL492, BIOL493, BIOL495 and/or BIOZ395) may be applied to the the 40 credits of biology required for the major. With careful planning, a study abroad semester works well during junior or senior year. This course will provide students with an introduction to the topics of coastal ecosystems, drivers shaping these systems and the organisms that live in these environments. VCU confers degrees three times during the academic calendar year: August, December and May. 3 Hours. 4 credits. Hormonal control systems at the organ, tissue and cellular level. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Quantitative Ecology. 1-3 credits. 3 credits. Laboratory Assistant Experience. Molecular and cellular principles of cell behavior and function in plant and animal cells. Evolutionary principles, with emphasis on genetic and environmental factors leading to changes in large and small populations of plants and animals, and the mechanisms responsible for speciation. Contact for more information. 3 credits. Introduction to Research. BIOL508. Semester course; 4 lecture hours. Plant Diversity and Evolution. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Each graduate receives a commemorative Kente stole to symbolize their academic achievement. Aspiring gastroenterologist credits the program with opening doors to career in medicine. Mission Prospective undergraduates Student performance Graduate Graduate Program Mission Graduate Curriculum Graduate course descriptions Graduate student performance Independent graduate study Directed research Graduate student handbook Financial Aid & Scholarships Student resources Admissions Apply now Careers Graduate Open House 3 Hours. Basic Human Anatomy. Emphasis is placed on understanding how different physiological systems work together to maintain homeostasis and predicting the consequences of damaging or deleting system components that can occur in diseases and injuries. The course will cover the historical principles in biotransformations as related to primary and secondary metabolism, as well as recombinant DNA technology and monoclonal antibodies and products resulting from the application of recombinant DNA technology. 1 credit. Consider training to become an educator through programs like. Theoretical and empirical analysis of the structure and function of natural communities, ecosystems and landscapes. Population Genetics. Enrollment restricted to students who have completed the relevant course with a minimum grade of B and who have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Helps facilitate student involvement in research laboratories within the Department of Biology. Students will benefit from invaluable learning opportunities in cancer research including hands-on learning, direct mentorship from a VCU faculty member, scientific writing skills, time and research project management, and exposure to and training in various laboratory techniques. Where to Apply: VCU Graduate Online Application Application Fee: 70 USD Admission Requirements: The following documents must be sent with the application for graduate programs: Completed application form Original and certified copies of academic records including diplomas, certificates, national level exams. 2019-2021: Major: Biology Mentor: Gretchen Neigh, Ph.D. Stacey Ruiz 2020-2021 : Michael Thompson . Semester course; 1 lecture hour. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and BIOL318, each with a minimum grade of C. The evolution of vertebrate forms as demonstrated by anatomical studies of selected vertebrate types. As a young student, that recognition helped me realize that I had what it was going to take to pursue art as a career. BIOL650. Friday, May 12, 20236:30 p.m.Greater Richmond Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D403 N. Third St., Richmond, Va. 23219, For more information please reach out to Monique Morton via email:, Friday, May 12, 20233 p.m.University Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballroom907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. 3 Hours. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. BIOL308. Prerequisites: BIOL 151and BIOZ 151with minimum grades of C; and MATH 151, MATH 200, MATH 201, STAT 210or satisfactory score on the VCU Mathematics Placement Test within a one-year period immediately preceding the beginning of the course. 3 credits. Reception to follow in the MCALC Courtyard. Semester course; 3 lecture and 4 laboratory hours. Practice independent living skills (time management, self-care, & responsibility). Enrollment is restricted to students with permission of the departmental chair and limited to students for whom a research supervisor has agreed to be a mentor. BIOL477. An examination of the basic structure of the nervous system, nervous system operation on a cellular and molecular level and the formation of the nervous system during development. Consenting to VCU's privacy policy requires the use of Javascript. Basic knowledge of genetics is recommended. Develop tangible skills in internships that you can demonstrate to employers. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. approvals after the launch. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and CHEM301-302 and CHEZ 301L, 302L or equivalent. 3 Hours. Quantitative Biology. Explores the interactions of microorganisms and their environment, including discussion of microbial diversity, nutrient cycling, symbiosis and selected aspects of applied microbiology. Tickets for guests are not required. A final report must be submitted at the completion of the project. This ceremony provides students with a positive and rewarding experience that recognizes hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Introduction to the hardware and software used in computational biology, proteomics, genomics, ecoinformatics and other areas of data analysis in the life sciences. Students must complete a minimum of 40 service-learning hours with a community partner. 0 Hours. 3 credits. Stem Cells in Disease and Therapy. Prerequisites: BIOL101 and BIOZ101, BIOL151 and BIOZ151, or BIOL152 and BIOZ152, each with a minimum grade of C. General principles of microbiology and immunology to provide a thorough understanding of the host-microbe relationship in disease. Learn all about VCU's Department of Biology, from our academics for undergraduates and graduates, to our mission-driven approach to education and commitment to research. Of a faculty mentor capstone event is a time to recognize outstanding student achievements and look the. Undergraduate and graduate ( masters and doctorate ) candidates May 8, 20235 p.m.University student Commons Richmond. 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