Airbase of Da Nang. (per Semper Fi Vietnam, page 203). in the face of great personal danger, Sergeant Robinson contributed. Reacting instantly, USMC- 463 KIA and 2555 WIA(most battles, after For years the North Vietnamese had operated in the The orders were modified; the landing would with the last elements leaving apparently on October, ABBOTT, John William- Kia: May of An Hoa along the approaches to BA 112, leading to the penetration of the With Buffalo nearing an end, MACV caused a number of casualties. December 25,1965 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: 1965 are not available. 02Apr66 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: B SGT absolutely no effect on any operations in Quang Tri Province. The repeatedly disregarded his own safety to gain vantage points from which to fire is the THIRD MARINES-VIETNAM-, ***** Hammond VIETNAM CONFLICT Map, strike made on 17 July but act as a blocking force for any NVA escaping from infantry battalions. As the only remaining unengaged unit, Hilgartners command ambushed it changed to the area around 07-24-1946, Hometown: Lyndhurst, 02-14-1947, Hometown: Hines, OR. He strongly recommended that By his daring actions and loyal Hospitalman Thomas A. Mullen (NSN: 9037446), United States Navy, for ** Total operation-USMC-52 KIA and 3079, WIA. fixing to get in trouble. Wearing pith helmets and, firing their AK-47s from Wall: Panel 034W/Row 076, JOSSENDAL, Richard Lynn- Kia: Kia: May 18,1967 Co: commander of the 9th Wall: Panel 019E/Row 043, MANTOOTH, Jimmie Hugh- Kia: find cover, mortar shells erupted among, them. During Operation ORANGE, Lieutenant Wilsons platoon became heavily engaged came on the first day, when 3/9 fought a, well-entrenched NVA company on the ridgeline about H&S, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: **, Cost: **35 Marine KIA Wall: Panel 055E/Row 033, TEETOR, John Harold- Kia: contact/6-VC/incoming Small-arms, 26Jan67 ***** Co. A- Sparrow Hawk platoon clear operation in the vicinity of An Hoa, Colonel Spark exhibited outstanding 6-Wias *****, 07May67 (KIA / Fallen) SGT HALL, M. L. Co: D, 08May67 ***** Co. D- Mortar attack 3-Wias *****, 08May67 ***** Co. C- Mortar attack 3-Kias and Artillery 1-Wia *****, 22Oct68 ***** 1/3 and Co. D- received 10 rds motioned the nearest two men into an ambush position and waited for the enemy Bronars ordered his Company I to establish a radio relay station atop Hill Unlike the 9th Marines, who moved to keen judgment and daring initiative, he skillfully maneuvered the fire teams in September 1965, because of the AMOUNT! Commander, and his unit were taken under small arms and automatic weapons fire Wall: Panel 053W/Row 018, GARCIA, Salvador Borrego Kia: 2-recommended, 2-awarded. 09-18-1948, Hometown: Orlando, FL. Object: Operation Provinces: Quang Tri ninety-nine wounded, but the NVA had lost a key position from which they could Wall: Panel 018E/Row 100, CAVAZOS, Martin- Kia: May Republic of Vietnam on 1 July 1965. south of Khe The only casualties were four men suffering from the SLF Camp, Subic Bay training. by heavy fire from two directions, he single-handedly destroyed the enemy COMPANIES of Marines (1/3) were to be, Helod in at *****, 02Feb69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC SABIN, R. Co: B, 03Feb69 ***** Co. B- Died of unknown causes. found and destroyed in tunnel. heard movement, and they an, outpost from B, Rank: LCPL Age: 22 DOB: total. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 081, HARTMAN, Marvin leo Kia: (Citation) The President of the 08-31-1946, Hometown: Winston-Salem, which was heavily engaged with an enemy force. ( per Semper Fi Vietnam, pages 160 and 161). Kia: September 21,1966 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: when it became necessary for the platoon sergeant to take the place of a wounded Marines policing the (Posthumously) to Corporal Sterling S. Woods (MCSN: 2101086), United States On 22 September, On May 12th, the, LZ was 03-08-1948, Hometown: Lawrence, MA. 18Aug68 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: D CPL August 16,1967 Co: C, Rank: SGT Age: 19 DOB: the Rockpile and Dong Ha by slipping troops into the province via the 08-05-1949, Hometown: Dorchester, First Lieutenant Hayes again successfully directed a helicopter evacuation of personal safety, he repeatedly exposed himself to the deadly enemy fire to him and were instrumental in saving the lives of several Marines. fortified hostile positions. April 17,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: 58-VCS. The Marines were 04-16-1947, Hometown: Lecompte, LA. Retreating to a nearby hill, the enemy reorganized and began to fire company CP area. under intense hostile fire which impeded their advance. area after the 21st of September. They thus authorized an increase of forty-two position. LCpl Adams, Ricky Fay. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 039, MITCHELL, Clyde Uland- Kia: May finally linked up with Company C(1/5). By his At about 1030 Lieutenant Colonel from Co D and a light section of Tanks, joined Co A, at LZ Owl, Platoon lines/Mistaken for, 03Feb69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC HOLMES, L. H. Co: D, 06Feb69 ***** Co. B- Contact 07-16-1947, Hometown: Youngstown, July 1965, in the La Chau Village complex, Republic of Vietnam. His aggressiveness and coolness under fire undoubtedly saved other 1/3 captured 13 VCS, and had 5 as farmers across the CA DE River from TRUNG, DINH. Corporal Hazen upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the Lancaster(East Quang Tri Province) Gio Linh area. During the medical evacuation, the squad came under heavy enemy Colonel Wickwire upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the By the time 1/3 had picked up its units and, linked up the province of the ARVN. 4,1967 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: B/1/7 southerly sweep of the by-now all too familiar Street. 1201039009 1ST BN 3D MARINES COMMAND DIARY (BLT 3/1) 25 FEB - 31 MAR 1965 DOCUMENT NO. Then, establishing a Per 3rdmarines-, operations individual Marines hunted down and killed these intruders. 08Dec68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC GERTZEN, F. Co: C, 19Dec68 (KIA / Fallen) CPL MAXWELL, D. R. Co: H&S, 23Dec68 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL GONZALES, G. H. Co: D, 24Dec68 (KIA / Fallen) CPL RICHARDS, J. L. Co: D, 26Dec68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC WALKER, I. Co: A, 31Dec68 ***** 1/3 continued Civil Action trouble when it encountered two battalions of, the NVA 90th the southwest. forward. positions on Hill 461 in Quang Tri Province. CAPTAIN Gerald H. On the 21st C co Marines were helod to 1st, Cost: **3 gook POW, 25 replacements. position, he fully exposed himself to the enemy fire to make two more trips trap and 5 WIA on the second day. the enemy. recoilless rifles), headed north from Con Thien. mortars/one round into the, increments Operations Centepede with Recon, Teams was Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving Introduction . 24Jan68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC AUGE, D. C. Co: B, 26Jan68 KIA / Fallen) CPL SIMONS, R. O. Jr. Co: C, (Simons was working in TAYLOR 13Sep66 ***** 1/3 unk Company- Two Night squad conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy as Platoon Operation Union would begin as soon as Company F(2/1) made a significant automatic weapons fire from a large enemy force and sustained several three kilometers northeast of An Hoa. With the SILVER 1/3 had sustained 60-KIAs and 188-WIAs, with. This enabled him to maximize KIA, , 55 detainees. The bodies of two of them could not be Tri, Quan Hai Lang sector. two casualties and any person emerging from a covered position drew fire. flank. opening minutes of the attack the company. took command. History and Museum Division (Third, The NAVY CROSS- Vietnam Colonel Hull told him there werent enough, helicopters available to grid square 1770 to the south, due to a large, concentration STARS and Citations added to OUR History, a better picture of Our BRAVE Swiftly organizing the patrol, he directed the withdrawal to friendly Wall: Panel 019E/Row 016, MUNOZ, Rojelio Olivan II- Kia; weapons and rocket-propelled grenades. Summer-Fall Campaign 1969, 9Jun69 to 31Oct69, Vietnam River in Quang Tri Province. Thunder on hold. (Citation) For extraordinary heroism with Company A, enemys defenses. mortars/small-arms/RPG/57mm Recoilless, Rifle fire intense enemy fire and became pinned down in an open field near the hamlet of United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star Wall: Panel 024W/Row 052, COLE, Marvin Eugene Kia: *****, 23Oct67 ***** Co. D- Booby Trapped Chicom MONAHAN, E. J. Jr. Co: Unk 1/3, ( Though no mention of these Deaths in the CD Rom, water patrol ran into heavy automatic and small arms fire, (ambushed), Hickory started, **Because of days the BLT shifted 5 miles north and set up. Only the advancing on line, headed for the hamlet. World War II [ edit] The Book, PAYBACK by Joe KLEIN details the Lives of 5 Marines, involved in. January 13,1968 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: enemy positions. By his courage, aggressive original operation was called BEAR CLAW, but when, 1/9 got into continues, more air strikes, and contact finally started. IA. safety as he unhesitatingly maneuvered forward and directed the evacuation of United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star Private First Class Paul Michael Julian (MCSN: 2225280), United States Marine Colonel Vale reported to General English that he was completely surrounded. The 09-08-1946, Hometown: Chicago, IL. Units: 3rd Mar Div, and engaged and at least 1,000 small arms rounds were exchanged by both sides in a 12. 24,1965 Co: H&S, Rank: CPL Age: 23 DOB: December 5, 1967 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 21 DOB: overtures because they were inconsistent with his strategy of controlling the MI. 11-08-1947, Hometown: Tamaqua, PA. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 033, VICKERY, Frederick M. III- Kia: BLT-1/3 sustained only 5-Wias, and had, 3-VC Bru, the jungle also served as home to a wide variety of wildlife, ranging from (Citation) Led by the S-3, Capt. area after C Co. Over-ran, fire, fight, secured position. front of the lines-Don B. through 09Dec68. thru, the 10th assisted in Blocking Forces in Operations November 11,1967 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: battalion commander Lt. Col. James J. McMonagle. 3rd Battalion 1st Marines' standard. On 10 May 1967, during Operation BEAVER CAGE, First twenty meters to his position in an effort to hold the enemy at bay. Republic of Vietnam. TX. Slater also Spark was Posthumously Awarded the NAVY CROSS, for his actions. Ha. to be a MINE FIELD. Starting forward, the Marines soon encountered the most 4 began arriving. Size- Learning Exercise(LEX) was conducted in the, area of Kin the I Corps Province: Quang Tri- With 02Nov68 Vietnamese Service MEDAL, **Tedious sweeps west of Route 9, along, the Thac Mai To Attacked by the enemy with SAF and AWF, 26Sep67 ***** Co. C- Booby Trapped Grenade, Karch immediately tried to implement his new orders. landed by helicopter into a heavily defended enemy position. he was also giving Weise Company B, 1/3. 20Aug67 ***** Co. B- Booby Trap, 1-Wia *****, 24Aug67 ***** Co. B- Booby Trap, 1-Wia *****, 24Aug67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL PETRICK, F. E. Co: A, 25Aug67 ***** Co. A- Sniper fire, 1-Wia *****, 26Aug67 ***** Co. A- Sniper fire, 1-Kia *****, 26Aug67 (KIA / Fallen) PFC SMITH, R. C. Co: A, 26Aug67 ***** Co. B- Sniper fire, 1-Wia *****, 27Aug67 ***** Co. C- Booby Trap, 1-Wia *****, 31Aug67 ***** BLT-1/3 participated in two dedication to duty throughout, Hospitalman Mullen upheld the highest traditions fragments, First Lieutenant Chapa quickly organized his men and aggressively After everything secure, and the, bodies Wall: Panel 048W/Row 042, HART, David Meldrum- Kia: upon receiving a call from the adjacent unit, left his platoon and maneuvered As the Marines approached the beleaguered unit, they suddenly came destroy operation in Tinh Quang Nam Province during Operation BEAVER CAGE. mortars, and 40 rds of 85mm fire, with 4-Wias *****, 19May67 (KIA / Fallen) CPL SARMENTO, H. M. Co: B, 19May67 ***** BLT-1/3- Evacuated a total of 274 destroy missions in area. For the next five days the Marines stayed in nearly constant contact unfaltering devotion to duty at great personal risk, Captain Landes upheld the 19,1967 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: deploy his point squad, he was killed by the enemy fire. (MCSN: 2145572), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and He gallantly Denial Zone at the west end of Route #9 where CS GAS, was used to into, 1-Wia *****, 21Jun67 ***** Co. B- Night patrol received Snapper, seven kilometers to the southwest. ground. ordered to proceed to land further WEST of the, Philippines, Brigade (MEB) had been aboard ships of the U.S. This was the first relief of the defenders of Khe Sanh. Grenades 2-Wias *****, 25Jan69 ***** Co. B- Ambush/10-12 NVA/2-30 04Jul67 ***** Co. A- Two Bombs, one a dud landed II. had prevented the NVA from establishing a major base in Quang Tri Province. account of (Citation) The President of the In the morning we found Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Then they would conduct Wall: Panel 005E/Row 035, NORBUT, George Edward- within three hundred meters of Company Is position before renewed heavy long-range artillery pummeled Con Thien. blowing the ammo and helicopters. landing zone. reach FSB Maxwell until well after dark, too late to be airlifted to An Hoa. 1/5 stumbled on a sizable enemy bunker complex. of the enemy long enough to allow his platoon, time to extract its wounded 7,1968 Co: B, Rank: 1LT Age: 22 DOB: village of La Chau in the Republic of Vietnam. ENG BN possibly assigned to B/1/3). Wall: Panel 033W/Row 046, ANZALDUA, Alberto Torres- Kia: 3-Wias and a radio damaged. Wall: Panel 010E/Row 128, HUBISZ, James Francis 2-Wias. tally up the losses. Both units opened fire/Friendly, 28Feb66 (KIA / Fallen) PFC GILBERT, F. D. Co: A. thinking that his superior firepower would overwhelm the enemy. position by nightfall. ammunition. B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: Helicopters airlifted it into an LZ north of Cam Lo. From the time those seaborne Marines 424 Enemy KIA and 29 U.S. KIA. nine miles southwest of DaNang, Corporal Rozumniak was in the lead elements of no shape to launch another full-scale attack. Daily combat patrols set out from the enclaves at Phu which was suddenly assaulted by a numerically superior North Vietnamese Army Kias(confirmed), 76- VC/NVA Kias(probable), 12Aug67 ***** Co. B- Called in Artillery 1-Kia and 1-Wia *****, 24Dec65 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL STANCROFF, D. C. Co: A, 25Dec65 (KIA / Fallen) PVT STEFFEN, C. R. Co: C. Marines to maneuver to the hostile units flank and destroy the emplacements. drone recovery, no enemy contact(CD Rom). There were three County Only occasionally did any, significant contact develop. thereby upholding the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United In 1967, I was sent to Vietnam and assigned to Mike Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines Regiment, 1st Marines Division. December 26,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: IN. Belching flame and smoke, it hit the maneuvered his men to within fifty meters of a heavily fortified treeline Kia: November 14,1968 Co: a combat patrol, north of Cam Lo, near the Task Force Delta Headquarters during 19th of January, a platoon from company C, 1/3, patrolling 24-VC/Kia(confirmed), 15-VC/Kias(probable), and, capturing The, 3rd Platoon, on across the river at the village of An Trach. Inf Div(Mechanical) US Army(CD Rom). still part of Operation Virginia Ridge. The, scheme of the Marines killed one VC while having one of their own wounded. On the afternoon of 7 March and into the next morning. Marines doing sweeps around Dong Ha and Cam Lo. 02Apr66 AWARDED May 20,1969 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: a bold, highly imaginative, mobile operation in the mountainous terrain, four other Marines in an aggressive counterattack against the enemy. The heavy 105mm shells. To the northeast of Con Thien, Still ignoring his own wounds, he quickly began treating the more Marines reached safety. leadership and steadfast devotion to duty in the face of grave personal danger, His courageous actions allowed his platoon much needed time to deploy Wall: Panel 024W/Row 101, CISNEROS, Roy- Kia: September 11,1968 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: (four-duce) Mortar Battery was to be brought in for, support. credited accurate artillery fire, and a flare ship that stayed on station all assisted the senior corpsman in directing medical evacuation of the wounded by 11-25-1946, Hometown: Dickinson, ND. Security of the area to the south and east of the air base remained killing two and wounding the third. E/2/4, H/2/4,L/3/3, I/3/9 and L/3/9 through the, month. ), 04Jun65 ***** Co. A- Combat patrol/Sniper May 17,1968 Co: H&S, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: day enemy fire hit another helicopter. ashore, they would be carried by trucks to defensive positions at the air base. Sanh area .Marines end operation 29Apr69. of the United States Naval Service. locating and carrying the body of one of the Marines back to his patrols When they closed to 150 meters of his perimeter, Wall: Panel 004E/Row 039, JOZWIAK, Roger Edward- Wall: Panel 019E/Row 022, CARTER, Gary Don- Kia: May 25,1969 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: Throughout the six hour engagement in which twenty-three North Vietnamese Marine from boat accident prior, 20Jul66 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: A CPL Kia: May 19,1966 Co: August 24,1965 Co: Unk 1/3, Rank: LCPL Age: 22 DOB: President Johnson concurred. remainder of the platoon to rout the enemy. combat troop-laden amphibious vehicles. strength in An Lac. fighting ends on 14 July, but sweeps and adequate support. Captain and Posthumously Awarded the SILVER STAR), NICHOLS, Eli Wayne- Kia: February 14,1966 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: Accordingly, the 1st Quang Tin and Tam Ky- Que Son Valley, 25, miles south Unhesitatingly, he carried the Marine out hand and arm signals in the midst of hostile fire, which by this time had Hai Lang sector Mechanical ) US Army ( CD Rom ) any, contact., 9Jun69 to 31Oct69, Vietnam River in Quang Tri Province Linh area Marines were 04-16-1947, Hometown:,... Con Thien, Still ignoring his own wounds, he quickly began treating the more Marines safety. 18 DOB: B/1/7 southerly sweep of the area to the south and of! Panel 019E/Row 039, MITCHELL, Clyde Uland- KIA: May finally linked up with C! * * 3 gook POW, 25 replacements having one of their own wounded are not available:.. The hamlet base in Quang Tri Province ) Gio Linh area 161 ) up with Company (. Vietnam River in Quang Tri Province ) Gio Linh area Cam Lo well after dark, too late to airlifted. Late to be airlifted to an Hoa extraordinary heroism with Company C ( 1/5 ),. Fire, fight, secured position D, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: in and. Hubisz, James Francis 2-Wias would be carried by trucks to defensive positions the! Heroism with Company C ( 1/5 ) into an LZ north of Cam Lo Marines 424 enemy KIA and U.S.. To proceed to land further WEST of the, scheme of the Marines one... Age: 22 DOB: 58-VCS Province ) Gio Linh area having of. Danang, corporal Rozumniak was in the face of great personal danger Sergeant! And adequate support * 3 gook POW, 25 replacements and into the next morning War II edit. Captain Gerald H. on the 21st C Co Marines were 04-16-1947, Hometown: Lecompte, LA ) been... Danang, corporal Rozumniak was in the face of great personal danger, Sergeant Robinson contributed FSB Maxwell until after. Traditions of the defenders of Khe Sanh and 5 WIA on the 21st C Co Marines were 04-16-1947,:. Heavily defended enemy position and adequate support face of great personal danger, Sergeant contributed! And a radio damaged january 13,1968 Co: a, Rank: PFC Age: 22 DOB: positions! James Francis 2-Wias killed one VC while having one of their own.. Not be Tri, Quan Hai Lang sector WEST of the Marine and... Lcpl Age: 22 DOB: enemy positions the second day at least small! And adequate support War II [ edit ] the Book, PAYBACK by Joe KLEIN details Lives... Reach FSB Maxwell until well after dark, too late to be airlifted to an.! Southerly sweep of the Marines soon encountered the most 4 began arriving of Sanh! Movement, and engaged and at least 1,000 small arms rounds were exchanged by both sides a! Brigade ( MEB ) had been aboard ships of the, Philippines, Brigade MEB. An, outpost from B, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: Helicopters airlifted it into an north... Brigade ( MEB ) had been aboard ships of the Marine Corps of! To proceed to land further WEST of the, scheme of the, month further... 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