Astrologers say that the Lion's Gate Portal gives a boost to people's aspirations, allows them to manifest new ideas and aspirations, and enhances their spiritual energy. Stay positive. Keep in mind, to get what you want, you must first speak it. During this time, the universe is asking all of us to get in touch with what really matters most, what we really want from life and who we truly want by our side as we traverse this amazingly beautiful journey. Your vibration will rise to new heights as you relax and enjoy the waves of light washing over you. "Those born under life path numbereight are thought to be here to master the integration of spirit into matter," she says, adding that similar to its tarot meaning, eight represents strength in numerology. Its a time for breaking free of form and cutting loose the patterns that prevent our becoming. Instead of overthinking what career moves to make, choose a path that speaks to your inner voice. We all give away our power to others at times, whether consciously or unconsciously. The Lion's Gate Portal will be opening on Saturday, August 8th, 2020, and I wanted to give you all a free attunement that will help you transition through this portal more easily. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. Danach wird das Konzept des sozial-emotionalen Lernens prsentiert. Karmic story. The Lion's Gate portal is a yearly event where a dynamic portal is created between the Earth and Sirus, the brightest star in the sky. !Sheila. Lion's Gate Portal on 8/8 2022 . Helps me to tune in to the divine Light, joy and healing. Here's what to know about the Lion's Gate Portal. Get Ready For A Lucky August 2022 The Lion's Gate Portal Is Coming With the Lion's Gate Portal, August 2022 gets a potential boost of luck. The power of the Lions Gate lies is the cosmic synergy between stars, signs and numbers but the term itself refers to the annual alignment between the sun in Leo and Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, also known as Alpha Canis Majorisor Dog Star. Your spiritual connection with your divine soul and higher self will continue to build and deepen for you as you repeat this session! Thank you, Melanie!Gracja. Thank You Much for your guidance. Moon phases, seasons, and other current happenings. Sirius in astrology is associated with wealth, passion, honor, and even fame while the sun is the planet of confidence, willpower, and self-expression. Right now, the cosmos is shedding light on your subconscious mind and urging you to heal the past or any wounds that are resurfacing at the moment. Visually, the number 8 looks like an infinity symbol turned upright, which represents unlimited potential. Alongside this message from Orion, a beautiful energy has been created to assist you in opening to your inner wisdom, re-energizing your soul light, and creating a vibrational opening within you so your true inner wisdom and Divine authentic light can shine though. This may at first manifest as anxiety, overthinking and restlessness, but once the portal closes, it will bring us to a powerful place of newfound purpose. If we arrive on August 5th, we can be in Aswan and on the Nile by the 8th through the 12th, back to Cairo on the 13th for departure by the 14th Sunday. In astrological terms, the fixed star Sirius is known to have the qualities of the planet Jupiter, and the drive to get things done, making it a prime day for manifestation or concentrating on what you want to become your reality. Leo is associated with the children, creativity and play, and the Lions Gate offers the opportunity to revisit our own inner child and to ask for insights on how to carry and care for, who we once were and who we might yet be. You can try these .mp3 energy sessions out for yourself after gaining instant access upon checking out, If you don't feel the powerful spiritual energy filling you with light and love, If you don't feel the waves of relaxation washing over you, Or if you don't like the sound of my voice. The road to recovering could take time, which is why its important to be gentle with yourself. The thing is, we all have to realize that not only is that zone an illusion, all it actually does is hold us back from living life connected to our souls. This center is where our power sits. Historically, the heliacal rising of Sirius is considered the most significant dawn rising of all the stars. Of course, you can choose to ignore all of this and continue on the same path as if nothing is happening, or you can make a conscious choice to take an honest look at the needs of our own soul and push past lingering fears that have been holding you back. Continue reading. In the tarot, the eighth card is Strength which corresponds to the sign of Leo and features a woman, crowned with the symbol for infinity, calmly keeping company with a lion. This Lion's Gate Activation will especially align your 5th Dimensional Chakra Chakras such as the Stellar Gateway and Earth Star Chakras. If you believe in its power, August 8 (or 8/8) might be one of the luckiest days of 2022. Aug 8 2022; Updated: 12:43 ET, Aug 8 2022; THE Lion's Gate portal opens once a year, and we're right in the middle of it now. Retail value for each individual audio session is $27 each. This increased light, and accelerated ascension energy is causing huge life-altering changes to unfold in one way or another for just about everyone now. Light codes of ascension, soul mastery, and divine potential are released and sent toward planet Earth. This lunation unites the power of our luminariesthe sun and the moonin the sign of the Lion. "You can do this in meditation, in prayer, in dance, with a ritual, with a journalhowever occurs to you," she says. AntonioGuillem. During periods of time in which Sirius gets closer to Earth, its believed humanity experiences a surge of higher consciousness. The Leo energy is the perfect stage to anchor the ascension codes and energies of higher consciousness broadcast through the star Sirius and through the Great Central Sun. Use this time to embrace your inner fool. And it just so happens to be one of the best times for manifestation, according to our Senior Astrologer Narayana Montfar. This blog is all about p p s c . Are you and your love interest meant to be? Leo season is also the single month of the year during which the sun is in its home sign of rulership, making it an especially powerful time to align with our passions and embrace authenticity. They have helped me beyond measure.~Rogue, I am at peace after listening to my 1st meditation. During the days leading to August 8, its important to bring into your meditations all the crystals, herbs and tools that relate to the energy of Leo, the sun and the star Sirius, Narayana says. Having 8 as the month and day the Lions Gate Portal closes doubles the power of this number, she says. This guided energy session will instantly dissolve the ego's mental chatter as it opens your energy centers and attunes you to the spiritual power of the Spiritual Sun, Sirius. Sirius rises during the middle of the summer. You'll get connected with the healing light of the awakened Earth energy as you're guided on a journey through the energy centers into the innerspace where you are able to connect with your true source of energy that lies dormant within. When is the Lion's Gate Portal? Lets talk astrology and astronomy. Possibly one of astrologys best-kept secrets is that Sirius and the sunour solar systems very own starare actually in a binary relationship. 8/8 Is A Big Day For Numerology And Astrology! Elizabeth, I just want to say THANK YOU, Melanie, for what you and all the amazing, wonderful Angels have done with providing all your Guided Meditations. This will add a sense of calm and good vibes to your life. Required fields are marked *, Laurie Barraco | All Rights Reserved Site Design:Kelly J Parsons Creative Services. You can direct the energy to support Divine manifestations of love, abundance and spiritual growth in your life. Plus, you get the .mp3 version so you can easily add the audio to your favorite playlist on your phone so you can quickly listen to it again and again, anytime. This is a powerful session that you will want to repeat time and time again! The Lion's Gate Portal is trending on Google because astrologists consider today (August 8) to be one of the luckiest dates . Consider the gospel of apex Leo Madonna, Alotofpeopleareafraidtosaywhatthey want. Astrologer and cosmic coach Bex Milford told. While this celestial event lasts from July 28-August 12, the Lion's Gate portal is officially activated on August 8. Predictably, the double dose of 8/8, the eighth day of the eighth month, offers the opportunity for spirit to make the intangible, tangible and our intentions our actualities. This year's portal opened on with the New Moon in Leo's majestic. Whether you seek more romance, your soul mate, greater abundance or improved well being, you must ACTIVATE what you seek in order to become a vibrational match with what you desire. ascension guide and intuitive healer Laura Brown, eight is the number of abundance and prosperity, programming your crystals with intentions, Do an 8/8 meditation and intention-setting ritual. A power number, eight is the union of the material and the spiritual, represented by the interlocking circles within the numeral itself. THE Lion's Gate portal opens once a year, and we're right in the middle of it now.Spiritual coach Samantha Jayne told The US Sun how it will affect al. Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. Consider it a time to break free from any habits that may be preventing us from becoming our best selves. As an 8, think of 8th hse theme - transformation, rebirth, energy, passion and think the Strength Card. Just email me at support @ and request a full refund and we'll process that for you ASAP with no questions asked. I have a few suggestions that may help with these light code activations: Do you have any prayer suggestions? Thinking About Trying Keen? The Lion's Gate Portal peaks on August 8th (Monday) and there's a Full Moon on the 11th (Thursday). The eighth house speaks to the cyclical nature of life and loss and also to the unending; the number eight being an upturned infinity symbol. Lisa Stardust is a New York City-based astrologer. Face the sun and soak up the masculine influence of the golden central sun. How often does Lion Gate Portal happen? Thank you! Angel numbers, or repetitive numbers in a sequence, indicate providence. The fixed star Sirius which is the second brightest star in the sky, next to our sun is sometimes referred to as the "Spiritual Sun." by NYLON Aug. 5, 2022 The. Your mind can run a mile a minute when you are stressed out, which is why its important to take a minute and relax. Its a time of the year where the magical vitality of the sun (the natural ruler of the zodiac sign Leo) is at an all-time high.. On such date in 2022, we find the Lion's Gate Portal is at its most potent, despite already having been open since July 28. Return Policy: If you don't LOVE these sessions for any reason, you can get 100% ofyour money back, guaranteed! This takes place just once a year, after a period of time during which a stars visibility has been temporarily obscured by the light of the sun. It brings an abundance of power, the potential for fame, and high honor. Each year on August 8, we're given a potent opportunity to manifest, thanks to the opening of the Lion's Gate portal. By Nicole Tommasulo / Aug. 1, 2022 6:13 pm EST. by Nina Kahn. We've received your submission. Try to take a step back and analyze the facts before making assumptions. Combined with the New Moon in Leo kicking it all off, the Lion's Gate portal also has a way of bringing truths to light. This first session prepares you for the heightened spiritual awareness and increased intuition available to you, now. It was an especially important part of the ancient Egyptian calendar, as it marked the start of their new year, and this facilitated many further astronomical and calendrical developments. The Energy Of The Lion's Gate Portal. Focus on aligning with the positive energy within yourself, then heighten your awareness further to focus on the presence of the Moon. Sometimes its hard to do whats right. When viewed on its side, the number eight is the symbol of infinity, representing abundance. While this celestial event lasts from July 28-August 12, the Lion's Gate portal is officially activated on August 8. Click the button above and try these powerful activations for yourself. The energy is triggering a new harmonic alignment, and a deep balance between the wisdom of the heart, mind, and spirit. Not only are you giving back to the community, but youll feel as though you have a sense of higher purpose. Now is the time to step into a higher vibrational experience of Love. Aug 9, 2022 at 6:26 AM. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Press Releases; Share Your Stories, Videos & Photos! Each day we are asked to take bigger risks., Tara Buffington (@hltPsychiClktve) August 3, 2022, RELATED:Angel Number 888 Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism Of Seeing 888. I feel blessed to be receiving these messages which are so pertinent to these changing times and wish that everyone could experience these gifts. This gateway is about turning a page, its about ascending, reaching a new level of Love and Light and stepping into greater harmony and alignment with the Truth that you are One with the Divine, One with All, and that you can have and be anything you truly desire. As you relax and listen you will be lovingly guided to. JAGABAN ft SELINA TESTED EPISODE 15 part 2.. War without end .. RELATED:Which Astrology Life Cycle You're In According To Your Age (And Your Ruling Planet). "Healers and teachers in certain new age communities believe the energy coming from Sirius contains special elevating or activating energy that can help the Earth and her people evolve," she says. Be sure to take the time to meditate on and around the 8th This is when the energy is the strongest and the gateway fully opened. The Lions Gate And A Sirius Portal. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. Peace, love and light.~Colleen, Thank you, you are helping me so much in a hard time that I'm having lately.. But how do you become a vibrational match for something you don't yet have, but desire? Yellow crystals, such as citrine and amber, botanicals and herbs are ideal tools for manifestation during this time, as part of your manifestation rituals. tiktokscr.parentNode.insertBefore(jsTikTok, tiktokscr); var jsTikTok = document.createElement('script'); Thrilled to know what greatness is ahead thank youLianne, Listening is like our spirit is being sent to heaven and it feels like angels are near us and that the pressence of god is near us. Rachelle, Thanks for this meditation. "This creates a powerful portal of energy, which is potent for manifesting," she adds. Carry or wear the following crystals; fire agate, citrine, yellow obsidian, and yellow calcite. 8/8 is touted by some spiritual practitioners as one of the luckiest days of the year for manifesting, so if you choose to partake in the fun, it can be a fabulous time to set intentions and do an abundance ritual. When is the Lion's Gate Portal? During the Lion's Gate alignment ( 26th July - 8th of August) we enter a period of high cosmic energy. What your heart and soul calls out for and where in your life is out of alignment with this your True and Authentic Soul intention. In this sense the number eight relates to the channeling of animal instincts into focused power, the feral becomes regal, strength begets subtly and wildness wisdom. If you choose to work with the energy of the lions gate portal, you can use the strength of these success-attracting celestial bodies combined with the abundant numerological energy of 8/8 to set powerful intentions for yourself. For any reason at all, you can simply email me at support @ and I'll process your refund ASAP with no questions asked. This portal opens every year between July 28 and August 12 but its official activation day is August 8. These are unique chances that are given to us by the divine in order to follow our purpose more closely and step into our best possible selves. You get full access to the downloadable MP3 file so you can add this session to your iTunes or music library This allows you to enjoy this session anytime and anywhere you need to lift your energy and connect with the divine love and light within. Get your hair done Leos are known for their mane. Then, let all your expectations go and continue with your day believing what has been manifested is or will be reality. So, how can you actualize all of this powerful eight-energy? "The eighth house and eighth sign of the zodiac belong to Scorpio, so astrologically, eight has connections to power, transformation, energy, passion, and sexualityall Scorpio themes," she explains. Setting boundaries with friends and family may not be as easy as you think, but youll be the one whos free of manipulation and guilt in the end. Continue to write or say your manifestation continuously until you believe they have established a place in the physical world. To heal, you must first point to what has harmed you. ! ~Elaine, Thank you. I feel I have been set back on course. Then some need to be woken up from their dormancy. The name comes from the idea that this alignment creates a "portal" for manifestations to take place, with "lion" coming from the sun in Leo. However, it is most potent on August 8, known to some as the galactic new year. Disclaimer: Astrology is not based in science. Let the journey towards caring for yourself begin now. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. "I look at the Lion's Gate (and Leo Season, in general) as a time to build up my stores of love, joy, and gratitude. With infinite love, light, and gratitude. Your email address will not be published. Within astrology, the fixed star Sirius is said to have the expansive qualities of the planet Jupiter and the drive to get those things done of the planet Mars hence a day for manifesting. In astrology, the eighth house is associated with sex, death and regeneration, serious and seriously scorpionic business. Set your phone's timer for eight minutes and allow yourself to clear your mind of any limiting thoughts (bonus points if you start your meditation at 8:08 a.m. or p.m.!). PS. Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called the Lions Gateway. '8/8 is also important in numerology since 8 is the symbol for infinity turned sideways and is associated with luck and good fortune,' Bex says. These posts are not intended to act as a directive. Astrologers consider this as an opportune day for manifestation, to concentrate on whatever you want to achieve in life. This makes it an opportunity to start manifesting what you want to call in. The portal is open between July 26 and August 12. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. When we look at another and judge their life choices, fool" is simply a label being used to confine people to boxes society feels most comfortable with. The lion's gate portal opens every year on August 8 when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all line up, numerologistKaitlyn Kaerhart previously explained to mbg. Receive Healing Light Blessings Alongside manifestation, it is an ideal time for meditation as we can harness the power of the portal and attune ourselves to its vibration. Its one of the most fortunate, important cards, she says, with the number eight positioned sideways at the top of the magicians head itself. Self-discovery is right around the corner, Leo. Budd adds that eight is connected with achievement, goals, and the intersection of the spiritual and physical dimensions, signified by the interlocking circles of "8," or the infinity symbol. Keep your heart open and make it a point to tune into the influx of higher frequency and Divine Love. During this time, we receive light code activations that awaken us and align us with our potential. Here's What To Know First, Based On My Experience. The date has a numerological significance The portal is "open" between July 26 and August 12. As the ancient Egyptians did, we can think of the Lions Gate as the beginning of a new year and likewise offer our reflections on the past and resolutions for the future. While meditation is always powerfully supportive. There are no words ~Alice, Just wondeful. No one is coming to save any of us in this lifetime. Lion's Gate Portal on 8/8 2022: Astro Numerologist reveals how to use this day to manifest your dream life The Lion's Gate Portal is an annual astrological event on August 8. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Your spirit will soar due to the fact that youre aligned with your truth. Her books, Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD's provide a direct link to the love, frequency & wisdom from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people around the world. Let fear, doubt, and uncertainty fall behind you stay focused on what you LOVE, boldly and confidently stepping forward into living more authentically in alignment with your Truth. During Lion's Gate Portal, we feel a rise in awareness. Plus, when turned sideways, 8 represents the symbol for infinity. "Do things that bring joy during and just before the Lion's Gate to open and expand your heart," Budd recommends. Solar energy is vital when it comes to the practice of manifestation, as it brings the creative power of the element of fire, she says. All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2023 & Melanie Beckler, Testimonials | Privacy Notice | Disclaimer | Terms of Use | Sitemap, {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"62516":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default Palette","value":{"colors":{"62516":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-0)"}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, The 8:8 Lions Gate Portal Activation 2022. You will receive this channeled meditation in both video and audio format so if you would like you can watch Melanie channel via video you will have that opportunity. Save any of us in this lifetime need to be one of the best times for manifestation, to... Could experience these gifts write or say your manifestation continuously until you believe in its power, the number looks! 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