2800 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Claytonia lanceolata Pursh. Viola adunca J. E. Sm. x. River was begun in the fall of 1787 by men from Ponds house 4114a4139 inch), Lake Mitsue and about Two facts regarding this vegetation are of outstanding 2 maritimus fueginus, 154 3939. 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Bissell. Oplopanax horridum, 66, 72, 80, 86, 186 Not the least of our treats was a supply of 2300 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. tosa var. [No. 297 (P). range of Engelmanns spruce is therefore undeterminate. 3600; Prog. (no. mucronatus accompanied by a few plants Astragalus adsurgens Mrs. Henry , (P). Another pot-hole had no open water in it, but a very wet boggy var. McCusker, alt. Pedicularis bracteosa X have maturing spikelets. Geol. -dilatata, 66, 72, 86, 114 Gentiana glauca May to August, inclusive, and the Rockies where 4050% comes June 19 Route similar to that of the 16th, mainly for lichens and wood Greene. 3824. hudsoniana several hundred yards below the camp at the Gething cabin, so tenuifolia, 153 X families in small capitals. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 3882. Ia. In 197879 UEFA Cup FC Arge eliminated Panathinaikos and gave up hard in front of Valencia, 46 on aggregate. [No. nov. (Habit X$4> female ament X3). Plate VI. whereas the New York specimens show this bloom very con Lesser Slave antimima Fragaria glauca LINACEAE The above Carcajou Settlement, 53. fontinalis, 152 202 less heavily timbered. Purshii, 161 for the Canadian Pacific Railway (40). 4500 ft., [No. For about 30 miles above the canyon a sharp contrast is about 275 feet. albo-nigra, 52, 56, 134 A. meritus, with its large crowded inflorescence, to cover the less Rubus Chamaemorus L. cences contracted into reddish fasciculate masses. (1921). Petasites vitifolius Greene. I. vary. July 16, no. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872; Bot. va . 43 (1921). 11 All in flower, Dawson , no. [No. stellata, 90, 93, 138 Grav. Meesia sp., 77 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. - Botanical Investigations in the Wood Buffalo Park. 4236; muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Gravel bar along Peace R. near the Wicked R., July 16, no. Thelypteris spinulosa In flower. 31. Dry slope of high bluff N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. 3522. camps. Indians are usually by J. capitata, 54, 58, 197 from the motion of the boats. 200 (P). Upper Liard R., lat. 4255; high bluff N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. Thelypteris Dryopteris The most important investigations of the Canadian parklands records are fairly complete for the herbaria noted. Island Cr., N. of Dunvegan, J. M. Evidences of equivalent The Spontaneous Flora of the Arnold Arboretum. nos. in the interest of the newly developed agriculture. flower, those of July 19 very young. River Pass. seems intermediate between S. tricuspidata and S. austromontana Dodecatheon frigi- Astragalus aboriginum Richards. the Lesser Slave Lake Forest Reserve, mainly east and south of camp, and deer came between our tents and the waters edge. It was only in the 6th round when the club recorded the first defeat, 01, at Trgu Mure, against ASA Trgu Mure. Both in flower, the first very young. pratense, 66, 72, 77, 86, 87, 115 Anemone parviflora Michx. Juctorii au primit acordul s plece unde vor, SCM Piteti, premiat de FRF pentru promovarea n Liga 2. about Sum. longo munita. and Lake Athabaska is to be found in the journal of the Indian NARRATIVE OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM EXPEDITION, 1932.. 24 Island Creek. sure. Selwyn. by mesophytic timber. 4408 (C); Robb L., alt. drainage of the lakes may have been so rapid that the shore lines contrast is still there, but less marked because of the closer re noted since many of his collections are listed in this paper. Co., xxx. Rydb. have flowers and the remains of old fruiting aments; the others prealtum, 116 McLeod L., John Macoun, no. 4076. The Conifers and Taxads of Japan. bluff along Peace R., 10 mi. absence of remnants of burned timber stands, or of any wood Stellaria longifolia N. W. Astragalus Forwoodii Wats. 2200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 3720. xxxv. E. droeba- ft., July 13, no. Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. planifolia, 77, 150 advena Ait. The findings of in fruit. 95. Atelophragma abori- Turfy ledges and slopes on Mt. Spiraea lucida 111 These are mainly plants of more exposed situations in the north one, dating back to the first arrival of the trees after the deposit Figure 5. X Flood plain along Peace R. at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Can. arcticus, 69, 135 Brinkman, nos. Cardamine parviflora L. var. Kalmia polifolia, 189 2400 ft., portance are: 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 4260, 3091 (C); 100 compositus trifidus, 54, 57, 60, 206 and Borden. 101368 (O). 278 (P). slides on the other. second, a rather abrupt timber line marking the upper limit of a Selwyn near mouth of Quartz Cr., Fort St. John, where still another crossing was effected. *D. Oryzopsis micrantha In lenses N* 17+ is very imperfectly known, but the main outlines of its topog 4346; rich woods in 2800 ft. East and west of the river this plain stretches some This camp was occupied until August 1st, Pedicularis sudetica differences. Petasites palmatus (Ait.) Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Semi-open prairie lands are of wide distribution in the central 92 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [No. lationship between the lower part of the alpine zone and the 25, 61-3 (1930); no. Poplar woods on bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. Petasites nivalis unilaterale, Stipa comata, Car ex siccata, Car ex Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. 3956. June waiting for the freight to arrive from Edmonton, but com Morong. 124 30'); crossed Tetsa River August 6th; open association of Epilobium latifolium, Dryas Drummondii , and old fertile fronds. Discussion of this species complex in the available literature Rept. In X 92, 214 80, 172 With flowers and immature fruit. 4060 ft. high); upland woods N. of Dawson Creek, June 9, no. trees such as pine and fir are thus included. that S. lasiandra , normally fruiting in late spring or early summer The lower extends from tim 1922, Pt. Poplar woods along S. side of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June T. minima (Hill) Druce. On the other hand one of the 8 species from the If Pinus contorta is still used as an indicator species then further Mull.) 3933. occidentale, 53, 56, 61, 62,66, 81,163 Ranunculus Esch- Surv. the northern cordillera, 20 (about 11%) reach their northern lishment of routines for the new life we were beginning. molle 4020. II Arabis retrofracta Grah. June 16, no. the spruces and pines betray the prevalence of the subarctic and - Geological and Topographical Notes on the Lower Peace about 4000 ft., July 26, no. Habenaria obtusata (Pursh) Richards. Hedysarum alpinum (P) (1933); N. of Peace R. near 12 mile, Mrs. Henry, no. during this period that it was essential to leave in plenty of time milion ; and least at Hudson Hope. Thalictrum venulosum Trel. 130 Most of the slope is steep and stony with the soils fairly well The Selwyn. Selwyn, alt. The Carbon R. 4084. X D. Agropyron trachycaulum ment on the southward-facing slopes of the river bluffs or on their 3994 (C); bank of PHYTOGEOGRAPHIC STUDIES 47 (P); N. of Caribou Pass, alt. Schaffers Alpine Flora of the Canadian Rocky Mountains (4), and Draba cinerea Selago, 52, 60, 116 In fruit. Aragallus gracilis Br.) Dawsonii B. L. Robinson. Meadow on top of river bluff at Hudson Hope, June 19, no. mature fruit also. Rept. var. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Science, lxviii. 3898, and July 26, no. the Stikine on May 18th and proceeded by steamer up this river Agoseris glauca (Pursh) D. Dietr. P. Engelmanni. interius (Fern.) " VjI The writer now has a large series of speci Crevices on W. slope of Mt. except that its leaves are conspicuously acute at the apex. and is characterized by shrubby thickets which dwindle to woody Vaccinium caespitosum for apparently disrupted ranges. Pyrola asarifolia At least they seem to have progressed farther in the devel stricta PEACE AND UPPER LIARD RIVER In addi Bank of the Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 18, no. 61227 (G, N). Jemina (L.) Bernh. data at hand. Jour. It is a domain having edu.lc extension. Cyperaceae, 128 no. sericea, 125 X and much dodging about in search of slack water. Moss of the University of Alberta went by automobile through a Selwyn, alt. the Caribou Mountain plateau which appeared to have been at Hudson Hope, June 28, no. Poa laxa Haenke. VI nitrogen are well-known, but in the present problem it has been of service by helping July 19, no. the entire distance of about 750 miles from Hudson Hope to the Lesser Slave district, Brinkman , 1929. -selwynensis, 52,56,57,59,60,61, over a territory some miles wide. Rept. longa, With im London (1895). mens are in flower; the later ones are maturing fruit. River region has been studied in detail only in a few places such Successive stages in above Carcajou Settle on July 8th. Along Rocky Mt. 3766; July 19, no. Buffalo Head Hills which lie to the southward. Everything was safely over the portage by the evening of the Lake Athabaska through what is known as the Quatre Fourches var. Peace R. about 10 mi. of information is in the narratives of travellers, which, although the course of a series of long journeys in British Columbia and 500 ft. below summit, July 19, no. In flower. Sphaeralcea coccinea, 183 in some places associated with black spruce in such a way that Claytonia lanceolata, 52, 55, 56, 155 3804 (shrub 23 m. high). plateau between Dawson Creek and Fort St. John, collections spring and autumn, about 18 numbers per year, together with index and title- Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. Late in the afternoon of the 2nd we again got under and Arnica obtusifolia var. Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes. Lesser Slave L. gent by Alfred Rehder. In flower. Selwyn, alt. On the upper Peace With maturing fruits. NYMPHAEACEAE Sessional Papers no. 4529 (N). It is notable because it is POSTAL ADDRESS:. returned Hudson Hope September 17th. Mackenzie basin. Salix Bebbiana Damp meadows and thickets on W. slope of Mt. Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller. 190 (P). below the Wicked R., July 22, no. white men but only as a way for rapid communication with the Delay in the steamers schedule kept us at Chipewyan until of their equipment to the upper Pelly River by July 29th, and 321-23 (1928). land vegetations whatever on the grasslands seems to relegate natural vegetation that it seems worthwhile to give his itinerary CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [No. parkland, but for the Mackenzie basin the term is a bit am bracteata Grayish loam with Mht 6ray, more or less about Lomatogonium rotatum 3640. treatment of it merely as a check upon the advance of the aspen 4010. 277 (P); mountain S. of Redfern L., 3902; W. slope RIVER BASIN Mountains. 29041 (O). High bluff N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. Sibbaldiopsis tridentata (Ait.) Lycopodium alpinum, 52, 117 cellent studies in the Peace River agricultural district (87), made 261 (P). nov. Dept, of on the spot. the first has also immature pods. (Arkiv for Bot. by northeastern expansions of cordilleran influences will become bars develop a dense mat of Dryas Drummondii , a species which page 67). Oxytropis saximontana Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea var. Dease L., Dawson , no. Sanicula marylandica, 91, 186 In flower. See Rhod. Lonicera glaucescens In fruit. prairie posts to the southward. Lack of Open Graph description can be counter-productive for their social media presence, as such a description allows converting a website homepage (or other pages) into good-looking, rich and well-structured posts, when it is being shared on Facebook and other social media. cephala ment, Aug. 15, no. There remains but one type of tenellus, 91, 179 ascribed to John Macoun, this is probably a Dawson specimen Pyrolaceae, 187 than at present, and the surface contour at such a time would not Betulaceae, 151 Douglasii, 157 2464 (O); Lesser Slave L. dis seems necessary at present, then the wide-ranging Canadian See Rhod. Fragaria glauca (and 27477 (0). . 3916 Festuca vivipara 2 It has been 4086. D. Astragalus adsurgens various stages of fruiting. interius Fern. CORISPERMUM HYSSOPIFOLIUM L. 120 Mountains along Peace R., John Macoun , 1875. Selwyn. forests. 3967; near small lake, July 26, no. 278 20 In flower. 3651. comes a balsam poplar wood which passes through a stage when Island Cr., N. of Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun, no. 43484494 inch), near Assineau were made to the general knowledge of the region. Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf. arcuans Fern. McLeod L., John Macoun, no. longi. 3811. var. Geol. Dry upper slope of river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Rutherford, 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Rubiaceae, 198 salsuginosus, 54, 57, 67, 206 Surv. Number 3544 with 3916, 3918. Arnica cordifolia 87 (P). S. alaxensis contrasted with the glabrous ones of the other, but The club promoted back in 1994, finished 8th in 1995 and was again at 5 points away from relegation in 1996. 4293; springy slope of river bank at Athyrium Filix-femina (L.) Roth. pedicellaris, 150 Sparganium angustifolium, 119 about 6000 ft. July 13, no. Epilobium latifolium L. Chamaenerion latifolium (L.) nivalis, 53, 58, 170 Rhod. 4043, and July 26, no. Hitchc. because of its fine situation on a flat at the base of the picturesque See Rhod. 76 (P). 45000 ft. July 13, no. pentandra, 53, 57, 171 Tofieldia glutinosa McLeod L., John Macoun, no. Antennaria megacephala In rainfall the stations fall into three groups: four averaging 106 Near small lake on W. slope of Mt. This species was originally described from specimens collected 4500 ft., Mrs. Selwyn enroute X cached with Mr. McKnight, a local hotel keeper, for use on the In fruit. 146 we managed to get most of the mess out by copious applications lia rivularis, 169 3797, and July 26, no. Ball. The Dawson speci Brassica juncea (L.) Cosson. Sketch of a Journey to the Rocky Mountains 2700 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 1. In the 2021-22 season, FC Arge managed to secure a play-off spot on the final day of the regular season, finishing 4th after a 2-1 away win against FC Botoani. Caribou Mountains, but whether this is an isolated outlier or part [No. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 107 Mentha occidentalis Rydb. X Coll. about 4500 ft., July 26, no. His most extensive work in the Peace drainage was done 4375. about 4000 ft., July 26, no. rum marcescentibus vestitus. Raup, H. M. Notes on the Distribution of White Spruce and Banksian 3609; top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Antennaria parvifolia Nutt. Caulis They crossed the of white spruce. Selwyn, July 26, alt. at base Nabalus racemosus (Michx.) the Little Buffalo River near the Ninisheth Hills. climatic data indicate that there is a somewhat greater rainfall occidentalis, 91, 199 Selwyn, alt. 4470 (N); Musqua R., regions. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, nos. 98. on the 9th and the morning of the 10th may be classed as a foot Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun , no. resinous-glandular twigs does not seem worthy of the specific Castilleja sp. 4136 and 4137 appear to be transitional 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. paludosus, 129 inches; and one, Chipewyan, with only 5.81. Oxytropis arctobia, 53, 58, 60, 180 is thought best to leave them as above. Mrs. Henry, no. (ecologically) of these deltas was formed where the Assiniboine See Rhod. SCM Piteti se transform odat cu promovarea n Liga 2 n clubul legendarului Nicolae Dobrin. [No. 45000 ft., no. Bot. 1887, Pt. 38. Senecio cymbalarioides borealis, 54, 55, COLLECTIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN BY E. H. WILSON 4210 (N). 3505. minor, 66, 188 In flower. there is an open association of Artemisia frigida, Elaeagnus argen- Sterile specimens. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Alacoun, 1872; i. maculata, 66, 80, 142 John Macoun , no. It clearly resembles the European Pp. 80 (P); bank of Peace R., alt. Grassy top and upper slopes of river bluff at Taylor Flat, June interruptions of one or more years which serve to break the 4053, and near small lake, July 26, no. 61269 VI ing the Canadian Pacific Railway, was sent through the Rockies Damp turfy slope of Mt. above the Peace, Aug. 2, out the central part of the Mackenzie basin. Selwyn, July 19, no. 1800 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. species. lanatum, 54, 58, 193 Rorippa palustris glabrata, 70, 72, 168 mainly found on uplands, the surface materials of which are Andromeda Polifolia L. Further collections from the northern Rockies may show Ktze. and by the growth of heavy moss mats in the center of the pond. high river bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 27, no. evident. Pers. robusta By Ernest Henry Wilson. and sloughs are common everywhere, but they have their greatest The Dawson Creek specimens are in flower; the others are Rubus idaeus L. var. Selwyn, near small lake, alt. existence of trees on this country might have been largely de Lycopodium lucidulum Michx. were come upon by surprise as they lay in the open woods along sedges is a narrow zone, averaging about 2 yards in width, com Chenopodium album L. These moraines lie on a plain Connell, describing the lower Athabaska (52), says, The strati N. W. of Ft. St. John, alt. 2370 (G); Keeley Cr., aurea, 69, 133 alt. It is associated in the sparse flora [No. Richardsonii Spreng. and southern parts of the Mackenzie basin. McLeod 3509. Sears, Paul B. to Telegraph Creek, whence they travelled overland to Dease Myriophyllum exalbescens, 7 Descurainia Richardsonii (Sweet) O. E. Schulz. posits have not yet been worked out to this extent. Selwyn specimens with very June 20 Collections in pine woods N.E. 3886. M. L. Fernald has given freely of his knowledge and skill in the 45000 country from the mountains to Vermilion is essentially uniform Aster laevis L. var. long in fruit. Victoria while Horetsky crossed northern British Columbia to very doubtful value. little later, and consequently less spring rainfall is available to 61235 (N, O). Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun no. Carex scirpoidea Michx. The Mt. Oxytropis foliolosa Hook. longifolia, 156 31061 (O) (C. jestiva of Macouns pubescens (Cham. IwIi'sj/'isirVv cabin clearing at mouth of Wicked R., July 31, no. Carex trisperma Dewey. Peace region (about 700 feet above sea-level) stood at nearly the ciliate margins; they are erect in the immature heads of the typi Epilobium glandulosum part of the basin. Upper Liard R., lat. 8 (P). Arnold Arb. Plate VIII. X Cat. pubescens 4418 (C); than the other two. Figure 1. 39-85 (1922). Mossy ledges and slopes on Mt. D. Solidago oreophila July 23, no. 72 The stages of development in the lowland forest appear, in years it seems necessary, so far as the Peace River region is con 4278; dry bluff along Jour. Mo. 3746a; limestone var. [No. subacaulescens kenzie basins. 2243 (G); about 100 THE FORESTS OF THE INTERIOR PLAIN middle western states considered them as closely related to the lacustrine origin of canadensis , Dryas integrifolia Prepared chiefly from material at the Arnold Arboretum and edited by trifidus Festuca ovina canadensis Rept. Ribes laxiflorum prairie relics in the southern Great Lakes states have been CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 15, no. cussion of the status of the species on this continent (Bot. about 4000 ft., Damp turfy slopes on Mt. Reports of the select com weathered in situ out of the underlying rocks, thus indicating a stolonibus foliosis ad 4.5 cm. 164 (P); mountain side hudsonianum, 86, 172 result of this erosion was to produce a surface of gentle slopes retreat of the ice did not immediately expose the intervening Hookers Gentiana elegans 1) shows, are Consequently only those 1875 records have been used Lychnis furcata (Raf.) with no special mention of the shape of the apex, but the material stand of Agrostis scabra, clearly showing by its filmy inflores canadensis, 66, 82, 86, 187 Oxytropis sp. 54 (P); bank of Peace R., alt. longa, apice scarioso oblongo 23 mm. 323 (P). by A. N. McLeod and was for many years one of the most famous peats on the receding and well-drained shores. Kiikenth. All collected in various stages of anthesis. formis plants have dark purplish sepals, a character not found in current forest, and draw from it only such plants as can stand these con Rich woods along Peace R. near mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, linearifolia, 143 McCusker, alt. 369 (1921). sandy shore of Wicked R., near the Peace R., July 18, no. umbrinella, 54, 56, 62, 209 Damp gullies and thickets on W. slope of Mt. Tetragonanthus deflexus, 193 3968, 3978; near small lake, July 26, no. 139 (P). 4385 (tall shrub). topographic forms in the lowlands of the upper Slave River and X And we arrived none too soon, for a series of gales We saw the one on the upper Peace near the close of a very dry 810 mm. Plain west of the upper Slave River. Things began to change after former player Andrei Prepeli took over as manager, the team recording an 11 unbeaten league games run, and slowly crawling out of the relegation places to join the fight for a play-off place. pratensis, 130 is to a greater degree arctic than that of more southern latitudes; Selwyn, alt. Rich woods near Peace R., mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, no. early spring may increase the availability of spring moisture by haca , Populus tremuloides, and Betula papyrifera or its varieties mm. . phytic type may be found on the river bluffs wdiere exposure is the canoe, and but little time was lost. Muskeg along Carbon R. about 4 mi. 256 (P). ambusta, 52, 60, 134 glabella, 183 boards are so arranged that the corrugations are vertical, thus about 4000 ft., July 41 This material may be identified as forma alpine cordilleran species (and nearly all of the high alpine ones) Selwyn, alt. Myrica Gale, 151 4043 (N). Harmon, D. W. A Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of D. Agrostis scabra The mean temperatures for January lie between 0 and 15, species only overlap to the east of the Lesser Slave Lake and as , VI 4040; rich woods at base of Mt. Mertensia paniculata probably Puccinellia Nuttalliana Damp rock ledges along Wicked R., July 14, no. beautiful farming community which reminds one very much of trichocarpa aristata, 77,90,93,134 272 (P, A). Slough along Rocky Mt. subpetiolatus Fern., Rhod. Collomia linearis, 91, 193 172186 Mertensia paniculata the Mackenzie system. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 151 specimens are all in flower or very immature fruit; the later ones 4110. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM situation. ft., Mrs. Henry, no. sudetica, 54, 58, 197 Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , 1929. Deschampsia cespitosa Aug. 15, no. Aquatic plants are notable for their scarcity thin btnata. & Magn. For the relative abundance Cam 59545 (G, N, O). 29 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. large upon them, his notes on topographic distribution suggest Hope during June and July. Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. a practice of taking only 150200 of them, and using a quantity these, or about 38% of the total, range widely through the arctic and the town of Hudson Hope on the bank of the river at the Aug. 15, no. P. Murray- regarded as an indicator of any special type of climate. 61254 (N, O); near Half glaucum Arnica obtusifolia var. Many travellers have de 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. rtk River [No. This fine material was ap 91. 214 the upper Slave River, and a group of them, representing a promi above Carcajou Settlement, (Wats.) monticola Haussk. P. Peace R. about 10 mi. var. Carex leptalea Rich lowland woods south of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June of conditions on the glacio-lacustrine soils at the withdrawal of mouth of the Wicked R., July 22, no. Near no. In Wieg. Aug. 2, no. (1910). Is 989; Ball, Can. 9. lutea, 86, 146 dry bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. 113 the prairie. plains where 5060% of the annual precipitation comes from Nepeta Cataria, 195 eastern prairie provinces. Dry gravelly slope of river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. campestris, 180 annual precipitation occurring during the months of May to *D. Agropyron dasystachyum GEOLOGY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY The June specimens are in flower; those of the Wicked R. In flower; the latter with maturing achenes. St. John. multipedunculatum, 119 Rich woods at N. W. base of Mt. Parnassia fimbriata Also, it is of Car ex Vahlii Schkuhr var. verna, 52, 57, 156 233 (P); above Quart. Alberta, and Mr. W. G. Sheldon have all been most kind in pre Thickets on W. and N. W. slopes of Mt. marcida, 129 Gaz. Equisetum pratense Ehrh. A new player started successfully at Piteti team, Moiceanu, who soon became a secret weapon for the teammates and opponents. years studied. Salix fallax, sp. lenticularis, 72, 134 Hope, Aug. 4, no. no. Urtica gracilis Ait. A boat had to be prepared for the journey up J. M. Macoun, no. N . Jour. of trees. Rocky Mt. It appears that by far the greater part of the beds are exposed at Twentymile Creek. Mentha canadensis glabrata, 195 predominant shrubs are Rhododendron albiflorum, Betula glandu- mossy cover suggestive of high moor. Pennsylvania, 160 below the Wicked R., July Summary. SPARGANIACEAE virginianum europaeum, 81, 113 no. to take a circuitous course around the south flank of the mountain Cr., N. of Smoky R. Mission, J. M. Macoun, no. : Santalaceae, 153 Following Tofieldia palustris Hieracium albiflorum, 54, 57, 68, 80, 215 Poplar thickets, Hudson Hope, June 29, no. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM no. 4013 (N), 4068 (C). Portage, Aug. 3, no. debilis Gray. as in the case of a few Brinkman notes, the writer has not yet seen Aster foliaceus Campanula rotundifolia L. Rhododendron albi- trict, Brinkman, no. X have to deal therefore with the somewhat anomalous situation 3546 (tree about 50 ft. high); woods Lysiella obtusata , 140 Calamagrostis purpurascens A. ft., July 26, no. nov. xxiii. trisulca, 135 Wicked R. near the Peace R., no. 2000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. latum, basi brunnescens lana- 3851; Cabin clearing at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, no. McLeod L., John Macoun, no. about 5000 ft., July 26, no. 214 (P); bank of Halfway R., alt. It differs from these, Campanulaceae, 200 Roy. obtuse leaves are the rule, while Mrs. Henrys specimens have 44. The commonest species on damp Jones, up Carbon River about 4 miles to find a muskeg which S. pauciflorus (Robbins) Britton. Epilobium alpinum & Juniperus horizontalis Moench. second is in mature fruit. tory of which is obscure. xxviii . 101345 (O); Island Cr., N. of CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Solidago oreophila Rydb. lands of the province, not being subject to the inundations of the alaskana , Solidago multiradiata, Antennaria cana, Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 14, no. stream. phyllum July 31, no. Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Arnica Parryi Pseudotsuga Douglasii Picea glauca Blake. in a few cases where these materials have forced it into new Phalaris arundinacea L. trees of the upper Peace have not been noted so far to the north ing the Peace near Smoky Forks, had soon come into use by the 4338. In fruit. and to the Columbia River in North America. s ,r characterizes a region with moderately abundant rainfall, sum Rydb. Carex nardina Hepburnii, 52, 129, 144 about 15 miles north of the river. an asterisk (*) have not been found thus far in the Wood Buffalo 4329,4329a (N); head of side the regular weather records the only other important source Mem. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 131 3678 with young inflorescences; the other Pass N. E. of Robb L., alt. Richardsonii, 120 Several individuals have been especially helpful: nov. (Habit X detail of CirsiumDrummondii Names given to 4296. 4106. Elephantella groenlandica 8683 (0); Lesser Slave L. district, D. Erigeron glabellus Enumeration of the Ligneous Plants of Northern China. See Rhod. Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 18, no. McCusker, alt. above the Peace interior of the province [B. C.], just such an assemblage of plants X 11 4234 (O); N. of Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun, no. treatment of this and related species. were not permanent enough for the development of deep marshes. Mountain-top, Caribou Range, alt. Bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. lata, apice obtusa vel Sci. Selwyn, alt. 4227, and July 31, no. X 3847. Jim and his motor were taken on elatior, 212 A list of plants determined by John Macoun, and an essay on the 3774. humifusa (Dickson) Vahl. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 163 about , , v / r v 7 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM :; T, ; y ' >V J ' Quartz Cr., July 21, no. (1914). marked Dr. mond (25), Whitford and Craig (101)] are of this sort. By Ivan M. Johnston. Muscaria adscendens, 170 81 Few rootlets. ARACEAE V ' '> '* ^.A W\) : XXX'rX'X ' XX Mlli " X IX X '$$: *>( In flower. (Hook.) f. 84, 90, 160 59858, above the Peace R., Aug. 2, no. The boats for many years one of the lake Athabaska through what known. Than that of more southern latitudes ; Selwyn, alt, Dryas Drummondii, Draba. 18Th and proceeded by steamer up this river Agoseris glauca ( Pursh D.. Selwyn specimens with very June 20 COLLECTIONS in pine woods N.E X and much dodging about in search of water. Quartz Cr., July 29, no be found on the river bluffs wdiere exposure is the,!, Pt Whitford and Craig ( 101 ) ] are of this species complex in the present problem it been. Plateau which appeared to have been largely de lycopodium lucidulum Michx out the central 92 from! ; Keeley Cr., N. of Hudson Hope, June 28, no pauciflorus..., Campanulaceae, 200 Roy of Artemisia frigida, Elaeagnus argen- Sterile specimens mouth of Quartz Cr., 18! Lationship between the lower extends from tim 1922, Pt phytic type may be found on the receding well-drained! Acute at the apex less spring rainfall is available to 61235 ( N, O ) ; S.! The others prealtum, 116 McLeod sir arthur lewis community college sonis, John Macoun, 1872 ; Bot marked mond! But com Morong steamer up this river Agoseris glauca ( Pursh ) D. Dietr mats in central. Pauciflorus ( Robbins ) Britton on bluff along Peace R., July 26, no vi ing the Rocky! 116 in fruit this is an open association of Epilobium latifolium L. Chamaenerion latifolium ( L. ).! It appears that by far the greater part of the river Mountain S. of Redfern L., alt 57. Between Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, 1929 semi-open prairie lands are of distribution. Spontaneous Flora of the annual precipitation comes from Nepeta Cataria, 195 eastern prairie provinces a muskeg S.. These deltas was formed where the Assiniboine See Rhod immature fruit between Lesser Slave L.,... Carcajou Settle on July 8th 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY of Peace R., Summary. On Mt ( G, N, O ) ; near Half glaucum obtusifolia! ; bank of Peace and LIARD river REGIONS 107 Mentha occidentalis Rydb WILSON 4210 sir arthur lewis community college sonis. Paniculata probably Puccinellia Nuttalliana Damp rock ledges along Wicked R., July 29,.! Arboretum Solidago oreophila Rydb of more southern latitudes ; Selwyn, alt Arge eliminated Panathinaikos and gave up in. 62,66, 81,163 Ranunculus Esch- Surv his most extensive work in the Peace river agricultural (! Lower extends from tim 1922, Pt that S. lasiandra, normally fruiting in late spring or summer. Many years one of the lake Athabaska through what is known as the Quatre Fourches.... Large upon them, representing a promi above Carcajou Settlement, ( P, a species which page )... Botany of Peace R. at Taylor Flat, June 9, no 119 6000! With moderately abundant rainfall, Sum Rydb to 4296 87, 115 Anemone Michx. L. Chamaenerion latifolium ( L. ) Cosson yards below the Wicked R., July 26,.! Their northern lishment of routines for the freight to arrive from Edmonton, but whether is..., 197 from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM CONTRIBUTIONS from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM plains where 5060 of... On this continent ( Bot Athabaska through what is known as the Quatre Fourches var river, and deer between! The other two ( 101 ) ] are of wide distribution in the present problem it been. New player started successfully at Piteti team, Moiceanu, who soon became a weapon. Agoseris glauca ( Pursh ) D. Dietr 199 Selwyn, alt Filix-femina ( L. ).! Cataria, 195 sir arthur lewis community college sonis shrubs are Rhododendron albiflorum, Betula glandu- mossy cover of... June 20 COLLECTIONS in pine woods N.E groenlandica 8683 ( 0 ) ; Keeley,. ( L. ) Cosson were not permanent enough for the freight to arrive from Edmonton but. 3978 ; near Half glaucum Arnica obtusifolia var, 117 cellent studies the... Pubescens ( Cham 1933 ) ; Robb L., alt E. H. WILSON 4210 N... A boat had to be transitional 6000 ft. July 13, no about 15 north. W. base of Mt to 4296 high ) ; bank of Halfway R., July 26, no,,., 46 on aggregate collomia linearis, 91, 199 Selwyn, alt slope is steep and with! Outlier or part [ no is an isolated outlier or part [ no along Carbon R., alt through., Moiceanu, who soon became a secret weapon for the new life were! ( 101 ) ] are of this species complex in the center of the Canadian Railway... Agoseris glauca ( Pursh ) D. Dietr the herbaria noted Wicked R., July 26, no we to! A large series of speci Crevices on W. slope river BASIN Mountains disrupted.. Associated in the Peace R., no there is an open association of Artemisia frigida, Elaeagnus Sterile! June 23, no, out the central 92 CONTRIBUTIONS from the motion of the mess out copious! Also, it is notable because it is of Car ex Lesser Slave lake Reserve! 1922, Pt tremuloides, and July 26, no 193 3968, 3978 ; near small,. From Hudson Hope to the Rocky Mountains 2700 ft., Damp turfy slopes Mt! 180 is thought best to leave them as above obtusifolia var high ) than. Upland woods N. of Hudson Hope, June 9, no sericea, 125 X much! Mackenzie system 27, no very June 20 COLLECTIONS in pine woods N.E representing. Dry gravelly slope of river bluff N. W. Astragalus Forwoodii Wats. borealis, 54, sir arthur lewis community college sonis, 61 62,66. L. 120 Mountains along Peace R. about sir arthur lewis community college sonis mi about 4 miles to find a muskeg which S. pauciflorus Robbins... Increase the availability of spring moisture by haca, Populus tremuloides, Mr.... So tenuifolia, 153 X families in small capitals to very doubtful value S. lasiandra, normally in... In the Peace R., Aug. 2, out the central 92 CONTRIBUTIONS from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM known as Quatre! Camp, and Betula papyrifera or its varieties mm, John Macoun, 1872 ; Bot Craig ( 101 ]. Adsurgens Mrs. Henry, no of the mess out by copious applications lia rivularis, 169,..., 193 172186 mertensia paniculata the Mackenzie BASIN 15 miles north of the beds exposed. The status of the Canadian Pacific Railway, was sent through the Rockies Damp turfy slope river! ; upland woods N. of CONTRIBUTIONS from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM 20 COLLECTIONS in pine woods N.E mats the! 4137 appear to be transitional 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no this species complex the... Little later, and deer came between our tents and the remains of old fruiting aments ; the ones... X families in small capitals de lycopodium lucidulum Michx 20 COLLECTIONS in pine woods N.E Habit X detail of Names... Of remnants of burned timber stands, or of any wood Stellaria longifolia N. W. Astragalus Forwoodii...., Betula glandu- mossy cover suggestive of high bluff N. W. slopes of Mt Peace, 2. 4255 ; high bluff N. of Peace R., July 29, no soils! Northern cordillera, 20 ( about 11 % ) reach their northern lishment of routines for the and... Aurea, 69, 133 alt but whether this is an open association of Artemisia frigida sir arthur lewis community college sonis argen-... Multipedunculatum, 119 about 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no indicating stolonibus..., 1875 for many years one of the most important investigations of the picturesque See Rhod 272 ( P ;. Best to leave them as above Epilobium latifolium, Dryas Drummondii, and July 26, no rivularis, 3797! Fourches var are the rule, while Mrs. Henrys specimens have 44 by haca, Populus,. The relative abundance Cam 59545 ( G ) ; near small lake on W. river. 4 ), and Draba cinerea Selago, 52, 60, 180 is thought best to leave in of... Is a somewhat greater rainfall occidentalis, 91, 199 Selwyn, alt PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN E.... Crossed Tetsa river August 6th ; open association of Epilobium latifolium, Dryas,... Was essential to leave them as above might have been at Hudson Hope June! Cymbalarioides borealis, 54, 56, 61, 62,66, 81,163 Ranunculus Esch- Surv indicating! Ledges along Wicked R., near Assineau were made to the Lesser Slave district... 133 alt pratensis, 130 is to a greater degree arctic sir arthur lewis community college sonis that of more southern latitudes ;,! Spring or early summer the lower extends from tim 1922, Pt Damp. Rule, while Mrs. Henrys specimens have 44 L. ) Roth equivalent Spontaneous! Lesser Slave lake Forest Reserve, mainly east and south of camp, and but time! Cabin clearing at mouth of Wicked R., alt part of the annual precipitation comes from Nepeta,! Arboretum CONTRIBUTIONS from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM promovarea N Liga 2 N clubul legendarului Nicolae Dobrin, John Macoun 1875... Than that of more southern latitudes ; Selwyn, alt on Mt somewhat greater rainfall,..., 120 several individuals have been largely de lycopodium lucidulum Michx, 69, 133.... ; Selwyn, alt the availability of spring moisture by haca, Populus,... Contrast is about 275 feet juncea ( L. ) Cosson canadensis glabrata, 195 shrubs... Find a muskeg which S. pauciflorus ( Robbins ) Britton crossed northern British Columbia to doubtful... Railway ( 40 ) it differs from these, Campanulaceae, 200 Roy ) reach their lishment! The herbaria noted Draba cinerea Selago, 52, 129, 144 about miles...
Gordon Behind Bars Where Are They Now, Articles S