On the other hand, if someone really hurts a Scorpio, they dont hesitate for a second to retaliate. You always have to watch their moods and be ready to react (or not react, as the case may be) when their moods change. While some zodiac signs can be a little uptight, there are some that really know how to enjoy their life and have as much fun as possible. When they do lose control, watch out! The craziest of all the zodiac signs is Aquarius. Click Here The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love. Absolute self-confidence, stubbornness and career orientation often drive Capricorns to psychosis. Simply put, Virgos do not like craziness. For example, they love the idea of routines but become hopelessly bored when trying to establish one. The craziness of Leo arises from their constant vying for attention. Mental instability is a negative trait of the Cancer sign, and this can make them likely to offend repeatedly. They enjoy the idea of routine, but they really can't stand the reality of routine. They stand firmly on the ground and are quite put-together. By Zaneta Cheng. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of sudden shock and upheaval. Pisces are loving, not belligerent, and they rarely show their crazy side. Taurus isnt such a crazy sign, since letting go and enjoying a fun time doesnt come naturally to them. Do you agree? They are proud of the mistakes theyve made in the past because they know that its all a part of life. They are often seen as liars, and they will stop at nothing to manipulate others into doing what they want. The scales represent Libra, which makes sense, seeing as how Libra people are so balanced and even-tempered. But at the peak of the party Sagittarius can leave the general fun to realize a new idea or go in search of unexplored sensations. Take that hand, and it's like signing a contract for more insanity to come. You are friendly and sociable, but mysterious and sometimes cryptic when expressing themselves. In fact, it is just the opposite. Conversely, when your sun and moon are in signs with very different natures, a great deal of internal tension is likely. Sure. Their mind gets fixated on something, and their obsessive thinking makes them lose sight of reason (Scorpio is a water sign, after all). Aquarius is always taking the path least traveled. This crazy fireball of a sign comes in at number three primarily because of their impulsive nature. "The most surprising thing about this list is that . When they do occur, they are related to their impulsive and passionate side. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications. If you want to know how all of the Zodiac signs compare to one another regarding craziness, keep reading and enjoy this valuable information.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'myastrosecrets_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-myastrosecrets_com-medrectangle-4-0'); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'myastrosecrets_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-myastrosecrets_com-banner-1-0');When it comes to who is the craziest Zodiac sign, we believe theres no competition: Its Gemini. A Taurus will often dig their heels in even if it doesnt make sense to prove their point, to the detriment of all involved. They love letting their hair down and having loads of fun. For a deeper analysis, always look for an Libra. The funny thing is, once the tantrum is over, Aries goes right back to normal and can't seem to understand why others may still be upset over their actions. Here are the dumbest zodiac signs, based on what astrologers have to say. Earth signs are considered conservative, realistic, and "down-to-earth." Patience is what gets them ahead in life, because they understand the importance of building up personal or professional goals over . Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. They get away on that "nice" personality, but always, people get that beneath that mask there's a liar who doesn't want to be found out. But there's also an underlying sense of pettiness. Here are the most dangerous zodiac signs, ranked from the least dangerous to the most. They are more often than not the voice of reason, seeing things from all perspectives. And their crazy-making behavior isn't the coy, dribbling "I'm such a cutie" kind of crazy we're talking about egomaniacal, self-centered, over the top inconsiderate "crazy. Once they have an idea in their head, Scorpio is not going to let it go, no matter what. Geminis never-ending internal battle between emotions and intellect makes them one of the craziest zodiac signs. When they start to feel like nothing is going right, we often see them lose it. They prefer to stay well within their own comfort zones, for most of the time. 11. Otherwise youll get to know the unbalanced character of the fiery friendSagittarians are known for their inadequacy and are always the first to attack. The rage displayed by Aries is unlike that of most of the signs. Crazy is their middle name. They will often try to bring in accomplices and up the ante when it comes to being crazy to be the center of attention. Then, Pisces completely loses their mind. Lets find out how crazy your zodiac sign is. In a moment, they . Scorpio: October 24 to November 22. Crazy traits would be good to use in extreme sports, like rock climbing. They have no problem wearing pajamas to a formal event and don't care if others think they are crazy. Some are born this way, and others just nurture their bad habits. Libras may even allow themselves to be mean, for example, spread gossip. People born under this sign tend to be quite down-to-earth and practical. Read on to learn all about the Cancer sign, including key Cancer traits, how Crabs behave in different kinds . Do you have some intense energy? If theres one trait Cap has that seems crazy, its how consumed they are with achieving. This is especially true when it comes to the emotion of jealousy. And just like the kindest zodiac signs, theres more to it than just a list. Some zodiac signs hide it better than others, some are proud of it and some are totally deprived of craziness. Aries is highly compulsive and absolutely despises being bored. Thus, their primary desire is for individuation, differentiation, originality, and defiance . They actually believe that theyre always a victim of circumstance, and that is why they deserve first place on our list of the craziest zodiac signs. Libra will never hesitate to show their crazy side, making them one of the most tactless of the zodiac signs. This isnt something they feel comfortable with. Out of all the star signs, they are arrested the most. Taurus will not even listen to convincing arguments about the inadequacy of the chosen path. In this . If they are angry, everyone around them will know it, and nothing will be safe. Cancers emotionality and deep moodiness is, of course, their craziest attribute. They will gladly brag about stupid things they have done and then continue repeatedly doing these same stupid things. Second on our list is Gemini, the sign of the twins. Capricorn is really something special. Pisces are a bit cowardly, so outbursts of emotion scare them, as well as uncommon actions. Libras never want to disturb the balance and/or squabble, they prefer seamless diplomacy. 12. You expect a whole bunch of niceties that, once you get to know them, never really stick. Besides all that, why not also read our scariest zodiac signs? If you have, you know that they sting right back, so you dont need me to tell you why they are the craziest zodiac. Those born under this sign know how to have a good time, and they can be very wild and crazy (in a fun way). Copyright 2023 Subconscious Servant. If Aries gets mad, dont leave anything valuable in their sight. They tend to be a little uptight and even thin-skinned, which is why they rarely, if ever, act crazy. This is a very rebellious sign, ruled by Uranus, which is all about the shock factor. But, there is a storm brewing, and no one knows when that storm will hit full force. Leos can be lunatics and they love drama. However, sources tell Mail on Sunday that there has been a turnaround, and she will be known as Queen after all. 1. Of course, life isnt perfect and nothing ever goes as planned and so Virgos short temper is bound to the surface. While there are some signs that are deemed too crazy, Capricorns could use a little bit more craziness in their lives once in a while. According to Lauren, the most shocking thing about the list was one zodiac sign that wasn't on it - but she added an interesting theory. They also over-communicate with people which sometimes may create a problem. RELATED: Who Is A Leo Soulmate? On the other hand, there are few signs that are more fun-loving than Gemini. Theyre perfectionists and have countless preconceived notions about how everything should be. What Zodiac Zodiac Signs Are The Craziest? If your supervisor is a representative of this sign, dont expect any indulgences. Libra lies. Are you surprised to see Aquarius first on this list? Jealousy owns the mind of these people completely and therefore pushes them to the most reckless actions. Get all the best . It may seem shocking, but these people are the craziest zodiac signs as per astrology. If youre a Cancer, however, dont worry because you have a lot of other attributes that people love! They go back and forth, weighing all their options a million times, considering all sides. This makes having a Gemini in your life very challenging. Besides our sun sign we also have a moon sign. Raging Bulls: Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Martha Beck, Albert Fish, H.H. Truth be told, Capricorns can be pretty snobby. All Rights Reserved. They are usually cool, calm and organized. It is because of their propensity for lying. How about discovering the passion for each sign of the Zodiac? And in general, free-spirited people tend to be perceived as a little crazy. Beware of pointing out Leos flaws. They can be really good, but make them feel used or unappreciated, and youll see how nasty they can be. Have you ever hurt a Scorpio? Chatty and light-hearted, Gemini's are always eager to find new ways to experience mental stimulation regardless of what it takes. ", Whether these signs are intentionally destructive, or whether they just can't help it, they are the person in everyone's lives that eventually start to become known as the "downer," the "party pooper," and the "giver of unwanted advice. Simply put, Virgos do not like craziness. They can usually go to nearby bars attempting to be obnoxious and drunk. Leos love rubbing others in an incorrect manner. Pisces are very emotional, and they are daydreamers who you would expect to act crazy, but they usually dont. The 5 Most Energetic Zodiac Signs Astrology has infused each one of these five zodiac signs with energy. They are free-spirited, reckless, and impulsive, as well as that theyre really good at improvising, and once you get to know them, their crazy side will be what youll love most about them. With Libra, its more likely theyll drive everyone around them crazy with their inability to make a decision. Calculate everything to the smallest detail and pull such a stunt that even crazy Gemini will be surprised. They dont want to fight with anyone because they believe that a sincere conversation is always the better choice, and that it can solve any problems. The trick is to learn how to control that craziness so it doesn't affect your life negatively. Sometimes, their sanity may be questioned, but those are very rare occasions. Related: 5 Aquarius Spirit Animals that Perfectly Represent the Sign. Down-to-earth Capricorn is over-the-top practical and can be perceived as overly serious, boring, and actually in need of a bit more craziness in their life. Start here and enjoy the journey! Virgo, on the other hand, is sensible, intelligent, critical. Represented by the scales, Libra loves to be liked by everyone they meet. Theyre a little out there. If there is one thing that can be said about most Leos, it's that they love to have fun. Cancers show up lower on this list, mainly because they are creatures of comfort. Acting crazy when theyre irritated is what Virgo is extremely good at. Aquarians are very crazy and even proud of it! Second on our list is Gemini, the sign of the twins. The second is the snake, which represents cunning and wisdom. The Sagittarius person will do just about anything for attention, no matter how crazy it may seem to others. Youre going to find out soon. Theyre passionate and continuously broadcast that trademark dramatic flair. The reason for this is that Scorpio is often very insecure. RELATED:The Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs In Astrology Ranked. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. They are often very serious, and fun simply isnt their thing. Being a little crazy is something we all need if we want to survive this thing called life. The dude was allergic to keeping a low . They love to talk, ask questions, and debate with you, but their behavior can devolve into madness in a split second. It is about representatives of this sign they say still water runs deep. Cancer can demonstrate sudden change of mood, when they are capable of the most incredible things. Theyre the first in the Zodiac, after all. Because this sign tends to justify their crazy side, it doesn't calm down with maturity. 07 /13 Capricorn. They aren't the sanest of signs and rank high on the crazy meter. Obviously we all knew that Scorpios were going to come in as the most crazy exes. Aries is always a ticking bomb, and you need to be careful because this bomb could create a huge explosion at any second. The poisonous flames of a jealous rage can quickly push Scorpio to take the most reckless option available. Your email address will not be published. Virgos are perfectionists, and they know how things should look, or at least how they should look in their opinion. The type of energy sign has varies, from physical, to mental, to conversational and so on. Based on various astrological studies and opinions, the following ranking of the craziest people by their zodiac sign has been prepared. Impulsive, impatient, competitive, hell-bent, dominant and unpredictable are only half of what Leo is and thats more than enough. See additional information. Theyll get over it in a few minutes while youre still fuming inside. This is when others get to see a whole new level of crazy. This is enough to place them in the number 8 spot on this list. The militant Aries will devastate you. If they do, then those are the words that are carefully calculated for optimum effect. Thats when their crazy side truly comes out to play. The honorable third place among the craziest zodiac signs Aries is awarded for their tendency to extremes, action, fantastic persistence and courage. Rather than being crazy themselves, Libra people tend to drive others crazy because it takes them forever to decide on pretty much anything. He has a passion for learning about topics such as spirituality and the metaphysical world. Most Leos have a big ego that bruises easily. They have little self-control when angry and will wreck the first thing they see, making them one of the craziest zodiac signs. RELATED: Who Is A Gemini Soulmate? Everyone needs to be a little bit crazy in order to keep from going insane. A Libran is a free spirit, and their personality is energetic and playful. Then, suddenly, after you're gutted and laying there in the gutter of a rotten city street at midnight, they'll notice you need help. Let's get started. Truth be told, they are all crazy in their own unique way, but we have managed to create a definitive ranking of the craziest zodiac signs. Sagittarians know how to live wild and free. "There's a view in the Palace that Queen Consort is cumbersome and it might be simpler for Camilla to be known just as the Queen when the time is right," the sources say. The best architect of air castles, a mad professor looking centuries aheadthis is how Aquarius is briefly characterized. Aquarius is obnoxious to the point of sheer insanity, and their crazy is only upped by their ability to annoy. Any indulgences when they start to feel like nothing is going right, we often see them Lose.... Creatures of comfort when they are often seen as liars, and fun simply isnt thing... Debate with you, but their behavior can devolve into madness in a minutes. Sanest of signs and rank high on the other hand, and you need to a! 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