Google "Operation Safe Pilot." In a blatant violation of the privacy act of 1974 as amended, the FAA, DOT Inspector General, and SSA Inspector General, conducted an illegal database match looking for common personally identifying information (names and/or social security numbers) in the FAA medical certificate database and the SSA Title 2 and Title 16 disability databases of 45,000 Northern . Age is only a number. Told the truth, The FAA took my license. should not fly. If you are a student looking to get your first medical certificate issued, or a pilot who needs to renew your license, the same principles apply. FAA gets told one version of the story. 2. It is a scam, a make-work project for administrators, and btw, doctors who make a practice of the bulk of business, which is 3rd class. Im sorry to hear about your bad experience. Theres also the issue of things that a doctor may speculate on that they have no training or qualifications to formally diagnose. I was better off lying. You get caught lying on a medical, they'll do a lot more than just bust your balls. While a diabetic can develop hypoglycemic coma, a cardiac patient faint from an arrhythmia, or a patient become mentally impaired from an excessive dose of a medication, the real world evidence does not support that such incidences are common enough to recommend banning driving by those with such medical conditions. Ive been fighting to get my 3rd class for 10 years and now I think Im close to getting a special issuance. Im no danger to anyone because I dont particularly like myself. Experts offer these tips: When he isn't flying, Paul Engstrom writes and edits from Sebastopol, Calif. No, most pilots have few issues. Seek help, get punished? The FAA will catch the application when it comes across due to the flags. Yet there is no medical requirement for any of these. His first action was to pull out a form with three columns of Have you ever? items each requiring a yes/no response. what tests you need, when you need to take these tests, etc) to satisfy the FAA that youre good to go. Why do we have a federal bureaucracy policing such a low number of casualties? Taint worth messing up folks. Unfortunate as those events are, they do NOT cause accidents. In our experience, only a small minority of pilots actually try to maliciously conceal significant active medical problems. Im older now and have some typical late 40s health issues. Certification of employees to preform tasks, medical and eye examinations are normal in the Aerospace industry. The 8500-8 of necessity must be brief and it is very difficult to get authorization to change it. If they say that you have a condition that requires you to be grounded, then fill out an 8500-8 medical form. Thus the FAAs excessive emphasis, on the potential hazards of medical conditions and medications, serves only to reinforce its own bureaucratic authority. I found their reaction to my sleep apnea to be too late, ineffective, and over reacting. I completely agree with you. The rules here have not changed, but the enforcement will now result in a 30 day ban from APC for violations. It's better to try to resolve a condition first than to risk having your application rejected or delayed for months by the FAA. They were like so we dont think you ever had it Passed tests with flying colors. Emmons wait until you have an episode of situational hypertension or have to see a marriage counselor. Do You Need A PHD To Be A Medical Scientist? FAA Disqualifying Conditions: Bipolar Disorder. I was even showing a bit of talent for it and progressing very nicely towards my private pilot certificate. In reality, all pilots (no matter what their license) self-certify their fitness to fly every time they fly. I lost some respect for FAA there. Im OK now, sleep with a CPAP machine. If you are currently taking any of these medications or other type of stimulant, expect your Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) to defer your application and ultimately for the FAA to deny your application until the medication is discontinued (and potentially for at least 90 days thereafter). I have thought about going Sport Pilot but if I am not healthy enough to pass tests for a 3rd class physical I am not healthy enough to fly sport pilot. It only came after I got out of the loop and had the hospital send the info straight to OK. You know how we all type up our medical records now, at least they think so. Those are hard to fake. To self certify? Im sorry to hear that. What makes an airplane as a machine so different. 3. The standards are too strict and the FAA bases thier decisions (especially on medication) on generalizaitons instead of listening to the pilots and doctors. I wanted to go to the interview with the certificate already in hand so I could have a slight edge. 2years ago my nephew a commercial flight captain had an in flight blackout he has been seen by several neurological specialists who can find nothing wrong but he has been told he cannot fly commercially until he has been clear for ten years is this correct and is there anything he can do. It is also very much a question of freedom. Consider the following tabulations on the number of deaths per year in various activities: Motorcycle deaths 4500 A quick examination of the many truthful and honest individuals that are truthful during their AME exams and are no barred from ever becoming a pilot! will most definitely warrant deferral by the AME and evaluation of your eligibility for a medical certificate by the FAA. Also, I had had an episode 12 years ago (you know the thing, have you ever in your life. that I listed on that attachment and it hasnt been an issue since. The responsibility for a safe flight in my aircraft is mine not the AMES, and most certainly not the FAAs. The same diseases that the FAA uses to ground pilots should restrict driving. With a small investment of time and energy, in the beginning, it is possible to keep flying with most medical conditions as long as they are well controlled. I can understand, in the last 5 years, but most of my things are now 20 years old and I still have to report them-no change. Special Issuance hoop jumping is expensive. They are really convincing and will definitely work. The FAA Cannot possibly know all the doctors or hospitals you have ever been to unless you tell them. Address: PO Box 11 West Liberty, KY 41472, Email: |, Office Hours: Mon - Thu, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Eastern Time Zone)Fri, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Eastern Time Zone)Messages left for attorneys after these business hours will be addressed the following business day, during business hours, The Ison Law Firm offers FAA defense nationwide from our offices in Florida and Kentucky, Lakeland Web Design by BrightSky Web Design, Messages left for attorneys after these business hours will be addressed the following business day, during business hours,, Assessment for Sleep Apnea During Your FAA Medical, FAA Medical Certificate and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. That resulted in the rejection of my 2010 medical! Thats if they even decide to give you a medical waiver. For instance, in the Minnesota test I have written that I dont like snakes and I was denied the 1st class medical because they thought I have a nevrotic personality. If you fly only pilot with family and friends, your Medical certification, whether with the AME/FAA or flight-to-flight, is about them. Unfortunately, this can result in some pilots opting to lie on their medical. You are assumed to be lying. During an FAA medical, a urine test will take place that checks sugars and protein levels. I hope you realize a world that had perfect safety would be one not worth living in. Most major airlines are in negotiations at this time, and many are contentious. The FAA has panels of civilian medical experts for each speciality who meet regularly to review the FAA medical regulations and recommend changes based on new research. I can see a medical for commercial operators, just like Bus drivers, but that is all. They have been instrumental in getting my medical back these last three years. Period. Gradually, our freedoms are being taken away by government regulatory entities. If you think your AME charges too much, find someone else. He landed safely, but it was his last flight. There are are more decisions that have to be made while driving than flying. The states set the standards for driver licenses and the Feds set the standards for pilot medical certificates and pilot certificates. As you say does nothing to hinder my ability to fly a plane in anyway, but the FAA says is not allowed, SO. In our opinion, and even for a moment disregarding the morality of lying and putting yourself, your passengers, and anyone elses safety at risk, it simply isnt worth lying despite the low chances of getting caught. I was told at a young age I could not fly with one eye, but latter in life I found out I could with a medical waver. Like everything els not all AMEs are created equally. No legal issue or problem is too small or too large for The Ison Law Firm. Oh yeah did I mention that I live in an isolated community and that the next mediocre doc is a good four hour drive away? Willy post had only one eye should he have been grounded.??? We display medical information based on FAAs Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) medical records. Id probably be in better shape if I *wasnt* a pilot since Id feel free to take advantage of those things, whereas now theyre just traps, ways to lose the ability to fly. John is a Certified Flight Instructor, who for the past decade, has worked at flight schools teaching students of all ages how to fly and takes enormous pride and satisfaction seeing his students become licensed pilots. After 30 years without a problem, one would think the risk of incapacitation is no greater than the general pilot population flying on a normal class III medical. Gee I wonder how many Pilots become depressed because of the hasseles from the FAA. As a pilot since 1953, and now a retired vascular surgeon who still flies, I have wondered for years if there is any evidence that pilot physical exams save lives. Im not a Senior AME, Ive only been one for a year. Two years later fifty percent of the same Medical Board had differences of opinion, and being naturally frustrated I decided to visit UK, and was told by specialists there that systolic heart murmur does not prevent me from flying. My ex hubby did it yearly. The Aerospace Medical Certification Subsystem (AMCS) has been enhanced to provide the capability to print Airman Medical or Airman Medical and Student Pilot Certificates. So, easing up on the medical requirements would be based on real world situations. I am not sure whether the doctors are always correct or what specifically they are looking for to justify one pilot is medically fit while another is unfit. Another friend had accompanied me to this testing and he sat across the table from me so that he could see the doctors actions. My wife bought me some flight lessons for my birthday. No, get a different one. I served 6 years with the U.S. Secret Service, protecting POTUS and his family. This is because you know you have a condition that would disqualify you if you did apply for a Third Class medical. None of the above activities has any significant medical requirement. You can be a Sport Pilot if you have never had your FAA medical denied. How do we know that health issues rarely cause flying accidents? There is no rule to disclose insulin dependence for a drivers license and a drivers license, not a medical certificate, is all that is required to fly as a sport pilot. :-) However, since I do really like flying, it does make one avoid looking too hard for problems. Never happens! That is an entirely different responsibility that warrants a real physical exam. Medicine is too concerned with dealing with mental health like a physical disease now you have it and POOF now you dont. If the FAA finds out that you failed to disclose something that you should have disclosed, not only does it mean that you can lose your license, but you may also face a hefty fine or even criminal prosecution. I also feel that anyone flying not-for-hire who can truthfully answer no to all the medical questions should be allowed to submit that form directly to the FAA and maintain his medical without needing to see his AME. dangerous individuals about whom one reads in the news at 10. This is just as important an issue as the proverbial get homeitis.. I was not asked or tested for alertness. As for lying on the medical form, lies can be undiscovered for a lifetime of flying, but if there is an incident or accident, the FAA and/or NTSB will dredge up every doctor visit, medication, hospitalization they can. One just hopes that the untruths are regarding minor medical issues they feel will disqualify them that wont compromise their safety as well as all others around them. Port St. Lucie, FL 34988 There are about 450-500 fatalities per year in all of GA. Water under the bridge now 19 years later. What a great time you both will have. I can tell you from experience that once the AME releases their pronouncement, nothing else occurs. your PIC in the Cockpit might have the most serious medical condition, but will never no it thats why the federal government made the HIPPA law. You tell me how can a lighting designer be daltonic? I did years later and got totally cleared. Are you serious? Thank you for allowing me to share. If you have determined that you are not healthy enough to fly sport, then you have done exactly what the Sport program is intended to do; leave the decision to the pilot. People who are actually depressed long term are not really at risk of doing things like this if they were, they wouldnt be here to start with. The flight surgeon is not my friend. From a practical standpoint, it makes the most sense. The problem is cured now; they should be concerned when the problem exists not after the fact. I never have believed a medical for a private pilot operating his own aircraft has any validity. A separate authorization request is required for each record released to any third party (physician, insurance company, employer, etc.). First, if youve not taken a disqualifying medication for greater than 90 days, you can potentially argue to the FAA that your underlying diagnosis was not accurate to begin with. Question 19 speaks to visits to healthcare professionals within the last 3 years. If on this question, an applicant identifies that he or she has been to see his or her doctor for treatment of ADHD, this will likely warrant deferral. The absurdity of these medicals resides in the tiny number of casualties from medical incapacitation, compared to most other activities requiring no medical. I know a pilot who lost enough weight for his sleep apnea to disappear. I truly believe that if we allowed a 3rd class medical on only a drivers license we would be just as safe as we are today; and pilots would be in even better health because they would feel free to see their doctor again. Period. Sorry, screwing around with Oklahoma City since May 2011 (not 2010). Pedestrian deaths 5300 Obviously, many do. @Brian B. The FAA is hopelessly stuck in the stone age, especially in the Aeromedical division. John is a Certified Flight Instructor, who for the past decade, has worked at flight schools teaching students of all ages how to fly and takes enormous pride and satisfaction seeing his students become licensed pilots. Comparatively, what I take is barely more than a prescription grade Imodium AD. There are too many who are afraid of liability. You can ask the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute for statistics on fatalities in which medical conditions were either the direct cause or a contributing factor. There are two schools of thought on this issue: 'If you wanna fly, you gotta lie' versus 'honesty is always the best policy.' Where is the limit to government infringement? That would translate into 45-50 deaths a year. The FAA medical process makes it nearly impossible to comply with completely. Flying brought some much needed joy back into my life. The AME guide expands on that question to unexplained unconsciousness. The AME Guide is available to all pilots on the FAA website. I really want to fly but Im not sure my passion, not to mention my wallet, will be enough to get me through this process. most reputable and up-to-date sources, which are also cited in the text. Like driving big trucks and boats have no such pseudo-medical crap. The FAA has created an atmosphere that not only encourages problems to go unchecked and unreported, but actually makes some of those problems worse by discouraging pilots from addressing them, instead allowing them to fester. Such law, whether it be the Prohibition of Alcohol, a tea tax or 3rd class medical requirements, will be seen only as an assault upon the freedom of those governed, designed solely to enhance the authority of its issuing agency through intimidation. If you submit something on your MedXPresss application that does not agree with previous applications, that can trigger an in-depth review, Your AME can defer your application for any reason that will most like result in further information requests, The FAA could request information based on the results of your driving record search, For military veterans, disagreement between your MedXPress application and your VA disability ratings often earns a letter from the FAA. I dont think the FAA realizes that pilots arent average human beings. It explains a lot of stuff that seems ridiculous, like have you ever been unconscious. The FAA medical certification process starts when you fill out an electronic application in MedXPress. Lesson learned here is that not all Air Physicians are the same when it comes to evaluating pilots. If you are stupid and want to wait months for a medical waiver. If I have a bad cold, or whatever, I will DQ myself for flight, even if such action results in a profound economic penalty for me even though I have a valid First Class Medical. If you didnt say yes then you lied. So why are private pilots singled out for this rediculous harrassment ? Multiple assaults or domestic convictions might indicate some psychiatric disturbance that requires looking into. If pilots routinely lie, but its never a safety issue Ignorance is, therefore, no excuse for not disclosing one of the following conditions: Due to the self-reporting nature, the chances of getting caught lying on an FAA medical arent very high. It came to a point that he was landing one night at a major airport, and on descent he realized that he couldnt see the runway. There are about 450-500 deaths per year in ALL of general aviation. Yet, until recently, the FAA wouldnt allow any pilot to be treated with an SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) a medication with an excellent safety record concerning accidents. whether, in their life, have they been diagnosed with, had, or presently have a history of ADHD.,, COPYRIGHT 2011-2023, SPORTSMAN'S MARKET, INC. All Rights Reserved. Both have risks. People who are depressed are not all suicidal/homicidal freak shows hell bent on causing death and destruction to the world. Having spent over 10k learning to fly I was advised at my medical I had LBBB. Does A Surgical Mask Help Avoid COVID-19? I had a friend that sold very pricey aircraft (demonstration pilot) that was colorblind. What does this mean? Please remember, he has a liability also. I avoid medical intervention like the plague. Auto correct makes illiterates of us all. A good AME will grease the skids for you, but dont expect the AME to overlook a problem. Find a Senior AME in your area, call and ask to speak to the AME about your problem. Take two people, with same medical condition, one who has been denied previously and the other who has not. Nope, they requested an entirely new one. Counseling, HTN, whatever. If you have any concerns about your next FAA flight physical. I take my family on flights in my aircraft and there is no way I am going to put them at risk. Such disorders might be genetic. But, sooner or later, most pilots will develop a medical condition that they cannot hide. Some of us just have problems in our lives that are difficult to deal with. My new AME, (old one finally retired,) is a pilot, as is his wife, the office manager and head nurse. No, I have never lied on the medical application because I understood the ramifications in the event of an accident. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. For what do you have special issuance? The questionaire is so impossible to answer honestly because it uses the word ever. If you cannot read the serial number plate on the airplane that just flew by you then you should not be allowed to fly. What are the chances you will get caught? I can only speak from my personal experience as a pilot with a special issuance medical. At medical renewal you give a different date for same previously reported event. AMCD will consider much more than the information you submitted in MedXPress and your AMEs exam findings. It sure would eliminate a lot of phone calls and digging through files for me. KL, I just left the Marine Corps and want nothing more than to begin my flight training, but I still cant help but wonder about the outcome, especially after all I have read on this thread. Have tried the polite calling routine, found they will lie to you, one time the lady told me my SI was approved & mailed 2 days prior, when I finally got it 3 weeks later the post mark date proved they had lied. I had the whole Combined Medical Board (CMB) certifying that I had systolic heart murmur that justified them to ground me from Air Force flying. Now I am only minutes away from completing my first flight medical form without any worries! 13. I think that increasing the value of a worn out C150 to about $100K (which would happen the day they were included in the category) would take most of the trainer fleet out of circulation and the already paultry number of students would dry up completely. Look at that, all 4 of them had a diagnosis from the VA. More than anything, this should be pressing the FAA to adjust how they look at mental illness and flying. Make no mistake,I have no problem with after finding an issue,we get it taken care of. Gordon, I got my license back about 10 years ago. Would the FAA prefer people to auger in because they are depressed rather than get a medication. Please don't sabotage your own union's efforts on your behalf. Irs Data Book, 2020. chances of getting caught lying on faa medical one of the medications used treat! I am 55. Politicians create government agencies empowered to rule by edict. You can be fined up to $250,000 and jailed for five years for lying to the federal government. Lot more than the information you submitted in MedXPress and your AMEs exam findings //, https: // COPYRIGHT. They were like so we dont think the FAA website, 2020. chances of getting caught lying FAA... This can result in some pilots opting to lie on their medical 10... Per year in all of general aviation a 30 day ban from APC violations... Like have you ever been to unless you tell me how can a lighting designer be daltonic based. I think im close to getting a special issuance next FAA flight physical,! 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